in reply to Re: Why isn't ->can() curried?
in thread Why isn't ->can() curried?

You wouldn't. But then I think it'd be pretty daft to call a method as a function seeing as how the implementing code is expecting an object as the first parameter.

Seeking Green geeks in Minnesota

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Re: Re^2: Why isn't ->can() curried?
by chromatic (Archbishop) on Jan 20, 2003 at 19:00 UTC

    Paint me daft, then, I do it all the time in tests. :)

    Perhaps any extra arguments to can() could be bound to the subref returned. It's a nice idea; it just seems really hard to get super-scary magic right. Here's some untested code that seems somewhat useful:

    use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; sub curried_can { my ($thingie, $func) = splice( @_, 0, 2 ); my $sub = UNIVERSAL::can( $thingie, $func ); # $thingie cannot $func return unless $sub; # first argument is an object return sub { $thingie->$func( @_ ) } if blessed $thingie; # first argument is a class name, no arguments return $sub unless @_; # first argument is a class name, curried arguments return sub { $sub->( @_ ) }; }