Another cook book - "The Practice of Programming" by Kernighan and Pike. And again, realization of "Markov chains algorithm" on page 123 can and must be optimized! So clever C/C++/Java examples and so ugly Perl example... :-(
# # variant from "The Practice of Programming" # #!/usr/bin/perl $MAXGEN = 10000; $NONWORD = "\n"; $w1 = $w2 = $NONWORD; while (<>) { foreach (split) { push(@{$statetab{$w1}{$w2}}, $_); ($w1, $w2) = ($w2, $_); } } push(@{$statetab{$w1}{$w2}}, $NONWORD); $w1 = $w2 = $NONWORD; for ($i=0; $i<$MAXGEN; $i++) { $suf = $statetab{$w1}{$w2}; $r = int(rand @$suf); exit if (($t = $suf->[$r]) eq $NONWORD); print "$t\n"; ($w1, $w2) = ($w2, $t); } # # my variant # #!/usr/bin/perl -a0n push @{$m{$F[$_-1]}{$F[$_]}}, $F[$_+1] for 1..$#F; 1 while defined($F[2+$i++] = splice @{$m{$F[0+$i]}{$F[1+$i]}}, rand(@{$m{$F[0+$i]}{$F[1+$i]}}), 1); print join(" ",@F[0..1+$i]),"\n";