in reply to Name Space

I've (finally) discovered this nod, so I suppose I should answer (since I'm not one of the 'uses my real name' folks). So that this does not become a novel, I'll try to stick to the origins of amelinda.

When I was very very young, my parents were AD&D gamers. My dad is an amazing DM. So, by the time I was 6 or so, I was playing along with them (and their group of mostly Ph.D. candidate players). I continued to play with this group throughout my childhood and adolescence. Fairly late on (just before we moved away and my dad stopped having time to play), we did a "let's play 1st level characters again for a change" campaign. Thus was born the character with the unlikely moniker 'Amelinda the Apostrophical.'1

I use my real name2, just about anywhere I can, but my next choice is amelinda. I suspect I ended up using it here because I crossed over from Everything3.

These days, I might have a hard time listing all the aliases and nicknames and handles I've used.

1 Can you tell that, as an adolescent, I had a large vocabulary but didn't exactly know what they all meant?
2 "real" I should say. I wasn't exactly born with this name. That is another story, however, and one that doesn't belong here.
3 Yes, Everything. I started there back in the day, before it migrated to E2.