in reply to searching polygons not merged

#!/usr/bin/env perl use Carp; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; use Machine::Epsilon; # imports machine_epsilon()automatically # contains_polygon_rough my $shapes = [ [[0,0],[0,2],[2,2],[2,0],[0,0]], [[0,0],[3,0],[3,1],[0,1],[0,0]], [[3,0],[3,2],[4,2],[4,0],[3,0]], [[0,2],[0,3],[1,3],[1,2],[0,2]], [[100,100],[100,102],[102,102],[102,100],[100,100]], ]; my $borg = borg->new; ## try to assimilate polys into clusters contain +ed in the borg foreach my $shape ( @$shapes ) { my $poly = poly->new( $shape ); $borg->integrate_poly_into_matching_clusters( $poly ); } my $cluster_count = scalar( @{$borg->{clusters}}); print "Cluster count = $cluster_count\n"; foreach my $cluster ( @{$borg->{clusters}} ) { my $poly_count = scalar( @{$cluster->{polys}} ); print "Cluster contains $poly_count polys\n"; } ## display the shapes that are within a cluster containing only a sing +le poly foreach my $solo ( @{$borg->solo_clusters()} ) { $solo->{polys}[0]->display(); } ## sort all the shapes by sum(x),sum(y) ###################################################################### +##################### ## +-with/1565923987/ch10.html package line; use Data::Dumper; use strict;use warnings; use Machine::Epsilon; # imports machine_epsilon()automatically sub new { my ( $class, $p ) = @_; my $self = bless { two_points => [] }, $class; $self->{two_points} = [ $p->[0][0], $p->[0][1], $p->[1][0], $p->[1 +][1] ]; return $self; } ## from sub intersectLines { #working subroutine. thanks to the original poster. my( $ax, $ay, $bx, $by, $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy )= @_; my $ret = 0; my @rval=0; my $d1=($ax-$bx)*($cy-$dy); my $d2=($ay-$by)*($cx-$dx); my $dp = $d1 - $d2; my $dq = $d2 - $d1; if($dp!=0 && $dq!=0) { my $p = ( ($by-$dy)*($cx-$dx) - ($bx-$dx)*($cy-$dy) ) / $dp +; + my $q = ( ($dy-$by)*($ax-$bx) - ($dx-$bx)*($ay-$by) ) / $dq +; if($p>0 && $p<=1 && $q>0 && $q<=1) { my $px= $p*$ax + (1-$p)*$bx; my $py= $p*$ay + (1-$p)*$by; @rval=($px, $py); print "$px, $py\n"; $ret =1; } } return $ret; } sub intersects { ## with another line my ( $self, $other_line ) = @_; my $ret2 = intersectLines( @{$self->{two_points} }, @{$other_line-> +{two_points} } ); return $ret2; } 1; ###################################################################### +##################### package poly; use Data::Dumper; use strict;use warnings; sub new { my ( $class, $p ) = @_; my $self = bless { lines => [], }, $class; ## populate poly from array of array of points croak("poly requires at least 3 edges") unless (scalar(@$p)>=3); for ( my $i=1; $i< scalar(@$p) ; $i++ ) { push @{$self->{lines}}, line->new( [ $p->[$i-1], $p->[$i] ] ); } return $self; } sub touches { my ( $self, $poly ) = @_; foreach my $other_line ( @{ $poly->{lines} } ) { foreach my $line ( @{ $self->{lines} } ) { return 1 if $line->intersects( $other_line ); } } return; } sub display { my ( $self ) = @_; print Dumper $self->{lines}; } 1; ###################################################################### +##################### package cluster; ## a shape(s) cluster sub new { my ( $class, $p ) = @_; return bless { polys => [$p], }, $class; } sub is_solo { my ( $self ) = @_; return scalar( @{ $self->{polys} } ) == 1 ; ## return 1 iff singl +e element } sub touches_edge_from { my ( $self, $poly ) = @_; ## returns 1 iff a line from the poly ma +tches any line in the cluster foreach my $my_poly ( @{$self->{polys}} ) { return 1 if $poly->touches( $my_poly ); } return; } 1; ###################################################################### +##################### package borg; ## you will be assimilated sub new { my ( $class, $p ) = @_; return bless { clusters => [] || $p, }, $class; } sub solo_clusters { my ( $self ) = @_; my $res = []; foreach my $cluster ( @{$self->{clusters}} ) { push @$res, $cluster if $cluster->is_solo; } return $res; } sub integrate_poly_into_matching_clusters { my ( $self, $poly ) = @_; my $matched = 0; my $clusters_to_merge = {}; if ( $self->{clusters} ) { for ( my $i=0; $i< @{$self->{clusters} }; $i++ ) { print "Checking whether shape touches cluster $i\n"; if ($self->{clusters}[$i]->touches_edge_from( $poly ) ) { $clusters_to_merge->{$i}++ ; ## mark index for merge if ($matched==0) ## if this is the first match then ad +d this poly into the cluster { push @{ $self->{clusters}[$i]{polys} }, $poly; ## nb - still need to check all the other clusters + for a match ## to look for merge opportunities } $matched++; } } ## merge clusters if needed print "shape touches $matched clusters\n"; if ( $matched > 1 ) ## if == 1 then the shape only touches on +the cluster it was add into already { my $merged = []; my $new_cluster = cluster->new(); for ( my $i=0; $i< @{$self->{clusters}}; $i++ ) { if ( defined $clusters_to_merge->{$i} ) { ## add all the polys from this cluster to the merg +ed one push @{ $new_cluster->{polys} }, @{ $self->{cluste +rs}[$i]{polys} } ; } else ## otherwise keep the cluster as it is { push @$merged, $self->{clusters}[$i]; } } $self->{clusters} = [ @$merged, $new_cluster ]; } } if ($matched == 0) { print "Creating a new cluster\n"; push @{$self->{clusters}}, cluster->new( $poly ) ; ## if no ma +tch found then we need a new cluster } return; } 1;

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Re^2: searching polygons not merged
by localshop (Monk) on Oct 30, 2018 at 02:26 UTC
    I hadn't tested the original code beyond a couple of trivial cases and though that it would be a good opportunity to try out WebPerl. So I hacked together the following.

    NB - I think that my original line intersection code taken from the text may be problematic. I found a replacement that I've used here from another PM node that looks to work better.

    This code seems to be working and runs in the browser - click on the canvas to draw polys then click the button to remove any that have overlaps.

    With regard to WebPerl - it's quite a peculiar delight to be coding browser code in Perl - I highly recommend having a play with it and I look forward to seeing it evolve.

    - NB - Had to remove the script src webperl.js js inclusion line from the code to allow to be posted here

    <!doctype html> <html lang="en-us"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>WebPerl </title> <!-- Please see the documentation at +tml --> <!-- Example 2: Accessing JavaScript --> <script type="text/perl"> use warnings; use strict; use WebPerl qw/js/; use Data::Dumper; ## Playing with the HTML5 Canvas ## See my $c = js('document')->getElementById('myCanvas'); my $EPSILON = js('Number.EPSILON'); my $new_shape = { status => 0, points => [], lines => [], }; my $shapes = []; js('document')->getElementById('my_button') ->addEventListener("click", sub { print "You clicked 'the button - launching the Borg'\n"; my $borg = borg->new; foreach my $shape ( @$shapes ) { $borg->integrate_poly_into_matching_clusters( $shape ); } print "Done\n"; my $ctx = $c->getContext("2d"); $ctx->beginPath(); ## to clear all the objects in the context $ctx->save(); $ctx->clearRect(0,0, $c->{width}, $c->{height} ); foreach my $solo ( @{$borg->solo_clusters()} ) { print "Got a solo\n"; $solo->{polys}[0]->draw($ctx, '#ff0000'); } $shapes = []; #sleep(5); #redraw_canvas(); } ); ######## MOUSE HANDLERS ########################### $c->addEventListener('click', sub { my ($evt) = @_; my $rect = $c->getBoundingClientRect(); my $i = scalar( @{ $new_shape->{points} } ); #print "i=$i\n"; if ($new_shape->{status} == 0 ) { print "Starting to draw a shape\n"; $new_shape->{status} = 1; $new_shape->{points} = []; } else { if ( $i>0) ## more than 1 point so we create a line to the l +ast point { ## create a new line instance #print " $new_shape->{points}[$i-1][0] , $new_shape->{poin +ts}[$i-1][1], $evt->{clientX} - $rect->{left},$evt->{clientY} - $rect +->{top} \n"; push @{ $new_shape->{lines} }, line->new( $c->getContext(' +2d'), [ [$new_shape->{points}[$i-1][0] , $new_shape->{points}[$i-1][ +1] ], [$evt->{clientX} - $rect->{left},$evt->{clientY} - $rect->{top} +] ] ); if ( $i>1 ) ## check if we selected the starting point and + if so close the shape { if ( $new_shape->{points}[$i-1][0] == $new_shape->{po +ints}[0][0] && $new_shape->{points}[$i-1][1] == $new_shape->{points}[ +0][1] ) ## close the poly { #print "closing shape\n"; ## CONVERT new_shape to poly and reset create_shape_object_from_new_shape(); return !0; } } } } push @{$new_shape->{points}}, [$evt->{clientX} - $rect->{left},$ev +t->{clientY} - $rect->{top} ]; },!0 ); $c->addEventListener('contextmenu', sub { ## right mouse - add 2 lines + to current pos and back to original starting point my ($evt) = @_; my $rect = $c->getBoundingClientRect(); my $i = scalar( @{ $new_shape->{points} } ); if ( $i < 3 ) ## cancel shape if only a couple of points { redraw_canvas(); return !0; } if ( $new_shape->{status} != 0 ) { print "Closing shape \n"; push @{ $new_shape->{lines} }, line->new( $c->getContext('2d') +, [ [ $new_shape->{points}[$i-1][0] , $new_shape->{points}[$i-1][1] + ] , [ $evt->{clientX} - $rect->{left}, $evt->{clientY} - $rect->{t +op}] ] ); push @{ $new_shape->{lines} }, line->new( $c->getContext('2d') +, [ [ $evt->{clientX} - $rect->{left}, $evt->{clientY} - $rect->{top +}] , [ $new_shape->{points}[0][0] , $new_shape->{points}[0][1] + ] ] ); ## CONVERT new_shape to poly and reset create_shape_object_from_new_shape(); } return !0; ## something doesn't work here - want to return false b +ut still showing contextmenu :/ },!1 ); sub redraw_canvas { #print "clear recr = 0,0, $c->{width}, $c->{height}\n"; my $ctx = $c->getContext("2d"); $ctx->beginPath(); ## to clear all the objects in the context $ctx->save(); $ctx->clearRect(0,0, $c->{width}, $c->{height} ); foreach my $poly ( @{$shapes} ) { # print "drawing poly\n"; $poly->draw( $ctx, '#00ff00' ); } $new_shape->{status} = 0; $new_shape->{points} = []; $new_shape->{lines} = []; ## NB - new_shape should always be empty here !! #print Dumper $new_shape; #print scalar(keys %WebPerl::CodeTable); } sub create_shape_object_from_new_shape { #my ( $new_shape ) = @_; #print "create_shape_object_from_new_shape()\n"; push @{$shapes}, poly->new( $new_shape->{lines} ); $new_shape->{status} = 0; $new_shape->{points} = []; $new_shape->{lines} = []; redraw_canvas(); } ########################### package line; use Data::Dumper; use strict;use warnings; sub new { my ( $class, $ctx, $p ) = @_; my $self = bless { two_points => [], }, $class; $self->{ctx} = $ctx; $self->{two_points} = [ $p->[0][0], $p->[0][1], $p->[1][0], $p->[1 +][1] ]; $self->draw( $ctx, '#0000ff' ); return $self; } sub draw { my ( $self, $ctx, $color ) = @_; $self->{ctx} = $ctx; $color = '#ff0000' unless $color; $self->{ctx}->moveTo( $self->{two_points}[0], $self->{two_points}[ +1] ); $self->{ctx}->lineTo( $self->{two_points}[2], $self->{two_points} +[3] ); $self->{ctx}{strokeStyle} = $color; #print "Color = $color\n"; $self->{ctx}{lineWidth} = 2; $self->{ctx}->stroke(); return 1; } ## from sub intersectLines { #working subroutine. thanks to the original poster. my( $ax, $ay, $bx, $by, $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy )= @_; my $ret = 0; my @rval=0; my $d1=($ax-$bx)*($cy-$dy); my $d2=($ay-$by)*($cx-$dx); my $dp = $d1 - $d2; my $dq = $d2 - $d1; if($dp!=0 && $dq!=0) { my $p = ( ($by-$dy)*($cx-$dx) - ($bx-$dx)*($cy-$dy) ) / $dp +; + my $q = ( ($dy-$by)*($ax-$bx) - ($dx-$bx)*($ay-$by) ) / $dq +; if($p>0 && $p<=1 && $q>0 && $q<=1) { my $px= $p*$ax + (1-$p)*$bx; my $py= $p*$ay + (1-$p)*$by; @rval=($px, $py); print "$px, $py\n"; $ret =1; } } return $ret; } sub intersects { ## with another line my ( $self, $other_line ) = @_; my $ret2 = intersectLines( @{$self->{two_points} }, @{$other_line-> +{two_points} } ); return $ret2; } 1; ###################################################################### +##################### package poly; use Data::Dumper; use strict;use warnings; sub new { my ( $class, $p ) = @_; my $self = bless { lines => [], color => '#00ff00', }, $class; ## populate poly from array of array ref of line instances my $line_count = scalar( @{$p} ); $self->{lines} = $p; return $self; } sub touches { my ( $self, $poly ) = @_; foreach my $other_line ( @{ $poly->{lines} } ) { foreach my $line ( @{ $self->{lines} } ) { return 1 if $line->intersects( $other_line ); } } return; } sub draw { my ( $self, $ctx, $color ) = @_; my $line_count = scalar( @{$self->{lines}} ); foreach my $l ( @{$self->{lines}} ) { $l->draw( $ctx, $color); } return 1; } 1; ###################################################################### +##################### package cluster; ## a shape(s) cluster sub new { my ( $class, $p ) = @_; return bless { polys => [$p], }, $class; } sub is_solo { my ( $self ) = @_; if ( scalar( @{ $self->{polys} } ) == 1 ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } sub touches_edge_from { my ( $self, $poly ) = @_; ## returns 1 iff a line from the poly ma +tches any line in the cluster foreach my $my_poly ( @{$self->{polys}} ) { return 1 if $poly->touches( $my_poly ); } return; } 1; ###################################################################### +##################### package borg; ## you will be assimilated sub new { my ( $class, $p ) = @_; return bless { clusters => [] || $p, }, $class; } sub solo_clusters { my ( $self ) = @_; my $res = []; foreach my $cluster ( @{$self->{clusters}} ) { push @$res, $cluster if $cluster->is_solo; } return $res; } sub integrate_poly_into_matching_clusters { my ( $self, $poly ) = @_; my $matched = 0; my $clusters_to_merge = {}; if ( $self->{clusters} ) { for ( my $i=0; $i< @{$self->{clusters} }; $i++ ) { print "Checking whether shape touches cluster $i\n"; if ($self->{clusters}[$i]->touches_edge_from( $poly ) ) { $clusters_to_merge->{$i}++ ; ## mark index for merge if ($matched==0) ## if this is the first match then ad +d this poly into the cluster { push @{ $self->{clusters}[$i]{polys} }, $poly; ## nb - still need to check all the other clusters + for a match ## to look for merge opportunities } $matched++; } } ## merge clusters if needed print "shape touches $matched clusters\n"; if ( $matched > 1 ) ## if == 1 then the shape only touches on +the cluster it was add into already { my $merged = []; my $new_cluster = cluster->new(); for ( my $i=0; $i< @{$self->{clusters}}; $i++ ) { if ( defined $clusters_to_merge->{$i} ) { ## add all the polys from this cluster to the merg +ed one push @{ $new_cluster->{polys} }, @{ $self->{cluste +rs}[$i]{polys} } ; } else ## otherwise keep the cluster as it is { push @$merged, $self->{clusters}[$i]; } } $self->{clusters} = [ @$merged, $new_cluster ]; } } if ($matched == 0) { print "Creating a new cluster\n"; push @{$self->{clusters}}, cluster->new( $poly ) ; ## if no ma +tch found then we need a new cluster } return; } 1; </script> <!-- CAPTURE STDOUT/ERR INSTEAD OF CONSOLE--> <script> window.addEventListener("load", function () { document.getElementById('output') .appendChild( Perl.makeOutputTextarea() ); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="output"></div> <div id="buttons"> <button id="my_button">Display only non-overlapping polys </button +> </div> <div>Click on the canvas below to create lines and right-click to clos +e the polygon</div> <canvas style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px;" id="myCanvas" wi +dth="1000" height="1000"></canvas> </body> </html>