in reply to Avoiding escaped child elements with HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath or HTML::Element

Many of the tools used to parse HTML use HTML::Parser under the hood, and it is worthwhile knowing how it works. This script gathers up all the content of each list item, including other elements, into a variable. When it meets the closing list item tag, you can do what you need to the content before printing it out.
use HTML::Parser; my $inside_li = 0; my $list_item = ''; sub start { my ($tag, $text) = @_; if ($inside_li) { $list_item .= $text; return; } if ($tag eq 'li') { $inside_li = 1; } print $text; }; sub text { my ($text) = @_; if ($inside_li) { $list_item .= $text; return; } print $text; }; sub end { my ($tag, $text) = @_; if ($tag eq 'li') { $inside_li = 0; # do things to <li> content $list_item =~ s/^\s+//; print $list_item; $list_item = ''; } if ($inside_li) { $list_item .= $text; return; } print $text; }; my $parser = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3, start_h => [\&start, "tagname, text"], text_h => [\&text, "text"], end_h => [\&end, "tagname, text"], default_h => [\&text, "text"], ); $parser->parse_file(\*DATA);
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