in reply to What 'should' a professional PERL programmer know?

choroba, Athanasius, and anonymonk (it’s Perl not PERL; and the executable is perl) gave some good guidance. I would add 0.5 to Athanasius’s list -> scoping and datatypes. Seems simplistic but I’ve seen soooo much code in the wild written without understanding it and it makes cleaning up or extending complicated code much more difficult than it should be.

Really the question(s) you’re asking comes down more to experience, I think. Practical experience doing things with Perl is more useful and ramps you up faster than reading and tinkering. So here are some things that helped me go from n00b leaving disasters for the next dev to superfly MC picked first for all rounds of dodgePHP–

I think your actually question had little to do with getting hired but to that point I’ve found even minimal participation in FOSS is a big leg up in most technical hiring decisions; especially for junior level roles.