in reply to Where is documenation for defining servers for use by Rex?

from the documentation of Rex::Commands :

key_auth If you want to use pubkey authentication, then you need to call key_au +th. user "bob"; private_key "/home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa"; # passphrase-less key public_key "/home/bob/.ssh/"; key_auth;

perhaps you need this then?:

group "servers", "server_big" => { user => 'my_user', private_key => ' +/home/user/key.pem', key_auth => 1 };

or something to that effect.

bw, bliako

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Re^2: Where is documenation for defining servers for use by Rex?
by nysus (Parson) on Apr 08, 2020 at 12:31 UTC

    Thanks. Doesn't work, though. I think this is a bug.

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      desc "Task description"; task "taskname", sub { ... }; task "taskname", "server1", ..., "server20", sub { ... }; group "group" => "server1", "server2", ...; user "user"; password "password"; environment live => sub { user "root"; password "foobar"; pass_auth; group frontend => "www01", "www02"; };

      annotated SYNOPSIS

      desc "Task description"; task "taskname", sub { ... }; task "taskname", "server1", ..., "server20", sub { ... }; group "group" => "server1", "server2", ...; user("user"); password("password"); environment live => sub { user("root"); password("foobar"); pass_auth(); group frontend => "www01", "www02"; };
      Please take the time to actually read and understand the docs, pay close attention to their site, and where they hang out offering help