in reply to asynchronous socket comunication with perl tk

G'day ghosh123,

"Can anybody please give me (or point me to) an example of asynchronous socket communication happening through a perl tk application. A very simple and primitive one.
The gui should be a server which will open a listening socket and some other processing application should connect to it and send info. The gui status should change according to the message received."

This is simple and primitive. :-)

The server (

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use IO::Socket; my $status = ''; my $mw = MainWindow->new; my $control_F = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom'); $control_F->Button(-text => 'Listen', -command => sub { start_server(\$mw, \$status) } )->pack(-side => 'left'); $control_F->Button(-text => 'Quit', -command => sub { exit } )->pack(-side => 'left'); my $status_F = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top'); $status_F->Label(-text => 'Status:')->pack(-side => 'left'); $status_F->Label(-textvariable => \$status)->pack(-side => 'left'); MainLoop; sub start_server { my ($mw_ref, $status_ref) = @_; my $server = IO::Socket::INET::->new( Proto => 'tcp', LocalPort => 55555, Listen => SOMAXCONN, Reuse => 1 ) or die "Server can't start: $!"; my $client = $server->accept(); $client->autoflush; $$mw_ref->fileevent($client, 'readable', sub { if (defined(my $read = <$client>)) { chomp $read; $$status_ref = $read; } }); }

The client (

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket; my $client = IO::Socket::INET::->new( Proto => 'tcp', PeerAddr => 'localhost', PeerPort => 55555 ) or die "Client can't connect: $!"; my @msgs = 'A' .. 'Z'; for (@msgs) { print $client "$_\n"; sleep 1; }

To run, start the GUI (I ran it in the background):

$ &

Then start the server (click the Listen button) followed by the client (again, I ran this in the background):

$ &

You'll see the letters of the alphabet appear one at a time every second as the Status: value. That's just my test: you probably want something entirely different but gave no hint as to what that might be.


-- Ken

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^2: asynchronous socket comunication with perl tk
by ghosh123 (Monk) on Aug 22, 2013 at 18:41 UTC

    Thanks a lot Ken .
    Well to give you some hint of how I want the gui to be :

    1. There will be a 'load' button on it which will load for example two jobs. Job1 and Job2 under columns Jobname and Status.
    2. Primarily those job1 and job2 status should be Stopped.
    3. There will be one more button Start, clicking start button those two jobs should start running in the background.
    4. Those jobs will be simple perl file with just a sleep statement for 20s and 10s respectively.
    5. As long as those jobs will be running , the job status under status column should change to 'Running' from 'Stopped'. And as the jobs finished their status will be changed to 'Finished'.
    6. The gui should not know anything about what job is running, but through socket it should get the information and display its status accordingly.
    7. After clicking 'start' button, the text on it should change to 'stop'. And then pressing 'stop' it should toggle back to 'start' and accordingly the job status should also change to 'Stopped' from 'Running'.

    I have little modified your code to explain my wish. I have implemented #1 and #2 mentioned above. But need help on #3 to #7.

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use IO::Socket; use Tk::HList; my $status = ''; my $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->geometry("200x100"); my $control_F = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side => 'bottom'); $control_F->Button(-text => 'Listen', -command => sub { start_server(\$mw, \$status) } )->pack(-side => 'left'); $control_F->Button(-text => 'Load', -command => sub { load_job() } )->pack(-side => 'left'); $control_F->Button(-text => 'start', -command => sub { } )->pack(-side => 'left'); $control_F->Button(-text => 'Quit', -command => sub { exit } )->pack(-side => 'left'); my $status_F = $mw->Frame()->pack(-side => 'top'); #$status_F->Label(-text => 'Status:')->pack(-side => 'left'); #$status_F->Label(-textvariable => \$status)->pack(-side => 'left'); my $hlist = $status_F->Scrolled( 'HList', -scrollbars => 'ose', -columns => 2, -header => 1, -height => 5, )->pack( -fill => 'both', -expand => 1 ); my $label1 = $hlist->Label( -text => "Jobname", -anchor => 'w' ); $hlist->headerCreate( 0, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $label1 ); my $label2 = $hlist->Label( -text => "Result", -anchor => 'w' ); $hlist->headerCreate( 1, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $label2 ); sub load_job { $hlist->add(0); $hlist->itemCreate(0,0,-text=> "job1"); $hlist->itemCreate(0,1,-text=> "stopped"); $hlist->add(1); $hlist->itemCreate(1,0,-text=> "job2"); $hlist->itemCreate(1,1,-text=> "stopped"); } MainLoop; sub start_server { my ($mw_ref, $status_ref) = @_; my $server = IO::Socket::INET::->new( Proto => 'tcp', LocalPort => 55555, Listen => SOMAXCONN, Reuse => 1 ) or die "Server can't start: $!"; my $client = $server->accept(); $client->autoflush; $$mw_ref->fileevent($client, 'readable', sub { if (defined(my $read = <$client>)) { chomp $read; $$status_ref = $read; } }); }
      3. There will be one more button Start, clicking start button those two jobs should start running in the background.
      7. After clicking 'start' button, the text on it should change to 'stop'. And then pressing 'stop' it should toggle back to 'start' and accordingly the job status should also change to 'Stopped' from 'Running'.
      ... need help on #3 to #7."

      I provided code showing button creation, callbacks and changing widget text. I also provided documentation links.

      What exactly do you need help on?

      -- Ken

        The help I need is on how to manage two job lines and change their status simultaneously. While running, the second job may finish before the first and accordingly its status should change to "Finished" whereas the first job status would still show as "Running".

        Just wanted to see how can these be programmed for 2 jobs for example. In practical I may need to manage 50 such jobs.