in reply to Keep myself off PerlMonks

A very cool bit of code ZZamboni. I couldn't resist convering it to the wierd world of Win32 :-)
#!c:/perl/bin/perl -w use strict; use Win32::API; use PerlMonks; use PerlMonks::Users; my $n=PerlMonks::Users->new; while(1) { my %u=$n->users; if (exists($u{t0mas})) { MessageBox("What are you doing?","Get back to work!"); } sleep 300; } sub MessageBox { my ($caption,$message)=@_; my $MB_OKCANCEL = 0x00000001; my $MB_ICONERROR = 0x00000010; my $Box = new Win32::API( "user32", "MessageBoxA", "IPPN", "I"); $Box->Call(0,$message,$caption,$MB_ICONERROR|$MB_OKCANCEL); }

/brother t0mas