Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info Matthew Young

I wrote this utility to assist me in backing up files from my hard drive to an external drive. This is my first perl script!

I tested this on the latest activeperl installation on windows vista. This script requires File::Copy::Recursive.

If anyone has suggestions on how to improve this script either by code improvements, or feature additions post your ideas here! I would appreciate it. Sorry about the formatting.

=head1 NAME

File autobackup utility


  autobackup -d:
          The d flag backs up files to/from the locations hardcoded in
          the script. Only use this if you have edited in your own loc
  autobackup -h:
          The h flag displays usage information. Use it for instructio
  autobackup -p FILEPATH:
          The p flag should be used if you have not set up the script 
+to work with the d flag. 
          When calling the script with the p flag, you should specifiy
+ the filepath of the files you want 
          to be copied as an argument: "autobackup -p C:\myfiles". You
+ will then be asked for a target 
          location for the files in the directory that you specified w
+hen you called the program. 


In a nutshell, this script copies files from one location to another. 
I wrote this script to transfer files from my computer to an external 
+drive easily more easily.


This script requires the File::Copy::Recursive module. 

=head1 AUTHOR

Matthew Young ( []


use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Copy::Recursive qw(dircopy);
use Getopt::Std;
use Pod::Usage;

#--------file copy vars (uncomment if you want)
#local $File::Copy::Recursive::SkipFlop = 1; #keeps the script going i
+f somethign fails
#$File::Copy::Recursive::MaxDepth #you can set this to change the maxi
+mum depth of the copy.

#I get to play with hashes a bit...
#grabs our argv values and stores them in a hash (key is the flag, val
+ue is the actual argument)
my %options=();

getopts('dp:h', \%options); 
pod2usage(2) if (keys %options != 1);

if ($options{d}){
    #if 'default' flag: 
    #paths can be changed by editing what's in qw() - on the left is l
+ocation of files, 
    #on the right is where you want to put them.
    my ($original, $targetlocation) = qw/C:\test C:\test1/;
    my ($numberoffiles, $numberofdirs, $depth) = dircopy($original, $t
+argetlocation) or die $!;
    print "$numberoffiles files copied, across $numberofdirs directori
+es, at a level of depth of $depth.";
if ($options{p}){
    #if 'path' flag:
    my $original = $options{p};
    print "Target directory: ";
    my $targetlocation = <STDIN>;
    chomp $targetlocation;
    my ($numberoffiles, $numberofdirs, $depth) = dircopy($original, $t
+argetlocation) or die $!;
    print "$numberoffiles files copied, across $numberofdirs directori
+es, at a level of depth of $depth.";
if ($options{h}){
    pod2usage(2); #YES!
Once again I apologize for the formatting - it looks a lot better inside of eclipse :). This is my first actual script - so if you guys see any glaring errors or bad practices - point them out! EDIT: Now with Pod::Usage!!
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: File Backup Utility
by toolic (Bishop) on Jul 26, 2009 at 03:18 UTC
    Rather than rolling your own usage handling, consider the core module Pod::Usage. Format that really long help documentation print line as POD, and you're ready to go. POD turns your useful header comments into a manpage using perldoc.

    Another alternative is to use a "here-document" (see perlop).

    Add use warnings;.

    You could check the return status of getopts and die if you do not want the user to pass bogus options.


    scalar @ARGV < 0
    I do not think this will ever evaluate to 'true' because I'm not sure if it is possible for an array to have a negative number of elements. Maybe scalar @ARGV == 0?
      Ahh yes, that should definitely be ==!
        and thank you very much for linking that stuff related to usage handling - I had no idea that even existed.
Re: File Backup Utility
by graff (Chancellor) on Jul 26, 2009 at 21:12 UTC
    As you get acquainted with Pod::Usage, consider the normal layout of manual pages, and use it. You'll find that Pod::Usage::pod2usage provides the means to display just the SYNOPSIS portion or the whole manual. As for testing that the user gives you exactly one command-line "option":
    #!/usr/bin/perl =head1 NAME name_of_utility_or_module =head1 SYNOPSIS brief example/template/summary of typical use(s), e.g.: prog_name -d prog_name -h prog_name -p foobar =head1 DESCRIPTION Paragraphs that describe the purpose, usage and various behaviors of the utility or module in suitable detail... =cut use strict; use Getopt::Std; use Pod::Usage; my %opt; getopts('dp:h', \%opt); pod2usage(2) if (keys %opt != 1); # die here if too many options were + given print "ok, here we go...\n"; if ( $opt{d} ) { # do this.. } if ( $opt{p} ) { # do that... } if ( $opt{h} ) { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2); # exit & show full man + page }
      Thank you very much for that reply. That was extremely helpful! I checked the perldoc page, but to me it wasn't really clear how to implement the whole POD thing. I'll give it a try!