Hi all,

Sometimes I have to change words inside text files. When this happens, and when I know what to search for, I use this program.

#!c:/Perl/bin/Perl.exe # # # changes words inside text files # placed in the win directory C:\filestochange # which is supposed to contain text files # my $dir_to_process = "C:\\filestochange"; opendir DH, $dir_to_process or die "Cannot open $dir_to_process: $!"; foreach $file (readdir DH) { unless ($file eq "." || $file eq ".." || $file eq "discarded" || $fi +le eq "tmp") { print "in $dir_to_process $file is processed\n"; open (INFILEHANDLE, "C:\\filestochange\\$file") or die "error open +ing"; open (OUTFILEHANDLE, ">C:\\filestochange\\tempfile8000") or die "e +rror opening"; while (<INFILEHANDLE>) { # chomp; s/this/that/; # substututes this with that s/one/two/; # substututes one with two print OUTFILEHANDLE; } close INFILEHANDLE; close OUTFILEHANDLE; rename "C:\\filestochange\\tempfile8000","C:\\filestochange\\$file +"; } } closedir DH; print "\nDone (press enter key)\n"; $line = <STDIN>;

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Corrector
by hossman (Prior) on Dec 02, 2008 at 16:57 UTC

    May i humbly suggest an alternative...

    #!/usr/bin/perl -pi s/this/that/; # substitutes this with that s/one/two/; # substitutes one with two

    Run with: C:\filestochange

    It doesn't have some of the interesting side effects of the original script, but i consider that a good thing.

    Updated: there is no "i" in team, but there should have been one on the first line
      #!/usr/bin/perl -p s/this/that/; # substitutes this with that s/one/two/; # substitutes one with two

      It also doesn't work. Did you even try it?

        Nope, didn't give it any thought at all. should be fixed now.

Re: Corrector
by quinkan (Monk) on Dec 13, 2008 at 06:02 UTC
    Save yourself effort and use one of the "Slurp" modules, given that Perl 6 is to support even smarter things. These let you read all file content into a single variable. Less code to go wrong. Thus, one fragment might read:
    use File::Slurp: # get one file here, as $file my($bakfile, $file, $text); # maybe set up file renaming with something like this... ($bakfile = $file ) =~ s/\.([^.]+)$/\.bak/; # then, the main bit $text = read_file($file); $text =~ s/this/that/smg; rename($file, $bakfile); write_file($file, $text);
    Another possible version something like:
    use Perl6::Slurp; #<= only handles input at present use File::Slurp; # permits writing. # and then.... .... $text = slurp($file); $text =~ s/$this/$that/smg; ... with renaming here ? (see above). write_file($file, $text);
    And BTW do you really need that chomp and/or intend to remove newlines?

      Thank you for the suggestion.

      The commented chomp was left in the source for a possible future use, but at present newlines are not removed.