An amusing trifle if you want to make it look like your perl script is really DOING something. Useful for showing off to computer illiterate types whom you want to impress with your programming skills. To your Pointy Haired Boss you say: "Hmmm, that's a difficult calculation..." But you think: . o 0 ( MAN, That's a one liner! ) This little spinner adds amusing flair to a program that would otherwise finish in an eyeblink.
sub jitter { for (1..100) { print "|"; $foo=rand 100; for(1..$foo){} print "\x08"; print "/"; for(1..$foo){} print "\x08"; print "-"; for(1..$foo){} print "\x08"; print "\\"; for(1..$foo){} print "\x08"; } } sub flimflam { $bar= rand 10; for (1..$bar) { jitter(); print "."; } }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Spinning progress bar.
by robsv (Curate) on Jan 19, 2001 at 00:31 UTC
    Cool! PHB will love it! This is just a different take on it using an array...
    sub jitter { my @symbol = qw(| / - \\); my $delay = rand 200; for (1..400) { print $symbol[$_%4]; for (1..$delay) {} print "\x08"; } } sub flimflam { for (1..50) { jitter(); print "."; } } $| = 1; &flimflam; print "\n";