I have a table in a database with the following columns:
############################### # ID # First_Name # Last_Name # ###############################
I need to create a query to select both the First_Name and Last Name and present them as a single entity. What I have for my query so far (which did not work) is as follows:
SELECT (personnel.First_Name,personnel.Last_Name) AS Name FROM personnel;
The error I get from the database (MySQL 5) is:
ERROR 1241 (21000): Operand should contain 1 column(s)
Can someone with better SQL-fu than myself point me in the right direction?

The Fisher-Yates shuffle done in Ruby:
def shuffle(array) a=array.length b=a-1 c=(0..b).to_a c.reverse! for d in c e=rand(d+1) next if e==d f=array[d];g=array[e] array[d]=g;array[e]=f end return array end
The Fisher-Yates shuffle done in Python:
import random list=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] def shuffle(ary): a=len(ary) b=a-1 for d in range(b,0,-1): e=random.randint(0,d) if e == d: continue ary[d],ary[e]=ary[e],ary[d] return ary print shuffle(list)

You youngin' don't know how good you have it