Category: Text Processing
Author/Contact Info Kirk Baucom
Description: This is a small tool I use to do some common operations on formatted lines of data, usually in a pipe with sort/uniq/grep/etc. By default, it will split the lines into columns separated by whitespace, but you can provide an alternate column separator or a regex.

Here's an example. I occasionally want to get the host name for all the IP's in my http access log:
ax -u 0 -c '0 nr ^10.0' -e 'host \0'
The "-u 0" says to skip any lines in which the value of column 0 has been seen before. "-c ..." says to only examine lines where column 0 doesn't match the regex ^10. (my private IPs). "-e" says to run the given command for each line that passes the filters. \0 refers to column 0.

Of course, you could do the same thing using cut, grep, sort and xargs. Run with "-h" for a list of arguments.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

my $VERSION = "1.6";



sub main {
  # command line arg variables
  my (@column, @nc, $sep, $u, $v);
  my ($all_col, $column, $com, $full, $topic, $skip,
      $string, $numeric, $out_sep, $out_fmt, $regex);

            "a|all"             => \$all_col,   # output all columns
            "c|compare=s@"      => \@nc,        # column comparisons
            "e|exec=s"          => \$com,       # command to run
            "f|printf=s"        => \$out_fmt,   # output format
            "h|help:s"          => \$topic,     # get help on an optio
            "i|sep=s"           => \$sep,       # input column separat
            "k|skip=i"          => \$skip,      # skip specified num l
            "l|full"            => \$full,      # print whole line
            "N|numeric"         => \$numeric,   # force numeric compar
            "o|outsep=s"        => \$out_sep,   # output record separa
            "r|regex=s"         => \$regex,     # regex to use
            "S|string"          => \$string,    # force string compari
            "s|column=s"        => \$column,    # selected columns
            "u|unique=s"        => \$u,         # unique items in col 
            "v|version"         => \$v,         # print version

  # cannot do numeric and string comparisons at the same time
  if($numeric && $string) { print "-N and -S are mutually exclusive!\n
+"; help(); exit; }

  if(defined($topic)) { help($topic); exit; }
  elsif($v) { help("version"); exit; }

  # default value for column if none is specified
  if(defined($column)) { @column = split(',', $column); }
  elsif(defined($u)) { $column[0] = $u; }
  else { $column[0] = 0; }

  # default column separator
  unless(defined($sep)) { $sep = '\s+'; }

  # default output separator
  unless(defined($out_sep)) { $out_sep = " "; }

  # number of lines to skip at the beginning
  while($skip && <>) { $skip--; }

  # get a list of columns to do comparisons on and subroutines to do t
  my ($comp_col, $comp_sub) = parse_comp($string, $numeric, @nc);

  my (@selected, %uniq, $whole_line, $comp_fail);

  ############### MAIN LOOP ###############
  while($whole_line = <>) {

    if(defined($regex)) { @selected = ($whole_line =~ /$regex/); }
    else { @selected = split($sep, $whole_line); }

    if(defined($selected[0])) {

      # check for uniqueness if requested
      if(defined($u)) { ($uniq{$selected[$u]}) ? next : $uniq{$selecte
+d[$u]}++; }

      # do column comparisons if there are any
      if(defined($comp_col)) {
        $comp_fail = 0;
        for(0..$#{$comp_col}) {
          unless(defined($selected[$comp_col->[$_]]) &&
                 &{$comp_sub->[$_]}($selected[$comp_col->[$_]])) {
            $comp_fail = 1; last;
        next if($comp_fail);

      if(defined($com)) { execute($com, \@selected); }
      elsif(defined($full)) { print $whole_line; }
      else {
        if(defined($all_col)) {
          if(defined($out_fmt)) { printf "$out_fmt\n", @selected; }
          else { print join($out_sep, @selected), "\n"; }
        else {
          if(defined($out_fmt)) { printf "$out_fmt\n", @selected[@colu
+mn]; }
          else { print join($out_sep, @selected[@column]), "\n"; }


########### SUBROUTINES ##############

# execute a command
sub execute {
  my ($com, $columns) = @_;
  # substitute the value from the appropriate column for \0, \1, etc.
  $com =~ s/\\(\d+)\;?/$columns->[$1]/g;

# generate numeric comparison routines
sub build_num_comp {
  my ($cexp, $cval) = @_;
  if   ($cexp eq 'gt') { return sub { return ($_[0] >  $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'lt') { return sub { return ($_[0] <  $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'ge') { return sub { return ($_[0] >= $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'le') { return sub { return ($_[0] <= $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'eq') { return sub { return ($_[0] == $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'ne') { return sub { return ($_[0] != $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 're') { return sub { return ($_[0] =~ /$cval/); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'nr') { return sub { return ($_[0] !~ /$cval/); } }
  else { print "Invalid comparison, use ax -h for help.\n"; exit(1); }

# generate string comparison routines
sub build_str_comp {
  my ($cexp, $cval) = @_;
  if   ($cexp eq 'gt') { return sub { return ($_[0] gt $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'lt') { return sub { return ($_[0] lt $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'ge') { return sub { return ($_[0] ge $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'le') { return sub { return ($_[0] le $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'eq') { return sub { return ($_[0] eq $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'ne') { return sub { return ($_[0] ne $cval); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 're') { return sub { return ($_[0] =~ /$cval/); } }
  elsif($cexp eq 'nr') { return sub { return ($_[0] !~ /$cval/); } }
  else { print "Invalid comparison, use ax -h for help.\n"; exit(1); }

# parse the column comparison input on the command line and return a l
# of columns to do comparisons on, and subroutines to do the compariso
sub parse_comp {
  my ($string, $numeric, @nc) = @_;

  my @comp_col = ();
  my @comp_sub = ();
  my $count = 0;

  # check for column comparisons
  my $nc = '';
  foreach $nc (@nc) {
    if($nc =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*(\w\w)\s*(\d+)$/) {
      $comp_col[$count]       = $1; # column number

      if($string) { $comp_sub[$count] = build_str_comp($2, $3); }
      else         { $comp_sub[$count] = build_num_comp($2, $3); }

    elsif($nc =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*(\w\w)\s*(\S+)$/) {
      $comp_col[$count]       = $1;  # column number

      if($numeric) { $comp_sub[$count] = build_num_comp($2, $3); }
      else         { $comp_sub[$count] = build_str_comp($2, $3); }

    else { print "Invalid comparison, ax -h for help\n"; exit(1); }
  if(defined($comp_col[0])) { return \@comp_col, \@comp_sub; }
  else { return undef, undef; }

# print some help text
sub help {
  my $topic = shift;

  if($topic eq "l" || $topic eq "full") {
    print "Usage: ax -f | --full\n";
    print "       Print the full line\n";
  elsif($topic eq "s" || $topic eq "column") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} <number>\n";
    print "       Select column <number> to be output.\n";
  elsif($topic eq "k" || $topic eq "skip") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} <number>\n";
    print "       Skip <number> lines before beginning processing.\n";
  elsif($topic eq "i" || $topic eq "sep") {
    print "Usage: ax -sep <string>\n";
    print "       Use <string> as separator when splitting columns.\n"
  elsif($topic eq "e" || $topic eq "exec") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} \"command\"\n";
    print "       Execute a shell command for each line that matches.\
    print "       Substitute \\0, \\1, etc for column 0, 1, etc.\n";
    print "       Each column indicator may optionally be followed by 
    print "       semicolon, to separated it from any digits that imme
    print "       follow it.\n";
  elsif($topic eq "r" || $topic eq "regex") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} \"perl regex\"\n";
    print "       Provide a regular expression for parsing the columns
    print "       to replace the default whitespace-matching expressio
  elsif ($topic eq "v" || $topic eq "version") {
    print "                   ax : text parser : version $VERSION\n";
    print "                by kirk baucom <kbaucom\>\n";
  elsif($topic eq "u" || $topic eq "unique") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} <number>";
    print "       Skip lines with repeated values in column <number>\n
  elsif($topic eq "c" || $topic eq "compare") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} '<colnum> <operator> <value>'\n";
    print "       Compare the value in column <colnum> with the value 
    print "       using the operator <operator>, and skip lines that f
    print "       <operator> can take the values:\n\n";
    print "gt (greater than)\nlt (less than)\neq (equal to)\nne (not e
+qual to)\n";
    print "ge (greater or equal)\nle (less or equal)\nre (regular expr
    print "nr (negated regular expression)\n";
  elsif($topic eq "N" || $topic eq "numeric") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} -s '<colnum> <operator> <value>'\n";
    print "      Force a numeric comparison when using the -cc option\
  elsif($topic eq "S" || $topic eq "string") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} -s '<colnum> <operator> <value>'\n";
    print "      Force a string comparison when using the -cc option\n
  elsif($topic eq "f" || $topic eq "printf") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} '<printf format>'\n";
    print "      Supply a format suitable for printf to be used for ou
  elsif($topic eq "o" || $topic eq "outsep") {
    print "Usage: ax -${topic} '<separator>'\n";
    print "      Supply an output record separator. Default is a singl
+e space.\n";
  else {  # general help
    print <<END;
Usage: ax [-a | --all]
          [-c | --compare "colnum gt|lt|ge|le|eq|ne|re|nr string"]
          [-e | --exec "command"]
          [-f | --printf <format>]
          [-h | --help]
          [-i | --sep <string>]
          [-k | --skip <number>]
          [-l | --full]
          [-N | --numeric]
          [-o | --outsep <string>]
          [-r | --regex "regular expression"]
          [-S | --string]
          [-s | --column <number>]
          [-u | --unique <number>]
          [-v | --version]

  Use ax -h <option> for more specific help (ie. ax -h f for help with
+ the
  -f parameter).
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: text munging utility
by jeffa (Bishop) on Jan 26, 2004 at 22:01 UTC
    # generate numeric comparison routines sub build_num_comp { my ($cexp, $cval) = @_; if ($cexp eq 'gt') { return sub { return ($_[0] > $cval); } } elsif($cexp eq 'lt') { return sub { return ($_[0] < $cval); } } elsif($cexp eq 'ge') { return sub { return ($_[0] >= $cval); } } elsif($cexp eq 'le') { return sub { return ($_[0] <= $cval); } } elsif($cexp eq 'eq') { return sub { return ($_[0] == $cval); } } elsif($cexp eq 'ne') { return sub { return ($_[0] != $cval); } } elsif($cexp eq 're') { return sub { return ($_[0] =~ /$cval/); } } elsif($cexp eq 'nr') { return sub { return ($_[0] !~ /$cval/); } } else { print "Invalid comparison, use ax -h for help.\n"; exit(1); } }
    Why are you writing your own little mini-language there? Why not just use Perl's given operators for comparison? Creative use of eval yields:
    sub build_num_comp { my $truth = eval "@_"; die "Invalid comparison, use ax -h for help.\n" if $@; return sub { $truth }; } print build_num_comp(5,'==',5)->() ? 'yes' : 'no'; print build_num_comp(5,'!=',5)->() ? 'yes' : 'no';
    Work smart, not hard. ;)


    (the triplet paradiddle with high-hat)
      Thanks, that's much tidier :) My reason for that nasty mess was to avoid putting special shell characters on the command line, but since that argument needs quotes around it anyway, it's probably fine.
Re: text munging utility
by graff (Chancellor) on Jan 27, 2004 at 13:54 UTC
    This is a nifty idea -- though I think jeffa's comment is dead-on. The only other point, not a major one: if the input list is long and you're going to execute some shell command on lots of items in rapid succession, you might save some overhead this way:
    open( SH, "| /bin/sh" ); ... sub execute { my ($com, $columns) = @_; # substitute the value from the appropriate column for \0, \1, etc. $com =~ s/\\(\d+)\;?/$columns->[$1]/g; print SH "$com\n"; }
    This can make a difference when the command line being run involves shell metacharacters (e.g. pipes, redirection, logic operators, etc), because when you pass something like that to "system()", it invokes a new shell to run it. For simpler command lines, printing to SH simply means that perl doesn't do "fork;execvp" (which is what the shell would do anyway, I suppose). For a demonstration, look at (my shameless plug for) shloop -- execute shell command on a list.