in reply to Chatterbox - should I post/message?

The chatterbox is fleeting and temporary. Yes, many of the monks have known each other for years, and they talk in the CB. But does that prevent you from posting at all? After all, they talk in the regular nodes as well.

What exactly are you worried about writing to the CB? I've said some silly things in the CB, and no one has revoked my monkey status. Or Monkish status. Yet. ;)

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Re: Re: Chatterbox - should I post/message?
by stonecolddevin (Parson) on May 11, 2003 at 04:48 UTC
    I'm a new monk here, and when I first started actually talking on the CB, I was a bit nervous as well, I felt like I might be laughed at or shunned for not knowing simple perl facts and/or code bits, but I found that there are some very friendly people (Louis_wu, artist, submersible_toaster, Limbic~Region, diotalevi, Enlil, etc.) that are more than happy to help you and walk you through your problem. I think if anyone did anything to harm anyone, they would either die from a moral breakdown, or be reprimanded by one of the elder monks. I wouldn't worry about writing to the CB too much :-)