Category: PerlMonks Related Scripts
Author/Contact Info (John Douglas Porter)
Description: In response to castaway's idea for a 'My Active Nodes' nodelet, I have written a console-based solution using my PerlMonksTickers module. It is a working example. You can use it as is, or enhance it to meet your particular needs. Run it with no arguments to get a usage statement. It does not require a PerlMonks login.
use strict;
use warnings;
use PerlMonksTickers;
use Getopt::Long;
use Time::Local;

# as an optimization, we can avoid looking for replies to nodes
# we posted more than a certain number of days ago.
# to inhibit this, set to 0 or undef.
my $ignore_my_posts_older_than_days;

my $window_in_hours = 1;

my $user;

sub usage
  die <<EOF;
@{_}Usage: $0 --user USERNAME [--ignore DAYS] [--window HOURS]
--ignore says to not look for replies to nodes I posted more than
that many days ago.  Default is no limit.
--window says to report only nodes that have been posted within
the past so many hours.  Default is 1.

  'user=s' => \$user,
  'window=i' => \$window_in_hours,
  'ignore|old=i' => \$ignore_my_posts_older_than_days,
) or usage;
defined $user or usage "--user argument is required.\n";

my $timestamp_of_my_earliest_post = '';
my @root_nodes_of_interest = do {
  my $ar = PerlMonksTickers->user_nodes( foruser => $user ); @$ar };

if ( $ignore_my_posts_older_than_days )
  $timestamp_of_my_earliest_post = 
    timestamp_of_hours_ago( $ignore_my_posts_older_than_days * 24 );

  warn "Ignoring my nodes prior to $timestamp_of_my_earliest_post\n";

  @root_nodes_of_interest = PerlMonksTickers->only_new_nodes(
    $timestamp_of_my_earliest_post, @root_nodes_of_interest );

  @root_nodes_of_interest or die
   "Sorry, you haven't posted any nodes in the last $ignore_my_posts_o
+lder_than_days days.\n";

@root_nodes_of_interest or die
  "Sorry, you haven't posted any nodes!\n";

my $timestamp_of_earliest_reply = timestamp_of_hours_ago( $window_in_h
+ours );

warn "Showing only replies since $timestamp_of_earliest_reply\n\n";

for my $node ( @root_nodes_of_interest )
  my $hr = PerlMonksTickers->thread_nodes( id => $node->{'id'} );
  my %ids;
  @ids{ keys %$hr, map @$_, values %$hr } = ();
  # while ( my($k,$v) = each %$hr ) { @ids{ $k, @$v } = (); } # altern
+ative way.
  delete $ids{ $node->{'id'} }; # the root node is included in the set
+. Ignore it.

  my $ts = $timestamp_of_earliest_reply;
  my @replies = map { PerlMonksTickers->any_node( node_id => $_ ) } ke
+ys %ids;
  @replies = PerlMonksTickers->only_new_nodes( $ts, @replies );
  @replies or next;

  printf( "%s (%s) %s\n",
  print "has the following replies:\n";
  for my $reply ( @replies )
    printf( "  %s (%s) <%s> %s\n    %s\n",
  print "\n";

sub timestamp_of_hours_ago
  my $hours_ago = shift;
  my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) =
    localtime( time - $hours_ago * 60 * 60 );
  sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
    $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec;


Structures returned by user_nodes():
  id         => 230228,
  title      => 'Re: Edit your scratch',
  createtime => '2003-01-27 09:19:03',
  lastedit   => '2003-01-27 09:19:03'
  lastupdate => '2003-01-27 09:35:09',

Structure returned by thread_nodes():
  229651 => [ 229669, ],
  229669 => [ 229699, 229846, ],
  229699 => [ 229739, ],

Structures returned by any_node():
  node_id    => 230258,
  type_id    => 11,
  type       => 'note'
  author_id  => 114691,
  author     => 'Aristotle',
  createtime => '2003-01-27 11:15:27',
  updatetime => '2003-01-27 11:18:32',
  title      => 'Re^3: Edit your scratchpad... should be easier ',
  data       =>
      root_node   => 229965,
      parent_node => 230228,
      doctext     => 'I have wanted to look at your code...'