in reply to mozilla -remote made simple

A bit tidier and more reliable:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use constant URL => 'openURL(%s, new-tab)'; use constant MAIL => 'mailto(%s)'; sub abs_path { require File::Spec; File::Spec->rel2abs(shift); } $_ = shift || ''; my $command = m!^(?:ftp|http|file)://! ? sprintf URL, $_ : -r($_) ? sprintf URL, 'file://'.abs_path($_) : s!^(www\..+)!http://$1! ? sprintf URL, $_ : s!^(ftp\..+)!ftp://$1! ? sprintf URL, $_ : s/^mailto:// ? sprintf MAIL, $_ : die "usage: $0 (filename|URL|mailto:foo\\n"; exec 'mozilla', -remote => sprintf($command, $_);
This checks -r early - thus, you can use it to invoke Mozilla on a directory called without the scheme guessing getting in your way. It also handles URLs with ftp.* hosts nicely.

Makeshifts last the longest.

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Re: Re: mozilla -remote made simple
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 15, 2004 at 17:00 UTC
    Do you know how to start Mozilla mail with the message text already filled in?

      Dunno if this works with all/more browsers, but it does seem to work with Firebird (and I hope this is what you're looking for):

      <a href="mailto:foo@bar.invalid?subject=Testing&body=Oh wow, body text +">foo@bar.invalid</a>

      This works for me, using Firebird and MozEX to launch Pine for me.

      Test it here :) foo@bar.invalid
