in reply to accessing EJB from perl

You may want to see if JPL/JNI does what you need. I've only played around with it, but it seemed to work fine. The best part of JPL/JNI is that they are part of perl's core. Here's a good tutorial to help you get started with integrating Java and perl.

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Re: Re: accessing EJB from perl
by ignatz (Vicar) on Oct 21, 2002 at 13:07 UTC
    Why? Why try to breed these two beasts? What advantage do you have to writing tests in Perl for an Enterprise Java application? You'd spend more time testing your tests because of each languages different natures. I could see, yes, maybe using Perl to test one's servlets using HTTP (In the past I've actually used silktest for that purpose), but only for such public requests and I'd still want to test my internals using Java.

    Test in the language that you code in. Know how to test in every language you code in. If you don't know how to test it, don't code in it.

    Just because you can do something, doesn't mean that you should. Yes, I can fly, but I'm still going to pick an airplane over jumping off of a building for that purpose. (Insert I don't know, maybe that ain't such a bad idea in your case joke here)

      The advantage you get from breeding these two beasts is using the strengths of each language to offset the weakness of the other. Currently I do most of my coding with perl, C# and C++, occasionally I use Java as well. The language I choose to use depends on which language is best suited for the object I wish to create. I have projects that are tens of thousands of lines long that have some objects written in perl, others in C#, and yet others in C++. But they are all part of the same program, and each language uses the objects from the other languages. Often times I’ll choose perl to test each of the objects. That is because perl is the best at writing quick test programs. I know how to test in each language, but choose perl to save time during the testing phase. Once you have an object, it doesn’t matter what language you choose to test the object with. You will get the same result whether you use perl, C#, C++, or Java. An object has interfaces, and all you need to do when testing is make sure each interface does its job. Any language that can use that object’s interface can test that. Of course this assumes you know how to call one language’s object from another language, but that isn’t too difficult to learn.

      It all comes down to TIMTOWTDI. You may not feel comfortable using perl to interact with another language, but that doesn’t mean other people are the same way.

        You'll have to excuse me if I don't buy it. Using a weak typed language to test a strong typed one? Combine that with Enterprise Java's lock the door and throw away the key vs. Perl's Dude, come on in and Party! method of security sounds to me like a recipe for some very weak tests.