My little obfuscated quine:
my $c=";";my $q=q;print 'my $c="'.$c.'"'.$c.'my $q=q'.$c.$q.$c.$c.'eva +l $q'.$c;;eval $q;

"Sanity is the playground of the unimaginative" -Unknown

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: One-Line Quine
by Aristotle (Chancellor) on Jun 08, 2002 at 15:12 UTC
    Beautiful :-)

    Makeshifts last the longest.
I tweaked it a bit
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 14, 2002 at 02:52 UTC
    this may defeat the point of trying to obfuscate it, but i think shorter is better.
    this is only 74 characters to your 89 (although removing whitespace is cheap) my$c=';';my$q=q;print"my\$c='$c'${c}my\$q=q$c$q$c${c}eval\$q$c";;eval$q;