Category: Databases / Utilities
Author/Contact Info Kozz
Description: A friend's website was hosted on a machine which had MySQLd installed, but the "mysqldump" utility was nowhere to be found! I created this script to read the tables and create full INSERT statements for him. It can't dump the table structure as mysqldump can (along with many other features), but it's a start. I welcome and encourage any feedback.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT

# v.0.3
# 2002/04/12
# - updated to fix a duplicate my $dsn and
#   put a semi-colon at end of SHOW TABLE statement
#   as suggested by crazyinsomniac
# 2002/03/07 
# - updated to use Getopt::Long as suggested by gmax
# To do/wishlist:
#   unbuffer STDIN so password is hidden when entered
#   implement other flags that are also used by the 'mysqldump' utilit
#   make use of default mysql config file as also suggested by gmax
#   use Pod::Usage that can produce help messages/info for 
#    various options now in this script

use strict;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long;

my %dbinfo = (
                'username'      => 'dbuser',
                'password'      => 'dbpass',
                'hostname'      => 'localhost',

#  END of configurable options

$dbinfo{database} = shift @ARGV;

unless( defined($dbinfo{database}) ){
        die &usage($0);

my ($verbose, $drop_table, $opt, $username, $password, $hostname, 
    $complete, $lock, $extended, $nodata, $nocreate);

GetOptions (
    'opt' => \$opt,
    'add-drop-table' => \$drop_table,
    'c|complete-insert' => \$complete,
#    'e|extended-insert' => \$extended,
    'add-locks' => \$lock,
    'u|username=s' => \$username,
#    'p|password=s' => \$password,
    'h|host=s' => \$hostname,
    'd|no-data' => \$nodata,
    't|no-create-info' => \$nocreate,

my @tables = @ARGV;

unless( defined($dbinfo{database}) ){
    die &usage($0);

unless($hostname){ $hostname = 'localhost'; }
unless( defined($password) ){
    print STDERR "Password: ";
    chomp($password = <STDIN>);

my ($dsn) = sprintf("DBI:mysql:%s:%s", $dbinfo{database}, $dbinfo{host

my $dbh = DBI->connect(
            RaiseError => 1,
            AutoCommit => 0,
        ) or die $DBI::errstr;

my ($sth, %userdata, $sql, $table, $listing, %listing_hash, $colnames)

unless( scalar(@tables) > 0){
        @tables = @{GetTableList($dbh)};

foreach $table (@tables){
    my $row;

    if(!$nocreate || $opt){
        print "\n#\n# Table structure for table '$table'\n#\n\n";
        if($drop_table || $opt){
            print "\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table;\n";
        print $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table;")->[

    if(!$nodata || $opt){
        print "\n#\n# Dumping data for table '$table'\n#\n\n";

        if($lock || $opt){ print "LOCK TABLES $table WRITE;\n"; }

        $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table");

        while( $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){
            my $insert;
            $insert = GetInsertSQL($row, $dbh, $table);
            print $insert, ";\n";

        if($lock || $opt){ print "UNLOCK TABLES;\n"; }


sub GetInsertSQL{
    my ($data, $dbh, $table) = @_;
    my ($sql, $cols, $col);

    $cols = GetTableCols($dbh, $table);
    $sql = "INSERT INTO $table ";
        $sql.= "( ";
        $sql.= join(', ', @$cols);
        $sql.= " ) ";
    $sql.= "VALUES ( ";
    foreach $col (@$cols){
        $sql.= ' '.$dbh->quote( ${$data}{$col} );
        $sql.= ',';
    $sql =~ s/\,$//; # remove trailing comma
    $sql.= " )";

sub GetTableCols{
        my ($dbh, $table) = @_;
        my ($rs);
        $rs = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("DESCRIBE $table");
        return $rs;

sub GetTableList{
        my ($dbh) = @_;
        my ($rs, $sql);
        $rs = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SHOW TABLES");
        return $rs;

sub usage{
        my ($cmd) = @_;
        die "Usage:\n" .
        " $cmd [options] [database] [tables...]\n" .
        " Example:\n" .
        " $cmd --opt -u userfoo -p phpbb messages users > mybackup.sql
+\n" .
        " Try redirecting it to a file, as shown above.\n\n";
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: - when you don't have mysqldump
by gmax (Abbot) on Mar 07, 2002 at 09:27 UTC
    Nice job.
    Some comments on the implementation:
    • If you don't want to prompt the user for username and password, it would be advisable to get them from a configuration file, instead of hardcoding them into the script. See this script for an example.
    • You don't need to get the table columns to create an INSERT statement. If you are inserting all the fields, your insert can be either "INSERT INTO tablename (col1 col2 col3) VALUES ('a','b','c')" or "INSERT INTO tablename VALUES ('a','b','c')". Of course this statement is helpful if the order of columns changes, but on a regular case it isn't needed.
    The table structure can be created by adding this snippet:
    # after printing the initial table comments print $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table")->[0][1],"\n +";
    Adding some parameters to let the user decide whether or not having this creation statement and maybe a DROP TABLE before it should be straightforward. Check Getopt::Long for some help.
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