in reply to RE: Resolve addresses in web access logs (risk of gethostbyaddr)
in thread Resolve addresses in web access logs

You are correct. Reverse DNS can easily give wrong information (if the bad guy controls his DNS server, he also controls the reverse table). I know about this, but I don't care too much about it for web access statistics.


  • Comment on RE: RE: Resolve addresses in web access logs

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RE(3): Resolve addresses in web access logs (kudra: blathering on rather senselessly)
by kudra (Vicar) on May 22, 2000 at 18:15 UTC
    I wouldn't care either with web stats. I was just suggesting that as an example piece of code you might want to add a comment about that problem/feature so that if someone adapted it for an application which did require checking, s/he would know about it.