in reply to Tk Failed to AUTOLOAD 'Tk::Frame::labelPack' at C:\Strawberry\perl\lib\Tk/Tk/ line 203.

I use ActiveState 5.22 now. But for grins, I ran your code and it worked with the standard distribution (no extra installations required, the standard Tk was enough albeit with some extra use statements). After adding use strict; and use warnings;, I had to add more stuff to get it to run, but run it does. I suspect that there is something that is not apparent in the code that you posted.
use warnings; use strict; use Tk; use Tk::NoteBook; use Tk::BrowseEntry; my @product_list = (qw/asdf lijlj/); my @package_list = (qw/opiu qwerty/); my $product_st; my $package_st; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); $mw -> geometry("1000x400"); my $book = $mw->NoteBook()->pack(); my $title = $mw -> title("Spec Analysis"); $mw ->BrowseEntry(-label => 'Product', -choices=> \@product_list, -var +iable => \$product_st, -browsecmd =>\&getselect_product, -font => "co +urier 11 bold" ) ->place(-x=>1,-y=>120); $mw ->BrowseEntry(-label => 'Package', -choices=> \@package_list, -var +iable => \$package_st, -browsecmd =>\&getselect_package, -font => "co +urier 11 bold" ) ->place(-x=>275,-y=>120); MainLoop;
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