in reply to unpack into arrayrefs?

I don't think there is a way to do that with unpack in just one pass... but...
my @a = map [unpack "CCSS", $_], unpack "(a6)*", $data;

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Re^2: unpack into arrayrefs?
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 22, 2022 at 19:30 UTC

    That is a nice approach.

    I was in a hurry, so went for a quick substr approach:

    push @a, [ unpack "CCSS", substr($data, $_ * 6, 6) ] for 0..(length($data) / 6 - 1);

    Had an off-by-one error at first though. Perl doesn't seem to have a range operator that goes up to n-1, like Ruby does? (0..5 loops from 0 to 5 but 0...5 loops from 0 to 4 in Ruby)

      Perl is smart enough not to need one:

      push @a, [ unpack 'CCSS', substr $data, 0, 6, '' ] while length $data;
