in reply to Fastest way to "pick without replacement"

If you don't care about order, replacing the deleted element by the last in the array works as well. And I was expecting it to be faster than splice (since I was expecting the latter to move every element after the one that is removed) but the performances are actually very similar:

use warnings; use strict; use Benchmark qw/cmpthese/; my $size = 1e3; my @numbers = ( 0..$size ); my $index = 3; my @expect = ( 0..2,4..$size ); use constant TEST => 0; cmpthese(-2, { splice => sub { my @output = @numbers; splice @output, $index, 1; join("\0", sort @output) eq join("\0", sort @expect) or die if TES +T; }, grep => sub { # my @output = @numbers[ grep $_ != $index, 0 .. $#numbers ]; join("\0", sort @output) eq join("\0", sort @expect) or die if TES +T; }, swap => sub { my @output = @numbers; $output[$index] = pop @output; join("\0", sort @output) eq join("\0", sort @expect) or die if TES +T; }, });
C:\Projets\perl>perl Rate grep swap splice grep 14287/s -- -73% -73% swap 52519/s 268% -- -0% splice 52549/s 268% 0% --

NB: I checked, it works fine when $index is the last element in the array as well.