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in thread Calender billing_prt

#!/usr/local/bin/perl @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); @weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun); ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek +, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime(); $year = 1900 + $yearOffset; $theTime = "$hour:$minute:$second, $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$mont +h] $dayOfMonth, $year"; print $theTime;

this the above code im using it to capture system pc time, i wasnt able to use this time as actually im working on Staf automation. So im writing this perl script so that i can capture the time and use it in my xml code which is required for the billing. I will use this PC time and later generate bill accordingly which i wasnt able to do.(if i subscribed to a plan on say today 24th, he should be billed next month 21st). But my client requirement is that they require the billing according to postpaid customers.

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Re^3: Calender billing_prt
by thezip (Vicar) on Jan 23, 2014 at 22:25 UTC

    ... and you're wanting to know how to do *what* ?

    Perhaps sprintf() might be your friend:

    my @parts = localtime(time); my $now = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d', $parts[5]+1900, $parts[4]+1, $parts[3], $parts[2], $parts[1], $parts[0]); print "The current date/time is $now.\n";

    *My* tenacity goes to eleven...
      i was asking how to call the system PC time that i have written in perl script and use it in the xml code .

        I'm sure your XML code is a wonder to behold, but until you show it to us, it doesn't exist, and we can't help you with your date/time problem...

        *My* tenacity goes to eleven...