sub debugLogFunctionNameLineNum { #debugLogFunctionNameLineNum((caller(0))[2],(caller(1))[3], @_); my ($callerline, $caller, @input) = @_; my $input_msg = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < @input; $i++) { unless (defined $input[$i]) { $input[$i] = "undef"; } $input_msg .= "$i=>$input[$i]"; if ($i < $#input) { $input_msg .= ", "; } } my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller; unless ($caller) { $caller = $filename; } if ($caller =~ m/eval/) { $caller = "Tk call"; $callerline = "Unknown"; } else { if ($callerline =~ m/::(.+)/) { $callerline = $1; } } my $FunctionName = (caller(1))[3]; if ($FunctionName =~ m/::(.+)/) { $FunctionName = $1; } my $time = localtime time; unless ($FunctionName) { $FunctionName = "MAIN"; } #do sprintf left align truncate until sprintf supports if ($files{log}{fileNameLen} =~ m/-\d+\.(\d+)/) { $filename = substr($filename, 0, $1); } if ($files{log}{funNameLen} =~ m/-\d+\.(\d+)/) { $FunctionName = substr($FunctionName, 0, $1); } my $header = sprintf("%*s, %*s, %*s, %*s:", $files{log}{timeLen}, $time, $files{log}{fileNameLen}, $filename, $files{log}{funNameLen}, $FunctionName, $files{log}{lineNumLen}, $line); print "$header Called from [$caller] at [$callerline] with options [$input_msg]\n"; #only for testing if (defined $writelog and defined $LOGFH) { $writelog->down(); print $LOGFH "$header Called from [$caller] at [$callerline] with options [$input_msg]\n"; $writelog->up(); } }