REM 5 CLS 7 RANDOMIZE TIMER 10 PRINT "Hello there. I'm a computer. What is your name?" 20 INPUT G$ 30 PRINT "Hello "+G$+". You are welcome to computer land." 40 PRINT "What would you like to do today?" 50 PRINT "1) Make noises" 60 PRINT "2) Make a maze" 70 PRINT "3) Exit" 80 PRINT "Enter your selection:" 100 INPUT S$ 110 IF S$="1" GOTO 200 120 IF S$="2" GOTO 300 130 IF S$="3" GOTO 400 140 PRINT "Try again." 150 GOTO 40 200 SOUND 20+(RND*20000), RND*3 210 GOTO 200 300 SCREEN 1 310 IF RND>.5 THEN PRINT "/"; ELSE PRINT "\"; 320 GOTO 310 400 PRINT "Bye."