#!/perl/bin/perl #use strict; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "

Zip Code Lookup Results

\n"; $debug=0; if ($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} == 0) { $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} = 62; $debug = 1; } print "L15 - $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}
\n"; $argcnt=0; read(STDIN, $input, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); if ($debug) { print "Input string:$input
"; print "L23 - $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}
\n"; } @input = split(/&/,$input); PARSE: for ($i=0;$i<=$#input;$i++){ ($g, $z) = split(/=/, $input[$i],2); # $z =~ s/ //g; last PARSE if ($z==""); $ARGV[$i] = $z; $argcnt++; } $argcnt--; #print "LINE 35 - argcnt=$argcnt
"; # $zlist = split(/=/,@input); $stime=time(); @ziplist = ($z1, $z2); print "L44 - $ziplist[0] $ziplist[1]

"; $stime=time(); #$ARGV[0]=$z1; #$ARGV[1]=$z2; for ($i=0; $i<= $argcnt;$i++){ #print "In find loop: $i\n"; ($zip[$i], $state[$i], $city[$i], $lat[$i], $long[$i]) = findzip($ARGV[$i]); $city[$i] =~ s/^ +//g; #match one or more spaces at the start of a line. # print "$zip[$i], $city[$i], $state[$i], $lat[$i], $long[$i]\n
"; if ($lat[$i] == 0 || $long[$i] == 0){ print "Zip $zip[$i] is missing location information
\n"; } } for ($i=0; $i <= $argcnt; $i++){ $dest=$i+1; if ($i == $argcnt) {$dest=0;} $dst[$i] = dist($lat[$i], $long[$i], $lat[$dest], $long[$dest]); if ($lat[$i] == 0 || $long[$i] == 0 || $lat[$dest] == 0 || $long[$dest] == 0) { $dst[$i] = "Unknown distance"; } else { #print "$dst[$i]\n"; $dst[$i] =~ s/\..+/ miles/; #print "$dst[$i]\n"; } # print "$city[$i], $state[$i] $zip[$i] $lat[$i] $long[$i] to #$city[$dest], $state[$dest] $zip[$dest] $lat[$dest] $long[$dest] :"; print "L 85 - $city[$i], $state[$i] $zip[$i] to $city[$dest], $state[$dest] $zip[$dest] : "; print "$dst[$i] (lat $lat[$i] long $long[$i])****$dst[$i]****
"; } print "L90 -
\n"; $etime=time(); elapsed() ; print "Return to Zip Code Lookup
\n"; #print "Go to ZIP!
\n"; exit; $linecnt=1; #loop counter, how many have we looked at? $fnd=-1; #how many have we found? SEARCH: while ($line = ) { $thiszip = substr($line, 0, 5); $i=0; while ($ARGV[$i]){ if ($thiszip == $ARGV[$i]){ $short = substr($line, 0, 50); print "line #: $linecnt Found Zip: $short"; chomp $line; ($zip[$i], $state[$i], $name[$i], $lat[$i], $long[$i]) = split /,/,$line,5; @fullline[$i] = $line; $fnd++; last SEARCH if($fnd==$#ARGV) ; } $i++; } $linecnt++; } print "\n\n"; $i=0; for ($i=0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++){ $dest=$i+1; if ($i == $#ARGV) {$dest=0;} $dst[$i] = dist($lat[$i], $long[$i], $lat[$dest], $long[$dest]); print "$name[$i], $state[$i] to $name[$dest], $state[$dest]: $dst[$i] miles \n"; } exit; sub elapsed { # etime set after search. $etime=time(); #print "---------------------------------------------------------------\n"; #print "start = $stime end = $etime
\n"; print "Elapsed time = "; print $etime - $stime; print "

\n"; } sub acos { atan2( sqrt(1-$_[0] * $_[0]), $_[0]) } sub dist { $pi = atan2(1,1) * 4; my @parms = @_; my $lat1 = $parms[0]/180 * $pi ; my $long1 = $parms[1]/180 * $pi; my $lat2 = $parms[2]/180 * $pi; my $long2 = $parms[3]/180 * $pi; # print "$lat1, $long1, $lat2, $long2 \n"; $a = $long1 - $long2; if ($a < 0) {$a = -$a;} if ($a > $pi) {$a = 2 * $pi;} $d = acos(sin($lat2) * sin($lat1) + cos($lat2)*cos($lat1)*cos($a)) * 3958; return $d ; } ######################################################################### #This findzip is awesome...uses an index, and works okay. It is fast and #cool. Next issue: Can we do without the index? sub findzipX { my @parms = @_; my $z = $parms[0]; open(ZIP, "zip2.txt") ; open(NDX, "zip.ndx") ; $keysize=11; #how long is the key $zipsize=52; #how long is a zip code record $zipcnt=42730; #how many zip codes are in file $max = $zipcnt; $min = 0; $cand=""; $itcnt=0; while ($cand != $z and itcnt < 100){ #set a search value #read it #key is either greater, lesser, or equal $search=int($min + (($max-$min)/2)); seek NDX, $search*$keysize, 0; read NDX, $line,$keysize; ($cand, $key) = split /:/,$line ; if ($cand > $z) { $max= $search; #$min= $min; } elsif ($cand < $z){ #$max= $max; $min= $search; } print "Cnt=$itcnt zip=$cand key=$key search=$search max=$max min=$min\n"; $itcnt++; } # print "Cnt=$itcnt zip=$cand key=$key search=$search max=$max min=$min\n"; # print "\n"; # print "key=$key\n"; seek ZIP, ($key*$zipsize), 0; read ZIP, $line, $zipsize; # print "In findzip $z=$line\n"; return split /,/,$line; } ########################################################################## sub test { return "Test1","test2"; } ######################################################################### #this is a copy of the original findzip (now findzipx)...I am trying to do #without the index file. sub findzip { my @parms = @_; my $z = $parms[0]; #print "Looking for $z\n"; # open(ZIP, "zip2.txt") ; # open(NDX, "zip.ndx") ; #now try the 'normal' zip.txt file, no indexing, no optimization. open(ZIP, "zip.txt"); $keysize=11; #how long is the key $zipsize=52; #how long is a zip code record $zipcnt=42730; #how many zip codes are in file #the technique is similar... $zipsize = 1698323; # of bytes in zip.txt #everything now refers to bytes, rather than records $max = $zipsize; $min = 0; $cand=""; $itcnt=0; $search=int($min + (($max-$min)/2)); # print "Cnt=$itcnt zip=$cand key=$key search=$search max=$maxmin=$min\n"; while ($cand != $z){ #set a search value #read it #key is either greater, lesser, or equal $search=int($min + (($max-$min)/2)); if ($itcnt > 100) { @alist = ($z,"Not Found","Not Found","",""); @alist; return; } #print "In loop search $search max $max min $min itcnt $itcnt\n"; seek ZIP, $search, 0; # read NDX, $line,$keysize; #get rid of a partial line because we probably seek'ed into the middle of a record $line = ; #partial line $line = ; #read a full line ($cand, $key) = split /:/,$line,2 ; #just first two fields if ($cand > $z) { $max= $search + 100; #plus 100, just to make sure we don't lose a line # $min= $min; } elsif ($cand<$z){ # $max= $max; $min= $search - 100; } # print "Cnt=$itcnt zip=$cand key=$key search=$search max=$max #min=$min\n"; $itcnt++; } # print "Cnt=$itcnt zip=$cand key=$key search=$search max=$max min=$min\n"; # print "\n"; # print "key=$key\n"; #--- seek ZIP, ($key*$zipsize), 0; #--- read ZIP, $line, $zipsize; # print "In findzip $z=$line\n"; return split /,/,$line; }