#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Std; use HTML::Template; use List::Util; my %opt; get_args(\%opt); my $template = HTML::Template->new(filename => 'bench.tmpl'); $template->param(CHAIN_LENGTH => $opt{n}); $template->param(UNMATCHED_ITEMS => $opt{u}); my @chain = map {ITEM => $_}, 2 .. $opt{n}; $template->param(CHAIN => \@chain); my $unmatched_items = int(($opt{u} / 100) * $opt{t}); $unmatched_items ||= 1 if $opt{u}; my @input = (-1) x $unmatched_items; my $total = $opt{t} - $unmatched_items; my @weight = $opt{w} ? sort {$b <=> $a} grep $_, split /[%,]|\s+/, $opt{w} : (int(100/$opt{n})) x $opt{n}; for (1 .. $opt{n}) { my $amount = shift @weight; push @input, ($_) x (int(($amount/100) * $total) || 1); } $_ = {FIND => $_} for @input; @input = List::Util::shuffle(@input) if ! $opt{o}; $template->param(BUILD_FIND => \@input); print $template->output(); sub get_args { my $opt = shift @_; my $Usage = qq{Usage: $0 [options] -h : This help message -n : The (n)umber of items in the if/elsif chain Default: 5 -t : The (t)total number of items to process This number need not be the same as your actual data. It should be sufficient to exercise the options Default: -n * 10 -u : The percentage of (u)nmatched items to include Typical if/elsif chains end with a catch-all else This option allows you to determine how often this is used Default: 0 -o : Specifies if the if/elsif chain should be (o)rdered If the input data is well known, it is possible to order the if/elsif chains to ensure the most common items are first Default: 0 (off) -w : The (w)eight in percentages of the matched input Ignored unless -o option also specified There must be as many #% as there are -n to work correctly The #% must add up to 100 to work correctly The -b option, if present, takes precedence before this option For instance, if you have n = 5, t = 100, -o, and u = 10 -w"40%, 30%, 15%, 10%, 5%" would equate to 100% of the remaining 90% Default: N/A } . "\n"; getopts('hn:t:u:w:o', $opt) or die $Usage; die $Usage if $opt->{h}; delete $opt->{w} if ! exists $opt->{o}; $opt->{n} = 5 if ! defined $opt->{n}; $opt->{t} = $opt->{n} * 10 if ! defined $opt->{t}; $opt->{u} = 0 if ! defined $opt->{u}; }