package Unit6; use strict; use warnings; sub run { print " This is Unit 6 - Quadrilaterals and Polygons.\n For the Final Exam, you will have to know the\n properties of all quadrilaterals and how to\n prove that a given shape is any quadrilateral.\n To access the Quadrilateral Information Database,\n type 'Quads.' To access the Casio-Maxim Quadrilateral\n Identification Algorithm, type 'crazy Maxim.'\n Type 'quit' to exit Unit 6.\n Type your choice.\n\n"; my $Choice = ; chomp $Choice; if ($Choice =~ /quit/i) { print "\nBye.\n\n"; exit;} elsif ($Choice =~ /quads/i) { Quadrilaterals::run();} elsif ($Choice =~ /crazy maxim/i) { CMQIA::run();} } 1;