package REST::CGI::Simple; # # patched version of CGI::Simple # - PROPFIND method with message body possible, see keyword "patch1" # - no PUT data value parsing for zeros (may also be set by NO_NULL = 0), but hardcoded, see keyword "patch2" # - differentiate handling of medium and very large message bodies, see keyword "patch3" ... sub _read_parse { my $self = shift; my $handle = shift || \*STDIN; my $data = ''; my $type = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'} || 'No CONTENT_TYPE received'; my $length = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} || 0; my $method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} || 'No REQUEST_METHOD received'; # first check POST_MAX Steve Purkis pointed out the previous bug if ( ( $method eq 'POST' or $method eq 'PUT' or $method eq 'PROPFIND' ) # patch1 and $self->{'.globals'}->{'POST_MAX'} != -1 and $length > $self->{'.globals'}->{'POST_MAX'} ) { $self->cgi_error( "413 Request entity too large: $length bytes on STDIN exceeds \$POST_MAX!" ); # silently discard data ??? better to just close the socket ??? while ( $length > 0 ) { last unless _internal_read( $self, $handle, my $buffer ); $length -= length( $buffer ); } return; } if ( $length and $type =~ m|^multipart/form-data|i ) { my $got_length = $self->_parse_multipart( $handle ); if ( $length != $got_length ) { $self->cgi_error( "500 Bad read on multipart/form-data! wanted $length, got $got_length" ); } return; } # patch3 elsif ( ( $method eq 'POST' or $method eq 'PUT' or $method eq 'PROPFIND' ) and $self->{'.globals'}->{'HANDLE_ONLY_ON_LARGE_CONTENT'} == 1 and $length > $self->{'.globals'}->{'HANDLE_ONLY_WHEN_LARGER_AS'} ) { # reading data from STDIN here would mean taking it away from a # script which might process it on its own, so we just signal that # it is still there, untouched $self->_add_param( 'HANDLE_ONLY', 1 ); $ENV{STDIN_WAITING} = 1; } elsif ( $method eq 'POST' or $method eq 'PUT' or $method eq 'PROPFIND' ) { # patch1 if ( $length ) { # we may not get all the data we want with a single read on large # POSTs as it may not be here yet! Credit Jason Luther for patch # < 2.99 suffers from same bug _internal_read( $self, $handle, $data, $length ); while ( length( $data ) < $length ) { last unless _internal_read( $self, $handle, my $buffer ); $data .= $buffer; } unless ( $length == length $data ) { $self->cgi_error( "500 Bad read on POST! wanted $length, got " . length( $data ) ); return; } if ( $type !~ m|^application/x-www-form-urlencoded| ) { $self->_add_param( $method . "DATA", $data ); } else { $self->_parse_params( $data ); } } } elsif ( $method eq 'GET' or $method eq 'HEAD' ) { $data = $self->{'.mod_perl'} ? $self->_mod_perl_request()->args() : $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} || $ENV{'REDIRECT_QUERY_STRING'} || ''; $self->_parse_params( $data ); } else { unless ( $self->{'.globals'}->{'DEBUG'} and $data = $self->read_from_cmdline() ) { $self->cgi_error( "400 Unknown method $method" ); return; } unless ( $data ) { # I liked this reporting but does not behave like this so # out it goes...... # $self->cgi_error("400 No data received via method: $method, type: $type"); return; } $self->_parse_params( $data ); } } ... sub _add_param { my ( $self, $param, $value, $overwrite ) = @_; return () unless defined $param and defined $value; $param =~ tr/\000//d if $self->{'.globals'}->{'NO_NULL'}; @{ $self->{$param} } = () if $overwrite; @{ $self->{$param} } = () unless exists $self->{$param}; my @values = ref $value ? @{$value} : ( $value ); for my $value ( @values ) { next if $value eq '' and $self->{'.globals'}->{'NO_UNDEF_PARAMS'}; # $value =~ tr/\000//d if $self->{'.globals'}->{'NO_NULL'}; # patch2: we could ask for NO_NULL, but this was such a headache # that I hardcoded it as commented out $value = Encode::decode( utf8 => $value ) if $self->{'.globals'}->{PARAM_UTF8}; push @{ $self->{$param} }, $value; unless ( $self->{'.fieldnames'}->{$param} ) { push @{ $self->{'.parameters'} }, $param; $self->{'.fieldnames'}->{$param}++; } } return scalar @values; # for compatibility with request.t }