#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # based on kernighan and pike's markov chain generator # in _the practice of programming_, chapter 3 # (http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/tpop/markov.pl) # use strict; my @words; # words on a line my %wordlist; # key: prefix, value: anon hash (k: suffix, # v: frequency) my $pref_len = shift @ARGV || 2; my $maxwords = shift @ARGV || 100; my $entries = 0; # build word list # # 'Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel' # %wordlist = ( 'blessed is' => { 'the' => 1, }, # 'is the' => { 'man' => 1, }, # 'the man' => { 'that'=> 1, }, # ); # while (<>) { my $suf; push @words, split; while ( @words > $pref_len ) { # build prefix of $pref_len words # join(' ', @array) is faster than qq(@array) or "@array" # my $pref = join(' ', @words[0..($pref_len-1)]); # add suffix to list # $suf = $words[$pref_len]; $wordlist{$pref}{$suf}++; shift @words; # next word on this line $entries++; } } # change frequency count to a percentage # (with help from pcb, recipe 2.10) # foreach my $href ( values %wordlist ) { foreach ( values %$href ) { $_ /= $entries; } } # starting point # my $pref = (keys %wordlist)[rand keys %wordlist]; print "$pref"; # dump out listings # for (0..($maxwords-1)) { last unless (exists $wordlist{$pref}); my $suf = weighted_suffix(); print ' '. $suf; print "\n" if ( $_ % 10 == 0); # skip past first word in prefix # $pref =~ s/^[^ ]+ (.+)$/$1 $suf/; } exit; # from pcb (recipe 2.10) # sub weighted_suffix { my ($suf,$weight,$rand); while (1) { $rand = rand; while ( ($suf,$weight) = each %{ $wordlist{$pref} } ) { return $suf if ($rand -= $weight) < 0; } } }