use Test::More; # These tests try to make sure that objects are destroyed when they # fall out of scope; this requires avoiding circular strong references use strict; use warnings; #plan 'no_plan'; plan tests => 8; use Chemistry::File::Dumper; my $dead_atoms = 0; my $dead_bonds = 0; my $dead_mols = 0; { my $mol = Chemistry::Mol->read("t/"); isa_ok( $mol, 'Chemistry::Mol' ); is( scalar $mol->atoms, 8, 'atoms before'); # make sure cloned molecules are also gc'ed my $mol2 = $mol->clone; # atom deletion garbage collection test $mol->atoms(2)->delete; is( $dead_atoms, 1, "delete one atom - atoms" ); is( $dead_bonds, 4, "delete one atom - bonds" ); is( $dead_mols, 0, "delete one atom - mols" ); } is( $dead_atoms, 16, "out of scope - atoms" ); is( $dead_bonds, 14, "out of scope - bonds" ); is( $dead_mols, 2, "out of scope - mols" ); sub Chemistry::Mol::DESTROY { $dead_mols++ } sub Chemistry::Atom::DESTROY { $dead_atoms++ } sub Chemistry::Bond::DESTROY { $dead_bonds++ }