#!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; # Felde Roland # 2005.09.04 Bugfixed # 2006.07.12 Add versioncheck: can convert acis version 4 and version 7 # 2006.11.08. Can convert sat files with sequence-nr. New sequence detection. # 2007.07.12 Add version 16 my $nr = 0; # Z�hler f�r die acis sequensen my $mod = 0; my $lines; my @satseq; @satfile = ; $satlength = @satfile; # Aufbereitung der satfile ####################### $satseq[0]=$satfile[0]; $satseq[1]=$satfile[1]; $satseq[2]=$satfile[2]; $sorsz=3; for ($i=3; $i<$satlength;$i++){ $ln = $satfile[$i]; chomp($ln); if ( $ln =~ /\#/ ) { $satseq[$sorsz] = $satseq[$sorsz].$ln; $sorsz++; }else{ $satseq[$sorsz] = $satseq[$sorsz].$ln; } } $sorsz=0; foreach $ln (@satseq) { $ln =~ s/\s+/ /g; $satseq[$sorsz] = $ln; # print $sorsz."-".$satseq[$sorsz]."\n"; while ( ($listfaces[$sat_hash{next_face}{$mv}]) ne "\$-1" ) { $faces[$nr] = @satseq[&cut($listfaces[$sat_hash{next_face}{$mv}])]; (@listfaces) = split (/ /, $faces[$nr]); $nr++; } &faceexport; # Ki�r�ti a @faces t�mb�t @faces=""; # Nachdem die face-s schon konvertiert sind wird das # komplette body zusammengestellt $bodyszam = "B".&number($bodynr).$bodynr; print "GBOD ",$bodyszam," NORM",$surfacelist,"\n"; $bodynr++; } } sub faceexport { my @coedge; my @surfs; my @listcoedge; my @listloop; # Exportiert eine face in eine GSUR $felsz = 0; foreach $face ( @faces ) { # Sucht die zu einem face geh�rigen coedge-s zusammen @listface = split(/ /, $face); $loop = @satseq[&cut($listface[$sat_hash{loop}{$mv}])]; (@listloop) = split(/ /, $loop); $firstcoedge = &cut($listloop[$sat_hash{first_coedge}{$mv}]); $coedge[0] = $satseq[&cut($listloop[$sat_hash{first_coedge}{$mv}])]; (@listcoedge) = split(/ /, $coedge[0]); $nr=1; # Die werden im @coedge gespeichert while ( &cut($listcoedge[$sat_hash{next_coedge}{$mv}]) != $firstcoedge ){ $coedge[$nr] = $satseq[&cut($listcoedge[$sat_hash{next_coedge}{$mv}])]; (@listcoedge) = split(/ /, $coedge[$nr]); $nr++; } $sorszam = 0; # $linelist = ""; foreach $cedge ( @coedge ) { (@listcoedge) = split(/ /, $cedge); $edge = $satseq[&cut($listcoedge[$sat_hash{list_coedge}{$mv}])]; (@listedge) = split(/ /, $edge); # Stellt die richtung einer linie ein # print "irany:".$listcoedge[$sat_hash{edge_sign}{$mv}]."\n"; if ($listcoedge[$sat_hash{edge_sign}{$mv}] eq 'forward') { $sign[$sorszam] = " + "; } else { $sign[$sorszam] = " - "; } # Sucht die Punkte zusammen $vertex1 = $satseq[&cut($listedge[$sat_hash{vert1}{$mv}])]; $vertex2 = $satseq[&cut($listedge[$sat_hash{vert2}{$mv}])]; $edgetyp = $satseq[&cut($listedge[$sat_hash{etyp}{$mv}])]; (@point3) = split(/ /, $edgetyp); &points; #print "vonalfajta:".$point3[0]."\n"; if ($point3[0] eq "straight-curve") { $vonalsz[$sorszam] = "L".&number($linenr).$linenr; $vonalsz[$sorszam] = &linehash(&cut($listcoedge[$sat_hash{list_coedge}{$mv}]),$vonalsz[$sorszam],$vonalp1,$vonalp2); } elsif ($point3[0] eq "ellipse-curve") { $vonalp3 = "P".&number($pointnr).$pointnr; print "PNT ",$vonalp3," ",$point3[$sat_hash{point}{$mv}]," ",$point3[($sat_hash{point}{$mv})+1]," ",$point3[($sat_hash{point}{$mv})+2],"\n"; $pointnr++; $vonalsz[$sorszam] = "L".&number($linenr).$linenr; $vonalsz[$sorszam] = &ellipsehash(&cut($listcoedge[$sat_hash{list_coedge}{$mv}]),$vonalsz[$sorszam],$vonalp1,$vonalp2,$vonalp3); } else { $vonalsz[$sorszam] = "L".&number($linenr).$linenr; $vonalsz[$sorszam] = &linehash(&cut($listcoedge[$sat_hash{list_coedge}{$mv}]),$vonalsz[$sorszam],$vonalp1,$vonalp2); }# if vege $linelist = $linelist.$sign[$sorszam].$vonalsz[$sorszam]; $sorszam++; }#foreach $coedge # Ki�r�ti a @coedge t�mb�t @coedge=""; # Besz�mozza a fel�letet �s ki�rja az �llom�nyba $surfsz[$felsz] = "S".&number($surfnr).$surfnr; $surfacelist = $surfacelist." + ".$surfsz[$felsz]; print "GSUR ",$surfsz[$felsz]," + BLEND",$linelist,"\n"; $linelist=""; $surfnr++; $felsz++; }#foreach $face }#faceexport sub cut { # Lev�gja a $ jelet a seq sorsz�mr�l, �s hozz�ad egyet, # mert a geometria le�r�sa a harmadik sorban kezd�d�tt $seq = $_[0]; $seq =~ s/\$//; $seq = $seq + 3; return $seq; } sub number { if (length($_[0]) == 1) { $p = "00"; } if (length($_[0]) == 2) { $p = "0"; } if (length($_[0]) == 3) { $p = ""; } return $p; } sub pointhash { # Pr�ft ob der Punkt schon exportiert wurde, wenn ja wird ihre Nummer f�r # die aktuelle LINE benutzt. if ($points[$_[0]]) { $retp = $points[$_[0]]; } else { $points[$_[0]]= $_[1]; $retp = $_[1]; print "PNT ",$_[1]," ",$_[2]," ",$_[3]," ",$_[4],"\n"; $pointnr++ } return $retp; } sub linehash { # Pr�ft ob die Linie schon exportiert wurde, wenn ja wird ihre Nummer f�r # die aktuelle GSURF benutzt. if ($lines[$_[0]]) { $retp = $lines[$_[0]]; } else { $lines[$_[0]]= $_[1]; $retp = $_[1]; print "LINE ",$_[1]," ",$_[2]," ",$_[3]," 102\n"; $linenr++ } return $retp; } sub ellipsehash { # Pr�ft ob der Bogen schon exportiert wurde, wenn ja wird seine Nummer f�r # die aktuelle GSURF benutzt. if ($lines[$_[0]]) { $retp = $lines[$_[0]]; } else { $lines[$_[0]]= $_[1]; $retp = $_[1]; print "LINE ",$_[1]," ",$_[2]," ",$_[3]," ",$_[4]," 104\n"; $linenr++ } return $retp; } sub points { # Exportiert die zu eine Linie geh�rende Punkte (Endpunkte) (@listvert1) = split(/ /, $vertex1); (@listvert2) = split(/ /, $vertex2); $ppoint1 = $satseq[&cut($listvert1[$sat_hash{listpoint}{$mv}])]; $ppoint2 = $satseq[&cut($listvert2[$sat_hash{listpoint}{$mv}])]; (@point1) = split(/ /, $ppoint1); (@point2) = split(/ /, $ppoint2); $vonalp1 = "P".&number($pointnr).$pointnr; $vonalp1 = &pointhash(&cut($listvert1[$sat_hash{vertpoint}{$mv}]),$vonalp1,$point1[$sat_hash{point}{$mv}],$point1[($sat_hash{point}{$mv})+1],$point1[($sat_hash{point}{$mv})+2]); $vonalp2 = "P".&number($pointnr).$pointnr; $vonalp2 = &pointhash(&cut($listvert2[$sat_hash{vertpoint}{$mv}]),$vonalp2,$point2[$sat_hash{point}{$mv}],$point2[($sat_hash{point}{$mv})+1],$point2[($sat_hash{point}{$mv})+2]); } sub hashdefine { %sat_hash = ( "lump" => { "4" => "2", "7" => "4", "16" => "5"}, "shell" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "first_face" => { "4" => "4", "7" => "6", "16" => "7"}, "next_face" => { "4" => "2", "7" => "4", "16" => "5"}, "loop" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "first_coedge" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "next_coedge" => { "4" => "2", "7" => "4", "16" => "5"}, "list_coedge" => { "4" => "5", "7" => "7", "16" => "8"}, "edge_sign" => { "4" => "6", "7" => "8", "16" => "9"}, "vert1" => { "4" => "2", "7" => "4", "16" => "5"}, "vert2" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "6", "16" => "7"}, "etyp" => { "4" => "5", "7" => "9", "16" => "10"}, "listpoint" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "point" => { "4" => "2", "7" => "4", "16" => "5"}, "vertpoint" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"} ) } sub hashdefine_nr { %sat_hash = ( "lump" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "shell" => { "4" => "4", "7" => "6", "16" => "7"}, "first_face" => { "4" => "5", "7" => "7", "16" => "8"}, "next_face" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "loop" => { "4" => "4", "7" => "6", "16" => "7"}, "first_coedge" => { "4" => "4", "7" => "6", "16" => "7"}, "next_coedge" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "list_coedge" => { "4" => "6", "7" => "8", "16" => "9"}, "edge_sign" => { "4" => "7", "7" => "9", "16" => "10"}, "vert1" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "vert2" => { "4" => "4", "7" => "7", "16" => "8"}, "etyp" => { "4" => "6", "7" => "10", "16" => "11"}, "listpoint" => { "4" => "4", "7" => "6", "16" => "7"}, "point" => { "4" => "3", "7" => "5", "16" => "6"}, "vertpoint" => { "4" => "4", "7" => "6", "16" => "7"} ) }