#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; #print header line for output table print "Movie\t\tShow\t\tCollection>20\n"; LINE: while() { chomp; #find the record header next LINE if not /Movie="(\w+)"\s+show=(\d+)/; my ($movie,$show) = ($1,$2); my @numbers = (); while (($_ = ) =~ /\d+\s+\d+/) { chomp; push @numbers, (split " "); } #filter out just the numbers >= 20 @numbers = grep {$_ >= 20} @numbers; #add up the numbers my $total = 0; $total += $_ foreach @numbers; print "$movie\t\t$show\t\t$total\n"; } __DATA__ * Movie="ABC" show=4 10 20 30 14 90 30 21 13 11 10 09 23 22 05 22 15 19 20 * Movie="XYZ" show=4 10 20 30 14 90 30 21 13 11 10 09 23 22 05 22 15 19 10