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package Module::Starter::PBP; use base 'Module::Starter::Simple'; use version; $VERSION = qv('0.0.3'); use warnings; use strict; use Carp; sub module_guts { my $self = shift; my %context = ( 'MODULE NAME' => shift, 'RT NAME' => shift, 'DATE' => scalar localtime, 'YEAR' => $self->_thisyear(), ); return $self->_load_and_expand_template('', \%context); } sub Makefile_PL_guts { my $self = shift; my %context = ( 'MAIN MODULE' => shift, 'MAIN PM FILE' => shift, 'DATE' => scalar localtime, 'YEAR' => $self->_thisyear(), ); return $self->_load_and_expand_template('Makefile.PL', \%context); } sub Build_PL_guts { my $self = shift; my %context = ( 'MAIN MODULE' => shift, 'MAIN PM FILE' => shift, 'DATE' => scalar localtime, 'YEAR' => $self->_thisyear(), ); return $self->_load_and_expand_template('Build.PL', \%context); } sub Changes_guts { my $self = shift; my %context = ( 'DATE' => scalar localtime, 'YEAR' => $self->_thisyear(), ); return $self->_load_and_expand_template('Changes', \%context); } sub README_guts { my $self = shift; my %context = ( 'BUILD INSTRUCTIONS' => shift, 'DATE' => scalar localtime, 'YEAR' => $self->_thisyear(), ); return $self->_load_and_expand_template('README', \%context); } sub t_guts { my $self = shift; my @modules = @_; my %context = ( 'MODULE NAME' => $modules[0], 'DATE' => scalar localtime, 'YEAR' => $self->_thisyear(), ); my %t_files; for my $test_file ( map { s{\A .*/t/}{}xms; $_; } glob "$self->{template_dir}/t/*" ) { $t_files{$test_file} = $self->_load_and_expand_template("t/$test_file", \%conte +xt); } my $nmodules = @modules; my $main_module = $modules[0]; my $use_lines = join( "\n", map { "use_ok( '$_' );" } @modules ); $t_files{'00.load.t'} = <<"END_LOAD"; use Test::More tests => $nmodules; BEGIN { $use_lines } diag( "Testing $main_module \$${main_module}::VERSION" ); END_LOAD return %t_files; } sub _load_and_expand_template { my ($self, $rel_file_path, $context_ref) = @_; @{$context_ref}{map {uc} keys %$self} = values %$self; die "Can't find directory that holds Module::Starter::PBP template +s\n", "(no 'template_dir: <directory path>' in config file)\n" if not defined $self->{template_dir}; die "Can't access Module::Starter::PBP template directory\n", "(perhaps 'template_dir: $self->{template_dir}' is wrong in co +nfig file?)\n" if not -d $self->{template_dir}; my $abs_file_path = "$self->{template_dir}/$rel_file_path"; die "The Module::Starter::PBP template: $rel_file_path\n", "isn't in the template directory ($self->{template_dir})\n\n" if not -e $abs_file_path; die "The Module::Starter::PBP template: $rel_file_path\n", "isn't readable in the template directory ($self->{template_di +r})\n\n" if not -r $abs_file_path; open my $fh, '<', $abs_file_path or croak $!; local $/; my $text = <$fh>; $text =~ s{<([A-Z ]+)>} { $context_ref->{$1} || die "Unknown placeholder <$1> in $rel_file_path\n" }xmseg; return $text; } sub import { my $class = shift; my ($setup, @other_args) = @_; # If this is not a setup request, # refer the import request up the hierarchy... if (@other_args || !$setup || $setup ne 'setup') { return $class->SUPER::import(@_); } # Otherwise, gather the necessary tools... use ExtUtils::Command qw( mkpath ); use File::Spec; local $| = 1; # Locate the home directory... if (!defined $ENV{HOME}) { print 'Please enter the full path of your home directory: '; $ENV{HOME} = <>; chomp $ENV{HOME}; croak 'Not a valid directory. Aborting.' if !-d $ENV{HOME}; } # Create the directories... my $template_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $ENV{HOME}, '.module-starter', 'PBP' ); if ( not -d $template_dir ) { print {*STDERR} "Creating $template_dir..."; local @ARGV = $template_dir; mkpath; print {*STDERR} "done.\n"; } my $template_test_dir = File::Spec->catdir( $ENV{HOME}, '.module-starter', 'PBP', 't +' ); if ( not -d $template_test_dir ) { print {*STDERR} "Creating $template_test_dir..."; local @ARGV = $template_test_dir; mkpath; print {*STDERR} "done.\n"; } # Create or update the config file (making a backup, of course)... my $config_file = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{HOME}, '.module-starter', 'config' + ); my @config_info; if ( -e $config_file ) { print {*STDERR} "Backing up $config_file..."; my $backup = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{HOME}, '.module-starter', 'con +fig.bak' ); rename($config_file, $backup); print {*STDERR} "done.\n"; print {*STDERR} "Updating $config_file..."; open my $fh, '<', $backup or die "$config_file: $!\n"; @config_info = grep { not /\A (?: template_dir | plugins ) : /xms } <$f +h>; close $fh or die "$config_file: $!\n"; } else { print {*STDERR} "Creating $config_file...\n"; my $author = _prompt_for('your full name'); my $email = _prompt_for('an email address'); @config_info = ( "author: $author\n", "email: $email\n", "builder: ExtUtils::MakeMaker Module::Build\n", ); print {*STDERR} "Writing $config_file...\n"; } push @config_info, ( "plugins: Module::Starter::PBP\n", "template_dir: $template_dir\n", ); open my $fh, '>', $config_file or die "$config_file: $!\n"; print {$fh} @config_info or die "$config_file: $!\n"; close $fh or die "$config_file: $!\n"; print {*STDERR} "done.\n"; print {*STDERR} "Installing templates...\n"; # Then install the various files... my @files = ( ['Build.PL'], ['Makefile.PL'], ['README'], ['Changes'], [''], #['t', '00.load.t'], ['t', '10.synopsis.t'], ['t', 'pod-coverage.t'], ['t', 'pod.t'], ['t', 'perlcritic.t'], ['t', 'perlcriticrc'], ); my %contents_of = do { local $/; "", split /_____\[ (\S+) \]_+\n/, + <DATA> }; for (values %contents_of) { s/^!=([a-z])/=$1/gxms; } for my $ref_path ( @files ) { my $abs_path = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{HOME}, '.module-starter', 'PBP +', @{$ref_path} ); print {*STDERR} "\t$abs_path..."; open my $fh, '>', $abs_path or die "$abs_path: +$!\n"; print {$fh} $contents_of{$ref_path->[-1]} or die "$abs_path: +$!\n"; close $fh or die "$abs_path: +$!\n"; print {*STDERR} "done\n"; } print {*STDERR} "Installation complete.\n"; exit; } sub _prompt_for { my ($requested_info) = @_; my $response; RESPONSE: while (1) { print "Please enter $requested_info: "; $response = <>; if (not defined $response) { warn "\n[Installation cancelled]\n"; exit; } $response =~ s/\A \s+ | \s+ \Z//gxms; last RESPONSE if $response =~ /\S/; } return $response; } 1; # Magic true value required at end of module =pod =head1 NAME Module::Starter::PBP - Create a module as recommended in "Perl Best Pr +actices" =head1 VERSION This document describes Module::Starter::PBP version 0.0.3 =head1 SYNOPSIS # In your ~/.module-starter/config file... author: <Your Name> email: <your@email.addr> plugins: Module::Starter::PBP template_dir: </some/absolute/path/name> # Then on the command-line... > module-starter --module=Your::New::Module # Or, if you're lazy and happy to go with # the recommendations in "Perl Best Practices"... > perl -MModule::Starter::PBP=setup =head1 DESCRIPTION This module implements a simple approach to creating modules and their + support files, based on the Module::Starter approach. Module::Starter needs to + be installed before this module can be used. When used as a Module::Starter plugin, this module allows you to speci +fy a simple directory of templates which are filled in with module-specific information, and thereafter form the basis of your new module. The default templates that this module initially provides are based on the recommendations in the book "Perl Best Practices". =head1 INTERFACE Thsi module simply acts as a plugin for Module::Starter. So it uses th +e same command-line interface as that module. The template files it is to use are specified in your Module::Starter C<config> file, by adding a C<template_dir> configuration variable tha +t gives the full path name of the directory in which you want to put the templates. The easiest way to set up this C<config> file, the associated director +y, and the necessary template files is to type: > perl -MModule::Starter::PBP=setup on the command line. You will then be asked for your name, email addre +ss, and the full path name of the directory where you want to keep the templat +es, after which they will be created and installed. Then you can create a new module by typing: > module-starter --module=Your::New::Module =head2 Template format The templates are plain files named: Build.PL Makefile.PL README Changes t/whatever_you_like.t The C<> file is the template for the C<.pm> file for your mod +ule. Any files in the C<t/> subdirectory become the templates for the testing f +iles of your module. All the remaining files are templates for the ditribution + files of the same names. In those files, the following placeholders are replaced by the appropr +iate information specific to the file: =over =item <AUTHOR> The nominated author. Taken from the C<author> setting in your Module::Starter C<config> file. =item <BUILD INSTRUCTIONS> Makefile or Module::Build instructions. Computed automatically accordi +ng to the C<builder> setting in your Module::Starter C<config> file. =item <DATE> The current date (as returned by C<localtime>). Computed automagically =item <DISTRO> The name of the complete module distribution. Computed automatically f +rom the name of the module. =item <EMAIL> Where to send feedback. Taken from the C<email> setting in your Module::Starter C<config> file. =item <LICENSE> The licence under which the module is released. Taken from the C<licen +se> setting in your Module::Starter C<config> file. =item <MAIN MODULE> The name of the main module of the distribution. =item <MAIN PM FILE> The name of the C<.pm> file for the main module. =item <MODULE NAME> The name of the current module being created within the distribution. =item <RT NAME> The name to use for bug reports to the RT system. That is: Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-<RT NAME>> =item <YEAR> The current year. Computed automatically =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS =over =item C<< Can't find directory that holds Module::Starter::PBP templat +es >> You did not tell Module::Starter::PBP where your templates are stored. You need a 'template_dir' specification. Typically this would go in your ~/.module-starter/config file. Something like: template_dir: /users/you/.module-starter/Templates =item C<< Can't access Module::Starter::PBP template directory >> You specified a 'template_dir', but the path didn't lead to a readable directory. =item C<< The template: %s isn't in the template directory (%s) >> One of the required templates: was missing from the template directory you specified. =item C<< The template: %s isn't readable in the template directory (% +s) >> One of the templates in the template directory you specified was not r +eadable. =item C<< Unknown placeholder <%s> in %s >> One of the templates in the template directory contained a replacement + item that wasn't a known piece of information. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT See the documentation for C<Module::Starter> and C<module-starter>. =head1 DEPENDENCIES Requires the C<Module::Starter> module. =head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES None reported. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<>, or through the web interface at L<>. =head1 AUTHOR Damian Conway C<< <> >> =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2005, Damian Conway C<< <> >>. All right +s reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WH +EN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TH +E ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. =cut __DATA__ _____[ Build.PL ]________________________________________________ use strict; use warnings; use Module::Build; my $builder = Module::Build->new( module_name => '<MAIN MODULE>', license => '<LICENSE>', dist_author => '<AUTHOR> <<EMAIL>>', dist_version_from => '<MAIN PM FILE>', requires => { 'Test::More' => 0, 'version' => 0, }, add_to_cleanup => [ '<DISTRO>-*' ], ); $builder->create_build_script(); _____[ Makefile.PL ]_____________________________________________ use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; WriteMakefile( NAME => '<MAIN MODULE>', AUTHOR => '<AUTHOR> <<EMAIL>>', VERSION_FROM => '<MAIN PM FILE>', ABSTRACT_FROM => '<MAIN PM FILE>', PL_FILES => {}, PREREQ_PM => { 'Test::More' => 0, 'version' => 0, }, dist => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', } +, clean => { FILES => '<DISTRO>-*' }, ); _____[ README ]__________________________________________________ <DISTRO> version 0.0.1 [ REPLACE THIS... The README is used to introduce the module and provide instructions +on how to install the module, any machine dependencies it may have (for example C compilers and installed libraries) and any other informati +on that should be understood before the module is installed. A README file is required for CPAN modules since CPAN extracts the README file from a module distribution so that people browsing the archive can use it get an idea of the modules uses. It is usually a good idea to provide version information here so that people can decide whether fixes for the module are worth downloading. ] INSTALLATION <BUILD INSTRUCTIONS> DEPENDENCIES None. COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (C) <YEAR>, <AUTHOR> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. _____[ Changes ]_________________________________________________ Revision history for <DISTRO> 0.0.1 <DATE> Initial release. _____[ ]_______________________________________________ ###################################################################### +####### # $Author$ # $Date$ # $Revision$ ###################################################################### +####### package <MODULE NAME>; use warnings; use strict; use Carp; use version; our $VERSION = qv('0.0.1'); # Other recommended modules (uncomment to use): # use IO::Prompt; # use Perl6::Export; # use Perl6::Slurp; # use Perl6::Say; # Module implementation here 1; # Magic true value required at end of module __END__ !=head1 NAME <MODULE NAME> - [One line description of module's purpose here] !=head1 VERSION This document describes <MODULE NAME> version 0.0.1 !=head1 SYNOPSIS use <MODULE NAME>; !=for author to fill in: Brief code example(s) here showing commonest usage(s). This section will be as far as many users bother reading so make it as educational and exeplary as possible. !=head1 DESCRIPTION !=for author to fill in: Write a full description of the module and its features here. Use subsections (=head2, =head3) as appropriate. !=head1 INTERFACE !=for author to fill in: Write a separate section listing the public components of the modu +les interface. These normally consist of either subroutines that may b +e exported, or methods that may be called on objects belonging to th +e classes provided by the module. !=head1 DIAGNOSTICS !=for author to fill in: List every single error and warning message that the module can generate (even the ones that will "never happen"), with a full explanation of each problem, one or more likely causes, and any suggested remedies. !=over !=item C<< Error message here, perhaps with %s placeholders >> [Description of error here] !=item C<< Another error message here >> [Description of error here] [Et cetera, et cetera] !=back !=head1 CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT !=for author to fill in: A full explanation of any configuration system(s) used by the module, including the names and locations of any configuration files, and the meaning of any environment variables or properties that can be set. These descriptions must also include details of a +ny configuration language used. <MODULE NAME> requires no configuration files or environment variables +. !=head1 DEPENDENCIES !=for author to fill in: A list of all the other modules that this module relies upon, including any restrictions on versions, and an indication whether the module is part of the standard Perl distribution, part of the module's distribution, or must be installed separately. ] None. !=head1 INCOMPATIBILITIES !=for author to fill in: A list of any modules that this module cannot be used in conjuncti +on with. This may be due to name conflicts in the interface, or competition for system or program resources, or due to internal limitations of Perl (for example, many modules that use source cod +e filters are mutually incompatible). None reported. !=head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS !=for author to fill in: A list of known problems with the module, together with some indication Whether they are likely to be fixed in an upcoming release. Also a list of restrictions on the features the module does provide: data types that cannot be handled, performance issue +s and the circumstances in which they may arise, practical limitations on the size of data sets, special cases that are not (yet) handled, etc. No bugs have been reported. Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-<RT NAME>>, or through the web interface at L<>. !=head1 AUTHOR <AUTHOR> C<< <<EMAIL>> >> !=head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <AUTHOR> C<< <<EMAIL>> >>. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>. !=head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY BECAUSE THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE SOFTWARE, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WH +EN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. TH +E ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE AS PERMITTED BY THE ABOVE LICENCE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. !=cut # vim: ft=perl sw=4 ts=4 expandtab _____[ pod-coverage.t ]__________________________________________ #!perl -T use Test::More; eval "use Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04"; plan skip_all => "Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04 required for testing POD co +verage" if $@; all_pod_coverage_ok(); _____[ pod.t ]___________________________________________________ #!perl -T use Test::More; eval "use Test::Pod 1.14"; plan skip_all => "Test::Pod 1.14 required for testing POD" if $@; all_pod_files_ok(); _____[ perlcritic.t ]_________________________________________________ +__ #!perl use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use Test::More; use English qw(-no_match_vars); if ( not $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} ) { my $msg = 'Author test. Set $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR} to a true value to +run.'; plan( skip_all => $msg ); } eval { require Test::Perl::Critic; }; if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) { my $msg = 'Test::Perl::Critic required to criticise code'; plan( skip_all => $msg ); } my $rcfile = File::Spec->catfile( 't', 'perlcriticrc' ); Test::Perl::Critic->import( -profile => $rcfile ); all_critic_ok(); _____[ perlcriticrc ]_________________________________________________ +__ severity=1 # we use Fatal qw(open close) #[-InputOutput::RequireCheckedOpen] #[-InputOutput::RequireCheckedClose] [Documentation::RequirePodSections] source = module_starter_pbp_0_0_3 language = en_US [Miscellanea::RequireRcsKeywords] keywords = Date Author Revision _____[ 10.synopsis.t ]________________________________________________ +__ use Test::More tests => 1; use English qw( -no_match_vars ) ; my $SYNOPSIS = <<'EOT' use <MODULE NAME>; EOT ; eval $SYNOPSIS; ok(!$EVAL_ERROR,"Test Synopsis") || diag $EVAL_ERROR; _____[ 00.load.t ]____________________________________________________ +__ #!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; use File::Spec; use File::Find; use Test::More; use constant DISTRIBUTION => '<MODULE NAME>'; # Set this to true if all packages have the same version number use constant CHECK_VERSION => 1; sub file_to_pm { my ( $dir, $file ) = @_; $file =~ s/\.pm$// || return; # we only care about .pm files $file =~ s{\\}{/}g; # to make win32 happy $dir =~ s{\\}{/}g; # to make win32 happy $file =~ s/^$dir//; my $_package = join '::' => grep $_ => File::Spec->splitdir($file) +; # untaint that puppy! my ($package) = $_package =~ /^([\w]+(?:::[\w]+)*)$/; return DISTRIBUTION eq $package ? () : $package; } BEGIN { my $dir = 'lib'; my @classes; find( { no_chdir => 1, # keeps it taint safe wanted => sub { -f && /\.pm$/ && push @classes => file_to_pm( $dir, $File::Find::n +ame ); } }, $dir, ); my $tests_per_class = CHECK_VERSION ? 2 : 1; plan tests => $tests_per_class + $tests_per_class * @classes; foreach my $class ( DISTRIBUTION, sort @classes ) { use_ok $class or BAIL_OUT("Could not load $class"); if (CHECK_VERSION) { is $class->VERSION, DISTRIBUTION->VERSION, "... and $class should have the correct version"; } } diag("Testing Test::Harness $Test::Harness::VERSION, Perl $], $^X" +); }

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