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blogname = blogname username = username password = password editor = vim -S $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/html.vim # speller & preview are optional. speller = aspell -H -c preview = lynx -force_html server = appkey = ffffff9bffffffda3157ffffff8c7844fffffff2ffffffedffffffe37cfff +fffcfffffff9d54ffffff830affffffafffffff8c1221fffffff84e2bffffffe0
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: .bloggere, v0.2 -- 10/01/2005 16:30:12 # Robert Rendler <rendler at gmail dot com> # use strict; # For Replaces::playing(), remove them if you don't want it including +the # actual func. use Xmms::Remote; use MP3::Info; use IPC::Open2; use HTML::Entities; $Replaces::home = ''; # These replaces get saved to your locally stored posts. Say a call to # playing(), you'd want the output from the func (current playing song +) to be # put into the original stored post that way it's only interpreted onc +e. %Replaces::Orig::replaces = ( '\[playing\]' => q(Replaces::playing()), ); # These replaces are expanded each and everytime you post/repost, that + way # should something need to be changed you can just make the changes he +re, then # repost and the place holders will be expanded to the new values and +reposted. %Replaces::Temp::replaces = ( '\b([dD]cow(facehed)?)\b' => q(qq(<a href="">$1</a>)), '([Tt]cow)\b' => q(qq(<a href="">$1</a>)), '\bSlashdot\b' => q(q(<a href="">Slashdot</a>)), '\bCPAN\b' => q(q(<a href="">CPAN</a>)), '\bGloom\b' => q(q(<a href="">Gloom</a>)), '\[home://([^:]+):([^\]]+)\]' => q(qq(<a href="$Replaces::home$2">$1</a>)), '\[img://(\S+)(\.[^\]]+)\]' => q(qq(<div align="center"><a href="${Replaces::home}images/$2"> +<img src="${Replaces::home}images/$1_thumb$2" /></a></div>)), '\[cpan://([^\]]+)\]' => q(qq(<a href=" +$1">$1</a>)), '\[fm://([^\]]+)\]' => q(qq(<a href="$1/">$1</a>)), '\[a://([^:]+):([^\]]+)\]' => q(qq(<a href="$2">$1</a>)), '\*(arrow|grin|conf|cool|cry|eek|evil|ex|frown|idea|lol|mad|green| +neutral|\?|razz|red|roll|sad|smile|sup|twist|wink)\*' => q(Replaces::smiles($1)), ); sub Replaces::smiles { my $smile = shift; my %smiles = ( 'arrow' => 'arrow', 'grin' => 'biggrin', 'conf' => 'co +nfused', 'cool' => 'cool', 'cry' => 'cry', 'eek' => 'eek', 'evil' => 'ev +il', 'ex' => 'exclaim', 'frown' => 'frown', 'idea' => 'idea', 'lol' => 'lo +l', 'mad' => 'mad', 'green' => 'mrgreen', 'neutral' => 'neutral', '?' => 'qu +estion', 'razz' => 'razz', 'red' => 'redface', 'roll' => 'rolleyes', 'sad' => 'sa +d', 'smile' => 'smile', 'sup' => 'surprised', 'twist' => 'twisted', 'wink' => 'wi +nk', ); return $smiles{$smile} ? qq(<img src="${Replaces::home}images/smil +es/$smiles{$smile}.gif" />) : ''; } sub Replaces::playing { my $file; my %info; my @formats = ( q#'(' . (%{artist} && %{title} ? '%a ' . (%{album} ? "« %A »" +: '-') . ' %t' : '%f') . ')'#, q#'(' . (%{artist} && %{title} ? '%a - %t' : '%f') . ')'# ); my $format = 0; my $remote = Xmms::Remote->new; # Get filename for any currently playing file. if ($remote->is_running && $remote->is_playing) { $file = $remote->get_playlist_file( $remote->get_playlist_ +pos ); } else { my $pid = (split /\n/, `/bin/ps --no-heading -Cmpg123,ogg123 o + %p`)[0]; $pid =~ s#\D##g if defined $pid; return '' if !$pid; open PROC_CMDLINE, "/proc/$pid/cmdline" or die "Replaces::play +ing(); Couldn't open proc file: '$!'\n"; chomp( my $cmdline = <PROC_CMDLINE> ); close PROC_CMDLINE; if (my ($psfile) = $cmdline =~ /([^\000]+)\000$/) { my ($name, $ext) = $psfile =~ m#([^/]+)\.([^.]+)$#; if ($psfile !~ m#^/# && -l "/proc/$pid/cwd") { $psfile = readlink("/proc/$pid/cwd") . "/$psfile"; } $file = $psfile; } } $info{size} = -s $file; $info{size} = sprintf "%.1f", $info{size} / 1024 / 1024; $info{name} = lc $file; $info{name} =~ s#.*/##; $info{name} =~ s#\.([^.]+)$##; if (lc $1 eq 'mp3' || lc $1 eq 'mp2') { my $info = get_mp3info($file); my $tag = get_mp3tag($file); $info{artist} = $tag->{ARTIST}; $info{album} = $tag->{ALBUM}; $info{title} = $tag->{TITLE}; $info{track} = $tag->{TRACK}; $info{kbps} = $info->{BITRATE}; $info{hz} = $info->{FREQUENCY}; $info{time} = sprintf "%d:%0.2d", $info->{MM}, $info->{SS}; } elsif (lc $1 eq 'ogg') { open2 \*INFO_READ, \*INFO_WRITE, 'ogginfo', $file or die "Repl +aces::playing(): couldn't run ogginfo: '$!'\n"; while (<INFO_READ>) { chomp; if (/Average bitrate: (\d+)/) { $info{kbps} = $1; } elsif (/Playback length: (\S+)/) { $info{time} = $1; $info{time} =~ s#(\d+\.\d+)#sprintf("%0.2d",int($1))#e +g; $info{time} =~ s#[ms]##g; } elsif (/Rate: (\d+)/) { $info{hz} = $1; $info{hz} = $info{kbps} / 1000; } elsif (/(ARTIST|ALBUM|TRACK|TITLE)=(.*)/) { $info{lc $1} = lc $2; } } close INFO_WRITE; close INFO_READ; } $format = $formats[$format]; $format =~ s#(?:\%{([^}]+)})#\$info{$1}#g; local $_ = eval $format; s#\%a#$info{artist}#eg; s#\%A#$info{album}#eg; s#\%t#$info{title}#eg; s#\%n#$info{track}#eg; s#\%f#$info{name}#eg; s#\%T#$info{time}#g; s#\%k#$info{kbps}kbps#g; s#\%h#$info{hz}#g; s#\%s#$info{size}#g; encode_entities($_); return qq(<div align="right">$_</div>); }
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # $Id: netblogger, v0.1 -- 07/01/2005 22:44:17 # Robert Rendler <rendler at gmail dot com> # use strict; use Net::Blogger; use File::Temp; use Term::ReadKey; use constant { NEW => 0, EDIT => 1, REPOST => 2, PREVIEW => 3, }; my $config = "$ENV{HOME}/.bloggerc"; my $replaf = "$ENV{HOME}/.bloggere"; my $data = "$ENV{HOME}/.blogger"; require $replaf if -f $replaf; my %config; config(); my $blogger; blog(); while (1) { options( '[N]ew Entry' => sub { entryPost('newest', NEW) }, '[L]ist Entry' => sub { entryList('postid') }, '[E]dit Entry' => \&entryEdit, '[D]elete Entry' => \&entryDel, 'D[o]wnload' => \&entryDownload, '[R]epost All' => \&repostAll, '[T]emplate' => \&template, '[Q]uit' => sub { exit }, ); } sub entryPost { my ($file, $mode, $id) = @_; launch('editor', "$data/$file"); while (1) { my $ans = options( '[E]dit' => sub { launch('editor', "$data/$file") +}, $config{speller} ? ( '[S]pell Check' => sub { launch('spe +ller', "$data/$file") } ) : (), $config{preview} ? ( 'P[r]eview' => sub { entryPostFi +le($file, PREVIEW, $id) } ) : (), '[P]ost' => sub { entryPostFile($file, $mode, $id) + }, '[B]ack' => '', ); return if $ans =~ /^[pb34]$/; } } sub entryPostFile { my ($file, $mode, $id) = @_; my ($post, $orig); open FILE, "$data/$file" or die "Couldn't open '$data/$file': $!\n +"; while (my $l1 = my $l2 = <FILE>) { for my $string (keys %Replaces::Temp::replaces) { $l1 =~ s#$string#eval($Replaces::Temp::replaces{$string})# +eg; $l1 =~ s#<\s*?\$\s+(.*?)\s+\$\s*?\>#eval($1)#eg; } for my $string (keys %Replaces::Orig::replaces) { $l1 =~ s#$string#eval($Replaces::Orig::replaces{$string})# +eg; $l2 =~ s#$string#eval($Replaces::Orig::replaces{$string})# +eg; $l1 =~ s#\[\s*?\$\s+(.*?)\s+\$\s*?\]#eval($1)#eg; $l2 =~ s#\[\s*?\$\s+(.*?)\s+\$\s*?\]#eval($1)#eg; } $post .= $l1; $orig .= $l2 } close FILE; if ($mode == NEW) { my $postid = $blogger->newPost(postbody => \$post, publish => +1) || die $blogger->LastError(); print "Posted with an ID of '$postid'.\nSaving post to '$data/ +$postid'.\n"; open BLOG, ">$data/$postid" or die "Couldn't open '$data/$post +id': $!\n"; print BLOG $orig; close BLOG; # Remove the original edit copy. unlink "$data/$file"; } elsif ($mode == EDIT || $mode == REPOST) { $blogger->editPost(postbody => \$post, postid => $id, publish +=> 1) || die $blogger->LastError(); print "Post '$id' reposted.\n"; } elsif ($mode == PREVIEW) { open PREV, ">$data/preview" or die "Couldn't open '$data/previ +ew': $!\n"; print PREV $post; close PREV; launch('preview', "$data/preview"); } } # authorName, userid, status, content, postid, lastModified, postDate, + url, dateCreated sub entryList { my $key = shift; my ($ok, @p) = $blogger->getRecentPosts(numposts => $config{numpos +ts} || 20); die $blogger->LastError() if !$ok; for my $post (@p) { my ($width) = GetTerminalSize(); printf "[%s] %s\n", $post->{$key}, substr $post->{content}, 0, + $width - (length($post->{$key}) + 4); } } sub entryDownload { my $key = shift; my ($ok, @p) = $blogger->getRecentPosts(numposts => 20); # Hack Bl +ogger/API/ (about line 483) die $blogger->LastError() if !$ok; # to be a +ble to get a higher numposts. for my $post (@p) { my $postf = "$data/$post->{postid}"; unless (-f $postf) { print "Making hardcopy at '$postf'.\n"; open BLOG, ">$postf" or die "Couldn't open '$postf': $!\n" +; print BLOG $post->{content}; close BLOG; } } } sub entryEdit { my $id = getAnswer('Enter post ID', '^\d+$'); my $post = $blogger->getPost($id) || die $blogger->LastError(); my $postf = "$data/$id"; unless (-f $postf) { print "You don't have a local hardcopy of the post.\nSaving on +e to '$postf'.\n"; open BLOG, ">$postf" or die "Couldn't open '$postf': $!\n"; print BLOG $post->{content}; close BLOG; } entryPost($id, EDIT, $id) } sub entryDel { my $id = getAnswer('Enter post ID', '^\d+$'); $blogger->deletePost(postid => $id, publish => 1) || die $blogger- +>LastError(); print "Post '$id' deleted.\n"; } sub repostAll { opendir DIR, $data or die "Couldn't opendir '$data': $!\n"; for my $file (readdir DIR) { next unless -f $file && $file =~ /^\d+/; entryPostFile($file, REPOST, $file); } } sub template { while (1) { print "Template:\n"; my $opt = options( '[E]dit' => '', '[P]ost' => '', '[B]ack' => '', ); unless ($opt =~ /^[b3]$/) { my $type = getAnswer('Which template [main|archiveIndex]', + '^main|archiveIndex$'); $opt =~ /^[e1]$/ ? tempEdit($type) : tempPost($type); } else { return; } } } sub tempEdit { my $type = shift; my $tfile = "$data/template$type"; unless (-f $tfile) { print "You don't have a local hardcopy of the '$type' template +.\nSaving one to '$tfile'.\n"; my $temp = $blogger->getTemplate(type => $type) || die $blogge +r->LastError(); open TEMP, ">$tfile" or die "Couldn't open '$tfile': $!\n"; print TEMP $temp; close TEMP; } launch('editor', $tfile); } sub tempPost { my $type = shift; my $tfile = "$data/template$type"; unless (-f $tfile) { return print "You don't have a local hardcopy of the '$type' t +emplate.\nEither create one or Edit an existing one first.\n\n"; } open TEMP, $tfile or die "Couldn't open '$tfile': $!\n"; my $temp = do { local $/; <TEMP>; }; close TEMP; $blogger->setTemplate(template => \$temp, type => $type) || die $b +logger->LastError(); print "The '$type' template has been set.\n\n"; } sub launch { my ($key, @options) = @_; die "No such key '$key' for launch!\n" unless $config{$key}; system ((split /\s+/, $config{$key}), @options); } sub options { my @options = @_; my ($i, $valid, $ans, @do, %key); print "\n"; for my $opt (0 .. $#options/2) { $options[0] =~ s#\[(\S+)\]#$1#; # Remove the codes + if it's not portable for you. printf "%d. %s\n", ++$i, shift @options; push @do, shift @options; $key{lc $1} = $i; } while (1) { chomp($ans = <STDIN>); my $ok; if ($ans =~ /^\d+$/ && $ans gt 0 && $ans le $i) { $ok = $ans - 1; } elsif (grep /^\Q$ans\E$/i, keys %key) { $ok = $key{lc $ans} - 1; } if (defined $ok) { print "\n"; $do[$ok]() if ref $do[$ok] eq 'CODE'; return lc $ans; } } } sub getAnswer { my ($question, $valid) = @_; while (1) { print "$question: "; chomp(my $ans = <STDIN>); if ($ans =~ /$valid/) { print "\n"; return $ans; } } } sub blog { $blogger = Net::Blogger->new(appkey => $config{appkey}); $blogger->Username($config{username}) || die $blogger->LastError() +; $blogger->Password($config{password}) || die $blogger->LastError() +; $blogger->BlogId($blogger->GetBlogId(blogname => $config{blogname} +)) || die $blogger->LastError(); } sub config { my @need = qw(blogname username password editor server appkey); %config = hashy($config); map { die "Missing '$_' from config file!\n" if !$config{$_} } @ne +ed; } sub hashy { my $file = shift; my %hash; open FH, $file or die "Couldn't open '$file': $!\n"; while (<FH>) { chomp; next unless m/ = /; my ($key, $value) = split /\s+=\s+/, $_, 2; if ($key && $value) { $hash{$key} = $value; } } close FH; return %hash; }

In reply to netblogger by rendler

Use:  <p> text here (a paragraph) </p>
and:  <code> code here </code>
to format your post; it's "PerlMonks-approved HTML":

  • Are you posting in the right place? Check out Where do I post X? to know for sure.
  • Posts may use any of the Perl Monks Approved HTML tags. Currently these include the following:
    <code> <a> <b> <big> <blockquote> <br /> <dd> <dl> <dt> <em> <font> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <hr /> <i> <li> <nbsp> <ol> <p> <small> <strike> <strong> <sub> <sup> <table> <td> <th> <tr> <tt> <u> <ul>
  • Snippets of code should be wrapped in <code> tags not <pre> tags. In fact, <pre> tags should generally be avoided. If they must be used, extreme care should be taken to ensure that their contents do not have long lines (<70 chars), in order to prevent horizontal scrolling (and possible janitor intervention).
  • Want more info? How to link or How to display code and escape characters are good places to start.
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