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#!perl -w # MODULATOR by epoptai (with some crucial code from japhy's +) # This tool lists installed perl modules, views module pod and source +code, runs code examples*, and more. # *WARNING: THIS PROGRAM CAN EXECUTE USER SUPPLIED PERL CODE. # DO NOT ALLOW PUBLIC ACCESS TO THIS CGI SCRIPT! # $|++; use strict; use CGI qw(Vars :standard); use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser); use Pod::Html; use HTML::Entities; use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Find; use File::Spec::Functions 'rel2abs'; use Data::Dumper; BEGIN{ $_ = $0; $0 = " A module tried to modify this script. " } # my $this = $_; use vars qw($base $found %found %path); # CONFIGURATION my $bodytag = qq~<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000aa" vli +nk="#0000aa">~; my $showlocal = 0; # 0 excludes script dir from @INC, 1 i +ncludes it my $sitemods = 'site'; # bold modules from this directory, fo +r example: 'site', leave blank for none my $synopsis_code_form = 'y'; # any value here puts the synopsis cod +e in a form, leave blank to disable (my $cache = url(-relative=>1)) =~ s|(\.).*$|$1cache|; # set scriptnam +e.cache as the cache filename eval "require '$cache'"; # use cache file if it exists %found = %{$found} if !$@ && %{$found}; my $now = time; my $url = url(); my %i = Vars; my $p = header; $p .= '<html><head><title>MODULATOR</title></head>' unless $i{perlpod} +; $p .= $bodytag if %i && !$i{perlpod}; cache('make') if $i{make}; # create cache cache('dele') if $i{dele}; # delete cache listmods() if $i{listmods}; # display left frame module list splash() if $i{splash}; # display right frame splash screen alpha() if $i{alpha}; # display alpha index env() if $i{env}; # display env vartiables selfurls() if $i{urls}; # display paths to this script synopsis() if $i{synopsis}; # eval code from synopsis form if($i{pm} && $i{title}){ # handle actions from module list perlpod($i{pm},$i{title}) if $i{perlpod}; # render pod as html perlmod($i{pm},$i{title}) if $i{perlmod}; # display module source +code } $p .= qq~ <frameset cols="30%,*"> <frameset rows="90%,40"> <frame name="mod" src="$url?listmods=1" scrolling="auto" framebord +er="1"> <frame name="dex" src="$url?alpha=1" scrolling="no" framebord +er="1"></frameset> <frame name="pod" src="$url?splash=1" scrolling="auto" framebord +er="1"> </frameset></html>~ unless %i; if($i{showhash}){ $_ = findmodules(); $p .= '<pre>'.Data::Dumper->Dump([\%found],[qw(found)]).'</pre>'; } $p .= end_html if %i && !$i{perlpod}; print $p; # there can be only one sub listmods { # display the module list my $total = findmodules(); # populate %found $p .= qq~<a name="top"> <b>Perl</b> : $]<br></a> <b>Path</b> : $^X<br> <b>INC</b> : ~; for(@INC){ next if $showlocal eq '0' && $_ eq '.'; if($sitemods && /$sitemods/){ $p .= qq~<b>$_</b> ~ } else{ $p .= qq~$_ ~ } } $p .= qq~<br><p><font size="-1"> <b><a href="$url?env=1" target="pod">Show environment variables</a></b +><br> <a href="$url?urls=1" target="pod">Paths to this script</a><br> <a href="$url?pm=$this&perlpod=1&title=MODULATOR" target="pod">About</ +a> - <a href="$url?splash=1" target="pod">top</a><br></font><p><font size=+ +2> $total Installed Modules</font> <sup><a href="$url" target="_top">re</ +a></sup><p><ol>~; my %abc = (); for(sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } keys %found){ my ($ltr,$tag) = ('') x 2; m|^(.)|; $ltr = lc($1) if $1; $abc{$ltr}++; $tag = "name='$ltr'" if $abc{$ltr} < 2; # name only the first link $tag = '' if $abc{$ltr} > 1; my($i1,$i2) = ('') x 2; ($i1,$i2) = ('<b>','</b>') if $sitemods && $found{$_}->{path} && + $found{$_}->{path} =~ /$sitemods/; $p .= qq(<nobr>$i1<li><a href="$url?perlpod=1&pm=$found{$_}->{path +}&title=$_" target="pod">$_</a> <a $tag href="$url?perlmod=1&pm=$found{$_}->{path}&title=$_" targe +t="pod">&deg;</a> <a href="$url?perlmod=1&pm=$found{$_}->{path}&title=$_&num=1" + target="pod">*</a>$i2</nobr>\n) if $found{$_}->{pod} && $found{$_}->{pod} == 1; # has pod $p .= qq(<nobr>$i1<li>$_ <a $tag href="$url?perlmod=1&pm=$found{$_}->{path}&title=$_" targe +t="pod">&deg;</a> <a href="$url?perlmod=1&pm=$found{$_}->{path}&title=$_&num=1" + target="pod">*</a>$i2</nobr>\n) if !$found{$_}->{pod} || $found{$_}->{pod} == 2; # has no pod } } sub findmodules { # sub adapted from from (lines with #modlist) # if(%found){ # if a cache file is in use %found will exist $_ = keys %found; return $_ } @path{@INC} = (); #modlist for $base (@INC) { #modlist next if $showlocal eq '0' && $base eq '.'; find(\&modules, $base) #modlist } my $t = keys %found; return $t if $_[0]; # skip the pod search? for my $f (keys %found){ # identify modules with pod my $it = load($found{$f}->{path}); if($it =~ /\n=[^c]\w/){ # find a pod directive besides =cut $found{$f}->{pod} = 1 # has pod } else{ $found{$f}->{pod} = 0 # no pod } } return $t } sub modules { # sub adapted from from (lines with #modlist) # $File::Find::prune = 1, return if exists $path{$File::Find::dir} and $File::Find::dir ne $base +; #modlist my $file = $File::Find::name; my $module = substr $File::Find::name, length $base; #modlist return unless $module =~ s|\.pm$||; #modlist $module =~ m|([\W^'])\w+$|; # discover directory delimiter returned +by File::Find my $sep = $1; $module =~ s|^\Q$sep\E+||; $module =~ s|\Q$sep\E|::|g; $found{$module}->{path} = $file; } sub load { # load a file $_ = pop; open IT,"< $_\0" or die "Could not open $_ : $!"; @_ = <IT>; close IT; return wantarray ? @_ : join '', @_; } sub perlpod { # show pod as html my $pod = $^T; if($i{title} eq $url){ # fix inter-module links $i{pm} =~ m|([\W^'])\w+\.html$|; # discover directory delimiter my $sep = $1; $i{pm} =~ s|\.html$||; $i{pm} =~ s|^\Q$sep\E||; $i{pm} =~ s|\Q$sep\E|::|g; $i{title} = $i{pm}; findmodules(); # populates %found $_[0] = $found{$i{pm}}->{path} if $found{$i{pm}}->{pod} == 1; } pod2html( "--htmlroot=$url?perlpod=1&title=$url&pm=", "--infile=$_[0]", "--outfile=$pod.html", "--title=$_[1]", "--backlink=Top", "--header", ); my $it = load("$pod.html"); unlink "$pod.html" or die "Could not delete $pod.html : $!"; $_ = 0; $_ = 1 if $it =~ m|<hr>|i; $it =~ s|<body>|$bodytag|i; $it =~ s|(<h1><a NAME="synopsis">SYNOPSIS<\/a><\/h1>)(.*?)(<a HREF="#_ +_index__"><small>Top</small></a>)|codeform($1,$2,$3)|eism if $synopsis_code_form; $p .= $it if $_ > 0; $p .= qq~No pod found in $_[0]~ if $_ < 1; } sub perlmod { # show module code $p .= '<pre>'; if($i{num}){ my @it = load($i{pm}); # TAINTED my $c = 1; for(@it){ $_ = encode_entities($_); $p .= qq~$c. $_~; $c++ } } else{ my $it = load($i{pm}); # TAINTED $it = encode_entities($it); $p .= $it } $p .= '</pre>' } sub synopsis { # eval code from a synopsis form return if $i{strip_html}; unless($i{noheader}){ $i{htmlhead} ? print header : print header('text/plain'); } # turn strict off by default for the eval form no strict; eval $i{synopsis} if $synopsis_code_form; # TAINTED, ETC print $@ if $@; exit } sub codeform { # display synopsis code in a form my($front,$coded,$rear) = @_; my @coded = split /\n/, $coded; my (%len,$c,$ex); for(@coded){ # determine width of textarea my $l = length($_); $len{$l} = $l } for(sort { $b <=> $a } keys %len){ $c = $len{$_}; last } my $r = @coded; # determine height of textarea $coded =~ s|</?pr?e?>||ig; $coded =~ s|<[^>]+>||g if $i{strip_html}; if($coded =~ m|<[^>]+>|){ $ex = qq~ <input type="Submit" name="strip_html" value="strip html"> <input type="Hidden" name="pm" value="$i{pm}"> <input type="Hidden" name="title" value="$i{title}">~; $ex .= qq~<input type="Hidden" name="perlpod" value="$i{perlpod}"> +~ if $i{perlpod}; $ex .= qq~<input type="Hidden" name="perlmod" value="$i{perlmod}"> +~ if $i{perlmod}; } $ex = '' if ! $ex; $coded = qq~$front <form><textarea name="synopsis" cols=$c rows=$r>$co +ded</textarea><p> <input type="Submit" value="eval"> $ex <input type="checkbox" name="htmlhead" value="1"> HTML <input type="checkbox" name="noheader" value="1"> No header</form><p> +$rear~; return $coded } sub view { # view file, any arg toggles text mode if(-e $i{pm}){ my $it = load($i{pm}); # TAINTED $it = encode_entities($it) and $p .= '<pre>'.$it.'</pre>' if $_[0] +; # text $p .= $it if !$_[0]; } else{ $p .= '<p>File does not exist!' } } sub env { # show environment variables my $v = keys %ENV; $p .= qq~ <p align="right"><font size="+2">$v Environment Variables</font></p> <p><table border=1 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=100% +>~; for(sort { $a cmp $b } keys %ENV){ if(/DOCUMENT_ROOT|PWD|WINDIR|SCRIPT_FILENAME/){ $p .= qq~<TR><TD>$_ &nbsp;</TD><TD> <a href="file://$ENV{$_}"> +$ENV{$_}</a></TD></TR>~; } elsif(/PATH/){ $ENV{$_} =~ s|;|;<br> |g; $p .= qq~<TR><TD>$_ &nbsp;</TD><TD> $ENV{$_}</TD></TR>~; } elsif(/HTTP_ACCEPT/){ $ENV{$_} =~ s|,|,<br> |g; $p .= qq~<TR><TD>$_ &nbsp;</TD><TD> $ENV{$_}</TD></TR>~; } elsif(/HTTP_COOKIE/){ $ENV{$_} =~ s|;|;<br> |g; $p .= qq~<TR><TD>$_ &nbsp;</TD><TD> $ENV{$_}</TD></TR>~; } elsif(/REMOTE_ADDR|SERVER_ADDR|HTTP_HOST/){ $p .= qq~<TR><TD>$_ &nbsp;</TD><TD> <a href="http://$ENV{$_}"> +$ENV{$_}</a></TD></TR>~; } elsif(/SERVER_ADMIN/){ $p .= qq~<TR><TD>$_ &nbsp;</TD><TD> <a href="mailto:$ENV{$_}"> +$ENV{$_}</a></TD></TR>~; } elsif(/SERVER_SIGNATURE/){ $ENV{$_} =~ s|(</?)address>|$1i>|igm; $p .= qq~<TR><TD>$_ &nbsp;</TD><TD> $ENV{$_}</TD></TR>~; } else{ $p .= qq~<TR><TD>$_ &nbsp;</TD><TD> $ENV{$_}</TD></TR>~; } } $p .= qq~</table>~; } sub divide { $_ = $_[0] / $_[1]; $_ = sprintf "%.1F", $_; return $_ } sub splash { # display splash screen (top/cache) $p .= qq~ <table border="0" align="center" width="100%" height="100%"> <tr><td align="center"><table><tr><td><h1>MODULATOR</h1><p>~; if(-e $cache){ my @stats = stat(_); my $size = $stats[7] / 1024; $size = sprintf "%.0F", $size; $size .= 'k'; my $dif = $now - $stats[9]; my $tmp = divide($dif,'86400'); # days if($tmp < 1){ $tmp = divide($dif,'3600'); # hours if($tmp < 1){ $tmp = divide($dif,'60'); # minut +es if($tmp < 1){ $tmp = $dif; $tmp = $tmp.' seconds'} # secon +ds else{ $tmp = $tmp.' minutes' }} # minut +es else{ $tmp = $tmp.' hours' }} # hours else{ $tmp = $tmp.' days' } # days $dif = $tmp; $stats[9] = localtime($stats[9]); $now = localtime($now); $p .= qq~<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr><td colspan="2"> <a href="$url?make=1">refresh</a> or <a href="$url?dele=1">delete</a> the cache file ($size)</td></tr> <tr><td align="right">created &nbsp;</td><td>$stats[9]</td></tr> <tr><td align="right">now &nbsp;</td><td>$now</td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"> <font size="-1"><b>cache file created $dif ago</b></font></td></tr +> </table>~; } else{ $p .= qq~<a href="$url?make=1">create</a> a cache file~ } $p .= qq~<!-- cpan search form from --> <form method="get" action=""> <font size="-1"> <b>CPAN Search:</b> <select name="mode"> <option value="module">Module</option> <option value="dist">Distribution</option> <option value="author">Author</option> <option value="doc">Documentation</option> </select><br> </font> <input type="text" name="query" size="32" /> <input type="submit" value="Search" /> </form> <a href="" t +arget="_blank"> The Perl 5 Module List</a><p align="center"><font size="-1"> <a href="" target="_bl +ank"> visit the homepage</a></font></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>~; } sub alpha { # display alphabet index $p .= qq~<p align="center"><b>~; findmodules(); # returns %found my %abc = (); for(keys %found){ my $ltr = ''; m|^(.)|; $ltr = lc($1) if $1; $abc{$ltr}++; # only show letters that exist } $p .= qq~<a href="$url?listmods=1#top" target="mod">^</a> &nbsp;&nbsp; +~; for(sort {$a cmp $b} keys %abc){ $p .= qq~<a href="$url?listmods=1#$_" target="mod">$_</a> ~ } $p .= qq~</b><br>~; } sub selfurls { # show paths my $rurl = url(-relative=>'1'); my $url3 = url(-absolute=>1); my $url4 = url(-path_info=>1); my $url5 = url(-path_info=>1,-query=>1); $p .= '<p><br>'; $p .= table({-border=>"1",-cellspacing=>'0',-cellpadding=>'6',-align=> +'center'}, Tr([td({-colspan=>'2',},font({-size=>'+2'},b(tt('Path to this script b +y various methods'))))]), Tr({-align=>'left'},[th('method').th('result')]), Tr([td({-colspan=>'2'},small(b('System')))]), Tr([td(tt('$0')).td($this)]), Tr([td(tt('rel2abs($0)')).td(rel2abs($this))]), Tr([td(tt('FindBin($Bin)')).td($Bin)]), Tr([td({-colspan=>'2'},small(b('Environment Variables')))]), Tr([td("<tt>\$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}").td($ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'})]), Tr([td("<tt>\$ENV{'REQUEST_URI'}").td($ENV{'REQUEST_URI'})]), Tr([td("<tt>\$ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'}").td($ENV{'SCRIPT_FILENAME'})]), Tr([td("<tt>\$ENV{'PWD'}").td($ENV{'PWD'})]), Tr([td({-colspan=>'2'},small(b('CGI Module')))]), Tr([td(tt('url()')).td($url)]), Tr([td(tt('url(-relative=>1)')).td($rurl)]), Tr([td(tt('url(-absolute=>1)')).td($url3)]), Tr([td(tt('url(-path_info=>1)')).td($url4)]), Tr([td(tt('url(-path_info=>1,-query=>1)')).td($url5)])); } sub cache { # create or delete cache file if($i{make}){ %found = (); my $total = findmodules(); # repopulate %found $total = 1 if -e $cache; open FILE, "> $cache" or die "Could not create cache file $cache: + $!"; print FILE Data::Dumper->new([\%found],['$found'])->Indent(0)->Quo +tekeys(0)->Dump; close FILE; $_ = 'Created'; $_ = 'Refreshed' if $total == 1; $p .= qq~$_ cache file $cache~; } if($i{dele}){ unlink $cache; $p .= qq~Could not delete cache file $cache: $!~ if $!; $p .= qq~Deleted cache file $cache~ if !$! } $p .= qq~<p><a href="$url" target="_top">ok</a>~ } __END__ =head1 NAME MODULATOR =head1 DESCRIPTION Browse pod and code of installed perl modules. =head1 FUNCTIONS Lists each installed perl module linked to an HTML rendering of its po +d if any. The degree sign links to the source code of each module. The asterisk links to line numbered source code of each module. Option to automatically put synopsis code into a form for easy testing + via eval. Lists environment variables and result of various path and url finding + methods. Can create a cache file to improve performance. =head1 COPYRIGHT? This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR =cut

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