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#!/usr/bin/perl # autonuts v3.0 by cider ( # "my music collection has a juicy new center!" # this version tries to avoid using expect. Expect sucks. # mutella is vastly superior to gnut, will try to find better hosts # for the file downloads while they are downloading or if fails # you can also start up mutella manually after it has ran long enough # to download the files if you wish to type list or info to track # the progress. i am strongly in favor of this approach instead of # my former tactics with gnut. # # # autonuts is designed to pillage and data-mine gnutella using the # command line gnutella client "mutella", using pure perl. # # this version is designed to run for 30 minutes after horizon and dow +nload # requests are fired off, and then exits suitable for suicide batch jo +bs. # # usage: autonuts your simple text bandname here # ie: autonuts sneakerpimps & # autonuts the cure & # autonuts fugazi & # ;) use Term::ANSIColor; use Text::Soundex; use IPC::Open2; $| = 1; $ENV{TERM} = "dumb"; $SIG{INT} = sub { system "killall -9 mutella"; die "dying with cleanup +.\n"; }; $archive = "."; # where our mp3s are located and downloaded to $band = shift || die "who do you want to search for?\n"; $wantcap = 2; # this number is how many gigs of storage to wait for be +fore searching $testphrase = "$band"; # this is your generic search phrase for the se +arch test check_existing_songs($band); my($r,$w); # my read and write filehandles, globals def +initely! open2($r, $w, 'TERM=dumb mutella 2\>/dev/null') or die; # does what + open FH, "| cmd |" dosent printuntil("Enjoy"); # wait until mutella's ready.. print $w "set MinConnections 4\n"; find_prompt(); print $w "set MaxConnections 8\n"; find_prompt(); print $w "set TerminalCols 2048\n"; find_prompt(); #print $w "info\n"; #printuntil("total transfers"); #print $w "help\n"; #printuntil("no parameters"); parse_list_kill_previous_searches(); loop_for_horizon(); loop_for_searchtest(); %songs = (); %songs = get_results(); process_responses(); list(); getuniq(); interact1(); #print $w "set\n"; #printuntil("RetryDelay"); print $w "exit\n"; print "trying to die.\n"; print "massacaring the remaining mutella processes.\n"; system "killall -9 mutella"; die "dead.\n\n"; ### END.. sub loop_for_horizon { my $cap; my $oldcap; print "\n\@ waiting for adequate searchable storage... (want $want +cap gigs)"; while(1) { #print $w "info\n"; #printuntil("total transfers"); $oldcap = "$cap"; print $w "info\n"; while(<$r>) { s/\e\[.*?m//g; chomp; #print "\n\| debug: $_"; $cap = $1 if /Capacity:\s(.*?)$/; last if (/total transfers:/); } if ($cap =~ /.*?M$/) { $cap = 0; } if ($cap =~ /(.*?)G$/) { $cap = int($1); } unless ($oldcap eq $cap) { print "\n\# capacity: ${cap} (need >${wantcap} gigs).." if + (defined $cap); if ($cap > $wantcap) { print "\n! * network horizon of $wantcap gigs searchab +le storage reached.\n"; last; } else { print "(count went down\?).." if ($oldcap > $cap); } } else { } find_prompt(); sleep 5; } } sub loop_for_searchtest { my $hits; my $hitz; my $oldhitz; my %keys = (); print "\n\@ performing search test for popular phrase $testphrase" +; print $w "find $testphrase\n"; while(1) { print $w "list\n"; while(<$r>) { s/\e\[.*?m//g; chomp; #print "\n\| list: ${_}"; if (/(\d+)\)\s\`(.*?)\'/) { $number = $1; $name = $2; #print "\n\$ name: $name"; $keys{$number}{name} = $name; } elsif (/NO HITS/) { undef $hits; $hits = 1; #print "\n\$ no hits."; $keys{$number}{hits} = $hits; } elsif (/HITS:(\d+)$/) { undef $hits; $hits = $1; #print "\n\$ $hits hits. from number $number"; $keys{$number}{hits} = $hits; } last if (/count: /); } $oldhitz = $hitz; $hitz = $keys{$number}{hits}; #unless(defined $hits) { die "$0: no hits found in loop_for_se +archtest, bad i think.\n"; } if ($hitz > 255) { print "\n\! 256 results found for popular phrase $testphra +se\n"; last; } else { print "\n\# $hits result(s) found. (need 256)" unless ($hi +tz eq $oldhitz); } find_prompt(); sleep 5; } } sub get_results { my %keys = (); my $oldnumber; print $w "r 1\n"; while(<$r>) { s/\e\[.*?m//g; chomp; #print "\n\| r: ${_}|"; HANDLER: for ($_) { # 93) `songname.mp3' 1.96M REF:114 /(\d+)\)\s\`(.*?)\'\s((\d|\d+)\.\d+(M|G))/ && do { $number = $1; #print "\n* number: $number"; $name = $2; $size = $3; #print "\n* size: $size"; #print "\n* name: $name"; $keys{$testphrase}{$number}{name} = $name; $keys{$testphrase}{$number}{size} = $size; last HANDLER; }; # LOCATIONS:2 avg.speed:ISDN /\s+LOCATIONS:(\d+)\s+avg.speed:(.*?)$/ && do { $locations = $1; #print "\n* locations: $locations"; $avg_speed = $2; #print "\n* avgspeed: $avg_speed"; $keys{$testphrase}{$number}{locations} = $locations; $keys{$testphrase}{$number}{avgspeed} = $avg_speed; last HANDLER; }; # extra: 128 Kbps 44 kHz 2:08 /\s+extra:\s(.*?)$/ && do { # i dont think i care about this field. last HANDLER; $extra = $1; next if ($extra eq ''); #print "\n* extra: $extra"; last HANDLER; }; # speed:56K Modem BearShare + time:4m9s /\s+(.*?\d+)\sspeed:(.*?)\s{2,}/ && do { $host = $1; #print "\n* host: $host"; $speed = $2; #print "\n* speed: $speed"; $keys{$testphrase}{$number}{speed}{$host} = $speed; last HANDLER; }; #print "\nhuh? ::${_}::"; } last if (/count: /); } find_prompt(); return %keys; } sub parse_list_kill_previous_searches { my %keys = (); print $w "list\n"; while(<$r>) { s/\e\[.*?m//g; chomp; #print "\n\| list: $_"; if (/(\d+)\)\s\`(.*?)\'/) { $number = $1; $name = $2; #print "\n\$ name: $name\n"; $keys{$number}{name} = $name; } elsif (/NO HITS/) { #print "\n\$ no hits."; $keys{$number}{hits} = 0; } elsif (/HITS:(\d+)/) { $hits = $1; #print "\n\$ $hits hits.\n"; $keys{$number}{hits} = $hits; } last if (/count: /); } find_prompt(); foreach $key (sort keys %keys) { print "\n\$ stopping existing search \#${key} on subject $keys +{$key}{name}"; print $w "del $key\n"; find_prompt(); } # DELETE THE PARTIALS! CHECK THIS DIRECTORY TO MAKE SURE ITS ACCUR +ATE print "\n\$ deleting partials if any."; system "rm ~/mutella/part/* 2> /dev/null"; } sub printuntil { my $until = shift or die; my $quiet = shift; while(<$r>) { s/\e\[.*?m//g; chomp; print "\n! autonuts: $_" unless ($quiet eq 1); last if /$until/; # ready for our abuse... } find_prompt(); } sub find_prompt { #print "\n"; #print "! * finding prompt: "; $gt = getc($r); $space = getc($r); #if ($gt eq '>' && $space eq ' ') { print "ok, found.\n"; } #else { print "NOT found.\n"; } } sub process_responses { %available = %songs; my $result_count; %sounds = (); foreach (sort keys %available) { $search = $_; foreach (sort keys %{ $available{$search} }) { $number = $_; my $song = $available{$search}{$number}{name}; my $size = $available{$search}{$number}{size}; $result_count++; $isize = int($size); next unless ($size =~ /m$/i); # should be in the meg ballp +ark next unless ($isize > 2); # should be bigger then two megs next unless ($isize < 10); # should be less than ten megs $song = lc($song); # change the song to lowercase $song =~ s/_/ /g; # change underscores to spaces $song =~ s/\.mp3//gi; # remove the file extension $song =~ s/\s{0,}[\(\[].*?[\[\(].*?[\]\)].*?[\]\)]\s{0,}// +g; # remove double variant comments eg: (remix(its phat)) $song =~ s/\s{0,}[\(\[].*?[\]\)]\s{0,}//g; # remove varian +t comments eg: (remix) $song =~ s/${band} - .* - (.*?)$/${band} - $1/g; # greedy +attempt at removing album names next unless ($song =~ /$band - .*?/i); # should resemble b +and with a title $title = $1 if ($song =~ /${band} - (.*?)$/); $code = soundex $title; next unless ($code =~ /^\w+/); $already_have = 0; foreach (@already_have) { $ihave = $_; $ihavecode = $1 if ($ihave =~ /^(.*?) /); $uhave = "$code $title"; # if it sounds like something we already have, # we probably dont want it. if ($uhave =~ /^$ihavecode /) { $already_have = 1; print "** passing by: $code $title\n"; } } if ($already_have eq 0) { print "** marking: $code $title\n"; $accepted++; $sounds{$code}{title} = $title; $sounds{$code}{number} = $number; } } } } sub list { foreach $codes (sort keys %sounds) { $uniq++; print "$codes [$sounds{$codes}{number}]\t$sounds{$codes}{t +itle}\n"; } print "$uniq unique that you don\'t already have.\n"; undef $uniq; } sub getuniq { $total_songs_to_get = 0; print "i'll take"; foreach $codes (sort keys %sounds) { $total_songs_to_get++; $num = $sounds{$codes}{number}; $num2 = $sounds{$codes}{number2} if defined($sounds{$codes +}{number2}); print " ${num},"; print $w "g $num\n"; if(defined($num2)) { # the backup request... in case the first one was fire +walled or slow print $w "g $num2\n"; } undef $num2; } print " and that aughta do it.\n"; print "Made $total_songs_to_get song download request.\n"; print "\n"; #print "Trying to acquire ${total_songs_to_get} by ${band}...\ +n"; #list(); } sub green { my $msg = shift or die; print colour 'green'; print "$msg"; print colour 'reset'; print "\n"; } sub interact1 { die "something didnt work at all, cutting losses and moving on +...\n" if ($total_songs_to_get eq 0); print "\n"; print "Sit back and wait for thirty minutes please. This scrip +t will need to\n"; print "be restarted later to continue collecting.\n\n"; print "flip"; $flipstr = "flip"; for (1..30) { for (1..60) { if ($flipstr eq "flip") { $flipstr = "flop"; } elsif ($flipstr eq "flop") { $flipstr = "flip"; } print "\b\b\b\b$flipstr"; sleep 1; } print " $_ min.\n "; } print "\ndying!\n"; system "killall -9 mutella"; } sub check_existing_songs { $num_songs = 0; $group = shift; $group =~ s/ /_/g; print "purging temporary transfers if any in this directory..\n"; system "rm $archive/*.gnut 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null"; print "opening existing archive...\n"; print "**" . uc($band) . "**" . "\n"; opendir OFF, "$archive" or return "no archive directory found.\n"; while($song = readdir OFF) { next if ($song =~ /^\.|\.\.$/); next unless ($song =~ /\.mp3$/i); $song = lc($song); # change the song to lowercase $song =~ s/_/ /g; # change underscores to spaces $song =~ s/\.mp3//gi; # remove the file extension $song =~ s/\s{0,}[\(\[].*?[\[\(].*?[\]\)].*?[\]\)]\s{0,}//g; # + remove double variant comments eg: (remix(its phat)) $song =~ s/\s{0,}[\(\[].*?[\]\)]\s{0,}//g; # remove variant co +mments eg: (remix) $song =~ s/${band} - .* - (.*?)$/${band} - $1/g; # greedy atte +mpt at removing album names next unless ($song =~ /$band - .*?/i); # should resemble band +with a title $title = $1 if ($song =~ /${band} - (.*?)$/); $code = soundex $title; #print "you have: $code $title\n"; push @already_have, "$code $title"; $num_songs++; } closedir OFF; unless ($num_songs eq 0) { print "$num_songs songs total!\n"; } else { print "We haven't gotten any songs yet, just you wait!\n"; } }

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