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#--------------------------------------------------------------------# # CryptoPad # Date Written: 07-Nov-2001 09:29:47 AM # Last Modified: 28-Dec-2001 12:30:23 PM # Author: Kurt Kincaid ( # Copyright (c) 2001, Kurt Kincaid # All Rights Reserved # # NOTICE: This package is free software and may be modified and/or # redistributed under the same terms as Perl itself. #--------------------------------------------------------------------# use Tk; use Tk::Dialog; use Tk::DialogBox; use Tk::Text; use Tk::FileSelect; use Tk::FileDialog; use Tk::Menu; use Tk::Menubutton; use Tk::widgets qw(Menu); use Tk::Checkbutton; use File::Butler; use File::Glob; use Crypt::RC4; use Crypt::GOST_PP; use Crypt::TripleDES; use Crypt::CBC; use Crypt::Rijndael_PP ':all'; use Crypt::RIPEMD160; use Crypt::PPDES; use URI::Escape; use Digest::MD2; use Digest::MD4; use Digest::MD5; use Digest::SHA1; use constant; $VERSION = "1.31"; $mod_date = "28-Dec-2001 12:30:23 PM"; $title = "CryptoPad v" . $VERSION; $rc4_header = "----- CryptoPad RC4 Encrypted Message: Begin ---- +-\n"; $rc4_footer = "\n----- CryptoPad RC4 Encrypted Message: End ---- +-"; $tripledes_header = "----- CryptoPad TripleDES Encrypted Message: Begi +n -----\n"; $tripledes_footer = "\n----- CryptoPad TripleDES Encrypted Message: En +d -----"; $aes_header = "----- CryptoPad AES (Rijndael) Encrypted Message: + Begin -----\n"; $aes_footer = "\n----- CryptoPad AES (Rijndael) Encrypted Messag +e: End -----"; $gost_header = "----- CryptoPad GOST Encrypted Message: Begin --- +--\n"; $gost_footer = "\n----- CryptoPad GOST Encrypted Message: End --- +--"; $mw = MainWindow->new; $mw->title($title); $m = $mw->Frame( -relief => 'groove', -bd => 2 ) ->pack( -side => 'top', -anchor => 'n', -fill => 'x' ); $m->Menubutton( -text => "File", -tearoff => 0, -menuitems => [ [ "command" => "New", -command => \&clear ], [ "command" => "Open", -command => \&OpenDocument ], [ "command" => "Save", -command => \&SaveDocument ], [ "command" => "Save As", -command => \&SaveAs ], [ "command" => "Exit", -command => sub { exit } ] ] )->pack( -side => 'left' ); $m->Menubutton( -text => "Help", -tearoff => 0, -menuitems => [ [ "command" => "Help...", -command => \&help ], [ "command" => "About...", -command => \&about ] ] )->pack( -side => 'left' ); $f = $mw->Frame->pack( -side => 'top', -fill => 'x' ); $f->Label( -text => "Passphrase:" )->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => + 'w' ); $f->Entry( -show => '*', -textvariable => \$passphrase )->pack( -side => 'left', -anchor => 'w', -fill => 'x', -expand => 1 ); $f->Button( -text => "Message Digest", -command => \&Digest ) ->pack( -side => 'right' ); $f->Button( -text => "RC4 Decrypt", -command => \&rc4_decrypt ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $f->Button( -text => "RC4 Encrypt", -command => \&rc4_encrypt ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $f->Button( -text => "GOST Decrypt", -command => \&gost_decrypt ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $f->Button( -text => "GOST Encrypt", -command => \&gost_encrypt ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $f->Button( -text => "TripleDES Decrypt", -command => \&tripledes_decr +ypt ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $f->Button( -text => "TripleDES Encrypt", -command => \&tripledes_encr +ypt ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $f->Button( -text => "AES Decrypt", -command => \&aes_decrypt ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $f->Button( -text => "AES Encrypt", -command => \&aes_encrypt ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $f->Button( -text => "Clear", -command => \&clear ) ->pack( -side => 'right', -anchor => 'e' ); $mw->Label( -textvariable => \$info, -relief => 'ridge' ) ->pack( -side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x' ); $t = $mw->Scrolled("Text", -wrap => 'word', -scrollbars => 'e' )->pack +( -side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1 ); $info = $title; MainLoop; #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # Encryption Sub-Routines #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub rc4_encrypt { $info = "Processing...."; $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( Confirm() ) { $cipher = RC4( $passphrase, $temp_var ); $info = ""; $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $cipher = uri_escape($cipher); $cipher =~ s/.{80}/$&\n/g; chomp $cipher; $cipher = $rc4_header . $cipher . $rc4_footer; $t->insert( "end", $cipher ); $info = $title; } } sub rc4_decrypt { $info = "Processing...."; $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( Confirm() ) { $temp_var =~ s/$rc4_header//; $temp_var =~ s/$rc4_footer//; $temp_var =~ s/\n//g; $temp_var = uri_unescape( $temp_var ); $cipher = RC4( $passphrase, $temp_var ); chomp $cipher; $info = ""; $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $t->insert( "end", $cipher ); $info = $title; } } sub tripledes_encrypt { $info = "Processing...."; my $des = new Crypt::TripleDES; $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( Confirm() ) { $cipher = $des->encrypt3( $temp_var, $passphrase ); $info = ""; $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $cipher = uri_escape($cipher); $cipher =~ s/.{80}/$&\n/g; chomp $cipher; $cipher = $tripledes_header . $cipher . $tripledes_footer; $t->insert( "end", $cipher ); $info = $title; } } sub tripledes_decrypt { $info = "Processing...."; $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( Confirm() ) { my $des = new Crypt::TripleDES; $temp_var =~ s/$tripledes_header//; $temp_var =~ s/$tripledes_footer//; $temp_var =~ s/\n//g; $temp_var = uri_unescape( $temp_var ); $cipher = $des->decrypt3( $temp_var, $passphrase ); $cipher =~ s/\s*$//; chomp $cipher; $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $t->insert( "end", $cipher ); $info = $title; } } sub aes_encrypt { $info = "Processing...."; $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( Confirm() ) { $aes = new Crypt::CBC($passphrase,'Rijndael_PP'); $cipher = $aes->encrypt( $temp_var ); $info = ""; $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $cipher = uri_escape($cipher); $cipher =~ s/.{80}/$&\n/g; chomp $cipher; $cipher = $aes_header . $cipher . $aes_footer; $t->insert( "end", $cipher ); $info = $title; } } sub aes_decrypt { $info = "Processing...."; $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( Confirm() ) { @lines = split(/\n/,$temp_var ); shift @lines; pop @lines; $temp_var = join( "", @lines ); $temp_var = uri_unescape( $temp_var ); $aes = new Crypt::CBC($passphrase,'Rijndael_PP'); $cipher = $aes->decrypt( $temp_var ); chomp $cipher; $info = ""; $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $t->insert( "end", $cipher ); $info = $title; } } sub gost_encrypt { $info = "Processing...."; my $ref = Crypt::GOST_PP->new( $passphrase ); $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( Confirm() ) { $cipher = $ref->encrypt( $temp_var ); $info = ""; $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $cipher = uri_escape($cipher); $cipher =~ s/.{80}/$&\n/g; chomp $cipher; $cipher = $gost_header . $cipher . $gost_footer; $t->insert( "end", $cipher ); $info = $title; } } sub gost_decrypt { $info = "Processing...."; $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( Confirm() ) { my $ref = Crypt::GOST_PP->new( $passphrase ); $temp_var =~ s/$gost_header//; $temp_var =~ s/$gost_footer//; $temp_var =~ s/\n//g; $temp_var = uri_unescape( $temp_var ); $cipher = $ref->decrypt( $temp_var ); $cipher =~ s/\s*$//; chomp $cipher; $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $t->insert( "end", $cipher ); $info = $title; } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------# # End Encryption Sub-Routines #--------------------------------------------------------------------# sub clear { $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $passphrase = ""; $info = $title; } sub about { $mw->Dialog( -title => "About...", -text => <<"END", -popover => $mw, -font => 'ansi' )->Show; $title Last Modified: $mod_date Copyright © 2001 Kurt Kincaid. All rights reserved. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify i +t under the same terms as Perl itself. END } sub Digest { $info = "Generating Message Digest...."; $hex = Digest::MD5->new(); $temp_var = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); chomp $temp_var; if ( $temp_var eq "" ) { $info = $title; return; } $hex->add( $temp_var ); $md5 = $hex->hexdigest(); $hex2 = Digest::SHA1->new(); $hex2->add( $temp_var ); $sha = $hex2->hexdigest(); $hex3 = Digest::MD4->new(); $hex3->add( $temp_var ); $md4 = $hex3->hexdigest(); $hex4 = Digest::MD2->new(); $hex4->add( $temp_var ); $md2 = $hex4->hexdigest(); $hex5 = Crypt::RIPEMD160->new(); $hex5->reset(); $hex5->add( $temp_var ); $ripemd = $hex5->hexdigest(); $mw->Dialog( -title => "Message Digest", -text => <<"END", -popover => $mw, -font => 'ansi' )->Show; [ SHA ] $sha [ MD5 ] $md5 [ MD4 ] $md4 [ MD2 ] $md2 [ RIPEMD-160 ] $ripemd END $info = $title; } sub OpenDocument { $FSref = $mw->FileSelect(); $fileName = $FSref->Show(); $temp_var = Butler( $fileName, "read" ); if ( !-e $fileName ) { $info = "Cannot open $fileName: $!"; return; } $t->delete( "1.0", "end" ); $t->insert( "end", $temp_var ); } sub SaveDocument { if ( $fileName eq "" ) { $saveas = $mw->FileDialog( -Title => 'Save As', -Create => 1 ) +; $saveas->Label( -text => "File Name: ", -relief => 'gro +ove' ); $saveas->Entry( -width => 20, -textvariable => \$fi +leName ); $fname = $saveas->Show(); } $saveas->destroy(); $temp_var[0] = $t->get( "1.0", "end" ); Butler( $fname, "write", \@temp_var ); $info = "$fname saved"; } sub SaveAs { undef $fileName; SaveDocument(); } sub help { $helptext = " $title Last Modified: $mod_date The encryption is accomplished with your choice of several encryption +algorithms, TripleDES (the previous, interim NIST Data Encryption Sta +ndard), AES (also known as Advanced Encryption Standard, or Rijndael, + after the authors, Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen, the current NIST +Data Encryption Standard), GOST (a 64-bit block cipher with a 256-bit + key, which was the encryption standard in the former Soviet Union) a +nd RC4, which is a symmetrical stream cipher by RSA Security Inc. It +should be noted that to avoid complications with displaying meta-char +acters, the encyrpted output is escaped via URI::Escape. CryptoPad supports multiple rounds of encryption. For example, it is p +ossible to encrypt your data with TripleDES, then with AES, then with + RC4. Decryption would then be possible in the reverse order. The nam +e of the encryption algorithm is shown to facilitate this. It is impo +rtant to note that knowing which encryption algorithm was used in no +way diminishes the security of the encryption. The Message Digests are generated with SHA1, MD5, MD4, and MD2 Message + Digest algorithms by RSA Security Inc., and RIPEMD-160 by Hans Dobbe +rtin, Antoon Bosselaers, and Bart Preneel, of Katholieke Universiteit + Leuven. A Message Digest (also known as \"fingerprint\") is a one-wa +y encrypted hash function based on the content of the document. It is + mathematically infeasible to have two documents with the same Messag +e Digest, and even less likely that the document would say what you w +ant it to say. As such, a Message Digest can be used to \"sign\" a do +cument and verify that the contents of the document have not been alt +ered, either by accident or design. "; $help_label = "$title Help"; $help = MainWindow->new(); $help->title( "Help" ); $mm = $help->Frame->pack( -side => 'top', -fill => 'x' ); $mm->Button( -text => "Close Window", -command => sub { $help->des +troy() } ) ->pack( -side => 'right' ); $help->Label(-textvariable => \$help_label, -relief => 'ridge')->p +ack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'x'); $tt = $help->Scrolled("Text", -width => 120, -wrap => 'word', -bac +kground => '#ffff88', -font => 'ansi', -scrollbars => 'e' ) ->pack(-side => 'bottom', -fill => 'both', -expand => 1 ); $tt->insert( "end", $helptext ); } sub Confirm { if ( $temp_var eq "" ) { return 0; } if ( length( $passphrase ) < 5 ) { Error(); return 0; } return 1; } sub Error { my $error; $error = $mw->Dialog( -bitmap => 'error', -title => "Passphrase Er +ror", -text => <<"END", -popover => $mw, -font => 'ansi' )->Show; The passphrase must be at least 5 characters. END $info = $title; }

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