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Many years ago I spent a chunk of time playing StarTrek written in BASIC on a PDP11. I stumbled on BASIC source for the game recently and thought it might be cool to write a BASIC interpreter in Perl to run it. This is the result (click the Readmore to see the code).

There are bound to be bugs in the code still, but I've spent a little time playing the game and it seems to substantially work (i.e. I haven't seen any breakage).

use strict; use warnings; use 5.10.0; use Carp; my %code; my %vars; my %funcs; my %arrays; my %fors; my @strs; # We store string constants here to ease parsing my $firstLine; my $lastLine; my $parseLine; my $idMatch = qr/([A-Z]\d?\$?)/i; my $parenRegex; my $outCursor = 0; my %breakPoints = (); my %tracing; my $sourceFile = $ARGV[0] // 'StarTrek.bas'; open my $fIn, '<', $sourceFile or die "Can't open '$sourceFile': $!\n" +; srand 1; ++$|; $parenRegex = qr{\(([^()]+ | (??{$parenRegex}))+\)}x; while (<$fIn>) { chomp; next if /^#/; my ($lineNum, $line) = /^(\d+)\s+(.*)/; my $partNum = 0; croak "Bad line format: '$_' \@ $.\n" if !defined $line; # Parse out string constants so the line splitter doesn't get conf +used # by strings containing colons while ($line =~ /"([^"]*)"/) { my $strNum = @strs; my $str = $1; push @strs, $str; $line =~ s/"\Q$str\E"/s$strNum/; } for my $part (split ':', $line) { my $suffix = $partNum ? sprintf "-%02d", $partNum : ''; my $lineId = $lineNum . $suffix; $code{$lastLine}{nextLine} = $lineId if $lastLine; $code{$lineId}{line} = $part; $firstLine = $lineId if $lineId =~ /^\d+$/ && (!defined $firstLine || $lineId < + $firstLine); $lastLine = $lineId; ++$partNum; } } Dispatch($firstLine); sub Dispatch { my ($currLine, $finishLine) = @_; while (!$finishLine || $currLine ne $finishLine) { croak "Bad \$currLine" if !defined $currLine; my $line = $code{$currLine}{line}; my $nextLine = $code{$currLine}{nextLine}; $DB::single = 1 if !defined $line; $currLine = Parse($currLine, $line, $nextLine); return if !defined $currLine; } } sub Parse { my ($currLine, $line, $nextLine) = @_; $DB::single = 1 if !defined $line; $parseLine = $currLine; HandleTrace($currLine, $line); ParseTrace($currLine, $line); HandleBreak($currLine); if ($line =~ /^BREAK\s*(.*)/i) { my $breakValue = $1; if ($breakValue =~ /^(-?\d+)$/) { $breakPoints{$currLine} = $breakValue >= 1 ? $breakValue : + 0; } elsif (length $breakValue) { $breakPoints{$currLine} = lc $breakValue; } else { $breakPoints{$nextLine} = 1; } return $nextLine; } elsif ($line =~ /^DEF\s+(FN\w)\(([^)]+)\)=(.+)/i) { DoDef($currLine, $1, $2, $3); } elsif ($line =~ /^DIM/i) { # Nothing to do here. Perl sizes the arrays dynamically } elsif ($line =~ /^END/i) { exit; } elsif ($line =~ /^FOR\s*$idMatch=([^:]+)TO((?:(?!STEP).)+)(?:STE +P(.*))?/i) { DoFor($currLine, uc $1, $2, $3, $4); } elsif ($line =~ /^GO\s*SUB\s*(\d+)/i) { Dispatch($1); return $nextLine; } elsif ($line =~ /^GO\s*TO\s*(\d+)/i) { return $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^IF\s*(.+?)\s*THEN\s*(.*)/i) { return DoIf($currLine, $1, $2); } elsif ($line =~ /^INPUT/i) { DoInput($currLine, $line); } elsif ($line =~ /^NEXT\s*$idMatch/i) { $nextLine = DoNext($currLine, uc $1); } elsif ($line =~ /^ON(.+?)GO(TO|SUB)\s*(.*)/i) { my $nextFullLine = GetNextFullLine($currLine); my ($value, $type, $tail) = ($1, $2, $3); my $selValue = Evaluate($currLine, $value); my @targets = FindParams($tail); my $badValue = !defined $selValue || $selValue > @targets || $ +selValue < 1; my $target = $badValue ? $nextFullLine : $targets[$selValue +- 1]; $type = 'TO' if $badValue; print "> $currLine ON $value($selValue) GO$type $target\n" if $tracing{all}; return $target if $type eq 'TO'; Dispatch($targets[$selValue - 1]); } elsif ($line =~ /^PRINT\s*(.*)/i) { DoPrint($currLine, $1); } elsif ($line =~ /^REM/i) { # nothing to do here but make sure we skip the entire line return GetNextFullLine($currLine); } elsif ($line =~ /^RETURN/i) { return; } elsif ($line =~ /^STOP/i) { print "STOP\n"; exit; } elsif ($line =~ /^TRACE(|FOR\w|VARS|ALL)\b/i) { ParseTrace($currLine, $line); } elsif ($line =~ /^$idMatch\s*=\s*(.*)/) { DoAssign($currLine, uc $1, $2); } elsif ($line =~ /^$idMatch\(([^)]+)\)\s*=\s*(.*)/) { DoArrayAssign($currLine, uc $1, $2, $3); } else { croak "Can't handle '$line' @ $currLine"; } return $nextLine; } sub HandleBreak { my ($context) = @_; return if !exists $breakPoints{$context}; my $result = eval { my $type = ref $breakPoints{$context}; if ($type eq 'CODE') { my @result = $breakPoints{$context}->(); return if !@result; return $result[0] if @result == 1; while (@result) { my ($line, $value) = splice @result, 0, 2; $breakPoints{$line} = $value; } return; } return $breakPoints{$context}; }; return if !$result; delete $breakPoints{$context}; $DB::single = 1; } sub ParseTrace { my ($currLine, $line) = @_; if ($line =~ /^TRACE\s*OFF/i) { $tracing{lines} = 0; } elsif ($line =~ /^TRACE\s*ON/i) { $tracing{lines} = 1; } elsif ($line =~ /^TRACEALL\s*OFF/i) { $tracing{all} = 0; } elsif ($line =~ /^TRACEALL\s*ON/i) { $tracing{all} = 1; } elsif ($line =~ /^TRACEVARS\s*OFF/i) { $tracing{vars} = 0; } elsif ($line =~ /^TRACEVARS\s*ON/i) { $tracing{vars} = 1; } if ($line =~ /^TRACEFOR([A-Z])\s*OFF/i) { $tracing{"FOR$1"} = 0; } elsif ($line =~ /^TRACEFOR([A-Z])\s*ON/i) { $tracing{"FOR$1"} = 1; } } sub HandleTrace { my ($currLine, $line) = @_; print "> $currLine: $line\n" if $tracing{lines} || $tracing{all}; } sub DoArrayAssign { my ($currLine, $id, $index, $value) = @_; $value = Evaluate($currLine, $value); HandleBreak('[]='); my $access = ArrayAccessStr($currLine, $id, $index); my $str = $access . '= $value'; eval $str; print " $id($index): ", eval($access), "\n" if $tracing{vars} || $tracing{all}; return; } sub ArrayAccessStr { my ($currLine, $id, $index) = @_; my @indexes = FindParams($index); HandleBreak('[]'); $_ // croak "Bad index in '$index' @ $currLine\n" for @indexes; @indexes = map {Evaluate($currLine, $_)} @indexes; return '$arrays{$id}[' . join('][', @indexes) . ']'; } sub DoAssign { my ($currLine, $id, $tail) = @_; HandleBreak('='); $tail =~ s/s(\d+)/'"' . $strs[$1] . '"'/ge if $id =~ /\$/; $vars{$id} = Evaluate($currLine, $tail); print " $id: $vars{$id}\n" if $tracing{vars} || $tracing{all}; } sub DoDef { my ($currLine, $fnName, $param, $def) = @_; $funcs{$fnName}{expr} = $def; $funcs{$fnName}{param} = $param; } sub DoFor { my ($currLine, $id, $from, $to, $step) = @_; HandleBreak('for'); if (!exists $fors{$id} || $fors{$id}{forLine} ne $currLine) { # Entering the for loop $step ||= 1; $vars{$id} = Evaluate($currLine, $from); $fors{$id}{step} = Evaluate($currLine, $step); $fors{$id}{end} = Evaluate($currLine, $to); $fors{$id}{forLine} = $currLine; print "> $currLine: FOR $id: $vars{$id} TO $fors{$id}{end} STEP +$fors{$id}{step}\n" if $tracing{"FOR$id"} || $tracing{all}; } print "> $currLine: FOR $id = $vars{$id}\n" if $tracing{"FOR$id"} || $tracing{all}; } sub DoIf { my ($currLine, $exp, $tail) = @_; my $nextFullLine = GetNextFullLine($currLine); HandleBreak('if'); my $value = Evaluate($currLine, $exp); return $nextFullLine if !$value; # value is true so process the THEN part and any following # statements on the line. return $tail if $tail =~ /^\s*\d/; my $nextLine = $code{$currLine}{nextLine}; return Parse($currLine, $tail, $nextLine); } sub DoInput { my ($currLine, $line) = @_; $line =~ s/s(\d+)/'"' . $strs[$1] . '"'/ge; my ($prompt, $tail) = $line =~ /^\s*INPUT\s*(?:"([^"]*)";)?(.*)/i; print "$prompt? " if $prompt; my @iVars = FindParams($tail); my @iVarsCopy = @iVars; do { my $input = uc <STDIN>; return if !defined $input; chomp $input; while (@iVars && length $input) { my $param; $param = $1 if $input =~ s/^("[^"]*"|[^,]*),?//; $param =~ s/^"(.*)"/$1/; $vars{uc shift @iVars} = $param; } print "?? " if @iVars; } while @iVars; if ($tracing{vars} || $tracing{all}) { print "$currLine INPUT: \n"; print " $_ = '$vars{$_}'\n" for map {uc} @iVarsCopy; } } sub DoNext { my ($currLine, $id) = @_; my $lineEntry = $code{$currLine}; croak "For '$id' isn't active \@ $currLine" if !exists $fors{$id}; # for loop is active $vars{$id} += $fors{$id}{step}; if ($fors{$id}{step} > 0) { return $fors{$id}{forLine} if $vars{$id} <= $fors{$id}{end}; } else { return $fors{$id}{forLine} if $vars{$id} >= $fors{$id}{end}; } delete $tracing{"FOR$1"} if $tracing{"FOR$1"}; delete $fors{$id}; return $code{$currLine}{nextLine}; } sub DoPrint { my ($currLine, $tail) = @_; if (!length $tail) { print "\n"; $outCursor = 0; return; } # Process parenthesis before splitting print tail into parts my @paren_contents; $tail =~ s{($parenRegex)}{push(@paren_contents, $1);"[p$#paren_contents +]"}eg; my @parts = split /(;|,)/, $tail; my $str = ""; # restore parens s{\[p(\d+)\]}{($paren_contents[$1])}eg for @parts; for my $part (@parts) { next if $part eq ';'; if ($part eq ',') { my $mod = length($str) % 14; $str .= ' ' x (14 - $mod) if $mod; next; } if ($part =~ /^\s*s(\d+)/) { $str .= $strs[$1]; next; } my $value = Evaluate($currLine, $part); $DB::single = 1 if !defined $ +value; croak "Bad print expression '$part' @ $currLine" if !defined $ +value; if ($value =~ /^"(.*)"$/) { $str .= $1; next; } $str .= ' ' if $value >= 0; $str .= $value; $str .= ' '; } print $str; $outCursor += length $str; return if $parts[-1] =~ /;|,/; print "\n"; $outCursor = 0; } sub Evaluate { my ($currLine, $exp) = @_; croak "Bad expression @ $currLine" if !defined $exp; $exp =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; # Strip leading and trailing white spac +e # If parentheses surround the entire expression, get rid of them. $exp = substr($exp, 1, -1) while $exp =~ /\A($parenRegex)\z/; return $exp if $exp =~ /^[+-]?[0-9.]+(?:[eE][+-]?\d*)?$/; # Number return $exp if $exp =~ /^"[^"]*"$/; # String return qq{"$strs[$1]"} if $exp =~ /^s(\d+)$/; # Cached string # Replace stuff in parentheses with its value. my @paren_contents; $exp =~ s{($parenRegex)}{push(@paren_contents, $1);"[p$#paren_cont +ents]"}eg; if ($exp =~ m{^\s*$idMatch\[p(\d+)\]$}) { my $id = uc $1; my $paramStr = $2; $paren_contents[$paramStr] =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/; my $str = ArrayAccessStr($currLine, $id, $paren_contents[$p +aramStr]); my $result = eval $str; $result = qq{"$result"} if $id =~ /\$/; return $result; } if ($exp =~ m{^(\w+\$?)\[p(\d+)\]$}) { my $funcStr = $1; my $paramStr = $2; my $result = EvalFunc($currLine, $funcStr, $paren_contents[$pa +ramStr]); $exp =~ s/\Q$funcStr\E\[p$paramStr\]/$result/; return Evaluate($currLine, $exp); } # Scan for operators in order of increasing precedence, preferring + the # rightmost. Left to right binding is enforced by the order of pro +cessing # left and right terms of the detected operator. # Recursive evaluation of left and right terms ensures correct pro +cessing # precedence if ( $exp !~ m{^(.+?)(OR)(.+)} and $exp !~ m{^(.+?)(AND)(.+)} and $exp !~ m{^([^<>=]+)(<>|<=|>=|>|<|=)(.+)} and $exp !~ m{^([^+]+)([+])(.+)} and $exp !~ m{^(-?[^-]+)([-])([^+-]+)(.*)} and $exp !~ m{^([^*]+)([*])(.+)} and $exp !~ m{^([^/]+)([/])([^/*]+)(.*)} and $exp !~ m{^([^^]+)(\^)(.+)} and $exp !~ m{^(\s*)(NOT)(.+)} ) { return $vars{uc $exp} if exists $vars{uc $exp}; return $fors{uc $exp}{value} if exists $fors{uc $exp}; $DB::single = 1; croak "Can't handle expression: '$exp' @ $currLine"; } my ($op, $lhs, $rhs, $tail) = ($2, $1, $3, $4); my $isBoolResult = $op =~ /<|=|>|NOT/; $op = lc $op; $op = '!=' if $op eq '<>'; $op = '**' if $op eq '^'; $op = '==' if $op eq '='; s{\[p(\d+)\]}{($paren_contents[$1])}eg for $lhs, $rhs; HandleBreak($op); $_ = Evaluate($currLine, $_) || 0 for $lhs, $rhs; croak "Bad expression @ $currLine" if !defined $lhs || !defined $rhs || !defined $op; my $strOp = grep {/"|\$/} $lhs, $rhs; $op = { '+' => '.', '!=' => 'ne', '==' => 'eq', '<' => 'lt', '>' => 'gt', '<=' => 'le', '>=' => 'ge', }->{$op} if $strOp; my $result = eval "$lhs $op $rhs"; if ($op =~ m{[-/]} && defined $tail && length $tail) { # Special case handling of - and / so that rhs operand is eval +uated # correctly. return Evaluate($currLine, "$result$tail"); } $result = qq{"$result"} if $op eq '.'; $result = 0 if $isBoolResult && (!defined $result || !length $resu +lt); print " $result = $lhs $op $rhs\n" if $tracing{all}; return $result; } sub EvalFunc { my ($currLine, $fName, $param) = @_; HandleBreak(lc $fName); $param =~ s/^\(|\)$//g; if (exists $funcs{$fName}) { my $expr = $funcs{$fName}{expr}; $expr =~ s/\b$funcs{$fName}{param}\b/$param/g; my $result = Evaluate($currLine, $expr); return $result; } elsif ($fName eq 'ABS') { return abs Evaluate($currLine, $param); } elsif ($fName eq 'INT') { return int Evaluate($currLine, $param); } elsif ($fName eq 'LEFT$') { my ($str, $len) = map {Evaluate($currLine, $_)} FindParams($pa +ram); $str =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; return '"' . substr($str, 0, $len) . '"'; } elsif ($fName eq 'LEN') { # Remove for the embedded quotes for a string retuned by Evalu +ate return length(Evaluate($currLine, $param)) - 2; } elsif ($fName eq 'MID$') { my ($str, $start, $len) = map {Evaluate($currLine, $_)} FindParams($param); $str =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; return '"' . substr($str, $start - 1, $len) . '"'; } elsif ($fName eq 'RIGHT$') { my ($str, $len) = map {Evaluate($currLine, $_)} FindParams($pa +ram); $str =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/; return '"' . substr($str, -$len) . '"'; } elsif ($fName eq 'RND') { state $last = 0; my $paramValue = Evaluate($currLine, $param); return $last = rand if $paramValue > 0; return $last if $paramValue == 0; return srand $paramValue; } elsif ($fName eq 'SQU') { return sqrt(Evaluate($currLine, $param)); } elsif ($fName eq 'SQR') { my $value = Evaluate($currLine, $param); return $value * $value; } elsif ($fName eq 'STR$') { return sprintf qq{"%d"}, Evaluate($currLine, $param); } elsif ($fName eq 'TAB') { my $col = Evaluate($currLine, $param); $col = $outCursor if $col < $outCursor; return '"' . (' ' x ($col - $outCursor)) . '"'; } else { $DB::single = 1; croak "Can't handle '$fName' @ $currLine"; } } sub FindParams { my ($tail) = @_; my @paren_contents; $tail =~ s{($parenRegex)}{push(@paren_contents, $1);"[p$#paren_contents +]"}eg; my @parts = split /,/, $tail; # restore parens s{\[p(\d+)\]}{($paren_contents[$1])}eg for @parts; return @parts; } sub GetNextFullLine { my ($currLine) = @_; # Find all the parts on the current line my ($lineMatch) = $currLine =~ /^(\d+)/; my @parts = sort grep {/^(\d+)(?:-(\d+))?/ && $1 == $lineMatch} ke +ys %code; return $code{$parts[-1]}{nextLine}; }

The BASIC script for the StarTrek program is given in a reply to this node.

Update: Changed chomp to s/\r?\n// per roboticus's suggestion. Thank's too to cavac for also picking up on the issue.
Commented out srand 1 used to get a consistent game world for debugging.
Update to make parser case agnostic for key words and identifiers.
Fix parameter parsing bug,

Optimising for fewest key strokes only makes sense transmitting to Pluto or beyond

In reply to A BASIC interpreter to run StarTrek by GrandFather

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