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This is a rough draft of a module I intend to submit to CPAN soon, posted here for review and comments from the community.

This is an early step towards using POE and Tk to write a Tor controller for my own use. The controller itself may or may not ever be worth publishing; it is an "excuse to learn POE" project for me, so it will probably be a bit of a mess.

The interface is still in development; this "version 0.001" might not be the same code that is eventually uploaded to CPAN and the interface might change in later versions.


package POE::Filter::Tor::TC1; # -*- CPerl -*- use strict; use warnings; use POE::Filter::Line; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); $VERSION = '0.001'; @ISA = qw(POE::Filter::Line); use constant CRLF => "\015\012"; use constant LINE_BUFFER => POE::Filter::Line::FIRST_UNUSED + 0; use constant LINE_STATE => POE::Filter::Line::FIRST_UNUSED + 1; use constant FIRST_UNUSED => POE::Filter::Line::FIRST_UNUSED + 2; use constant ST_IDLE => 0; # after a final response line is rece +ived use constant ST_CONT => 1; # after a continuation line is receiv +ed use constant ST_DATA => 2; # collecting to terminating "." on it +s own line sub new { my $class = shift; # TC1 is a line-oriented protocol, with "network" CRLF line endings. $class->SUPER::new(Literal => CRLF); } # sub get_one_start inherited from POE::Filter::Line sub get_pending { my $self = shift; my @data = (); @data = map {$_.CRLF} @{$self->[LINE_BUFFER]} if $self->[LINE_BUFFER +]; my $loose = $self->SUPER::get_pending; push @data, @$loose if $loose; return \@data if @data; return undef; } sub get_one { my $self = shift; my $lines = $self->[LINE_BUFFER] || []; my $state = $self->[LINE_STATE] || ST_IDLE; my $line = $self->SUPER::get_one; # get one line # first pass to accumulate a complete response in the buffer while (@$line) { for (@$line) { # (alias $_ to the element in @$line) if ($state == ST_IDLE || $state == ST_CONT) { # starting or continuing a reply message unless (m/^[[:digit:]]{3}([- +])/) { die "invalid response received: $_" } # $1 -- response continuation flag if ($1 eq '-') # further lines follow in same reply { $state = ST_CONT } elsif ($1 eq '+') # begin multiline data block { $state = ST_DATA } else # $1 eq ' ' # last line in reply { $state = ST_IDLE } } elsif ($state == ST_DATA) { # collecting data $state = ST_CONT if m/^[.]$/; } else { die "invalid internal state $state" } push @$lines, $_; } } continue { $line = ($state == ST_IDLE) ? [] : $self->SUPER::get_on +e } if ($state == ST_IDLE && @$lines) { # the buffer contains a complete + response # reset object buffers $self->[LINE_BUFFER] = []; $self->[LINE_STATE] = ST_IDLE; # check, collect and return data return [_parse_reply(_check_reply($lines))]; } $self->[LINE_BUFFER] = $lines; $self->[LINE_STATE] = $state; return []; # waiting for more data to arrive } # helper for sub get_one sub _check_reply { my $lines = shift; # check buffered response $lines->[0] =~ m/^([[:digit:]]{3})/ or die "invalid first line: ".$lines->[0]; my $first_code = $1; my $async_message = (6 eq substr $1,0,1); my $mixed_async = 0; my $all_codes_match = 1; my $state = ST_CONT; foreach (@$lines) { if ($state == ST_CONT) { m/^([[:digit:]]{3})([- +])/; # will always match # state tracking if ($2 eq '-') { $state = ST_CONT } elsif ($2 eq '+') { $state = ST_DATA } else { $state = ST_IDLE } # message validation $all_codes_match = 0 unless $first_code eq $1; if ($async_message) { $mixed_async = 1 unless m/^6/ } else { $mixed_async = 1 if m/^6/ } } elsif ($state == ST_DATA) { if (m/^[.]$/) { $state = ST_CONT } } else { # idle state reached but more data follows die "returned to idle state with more lines pending\n". "at \"$_\" in\n". join("\n", @$lines); } } unless ($state == ST_IDLE) { die "incomplete response processed:\n".join("\n", @$lines) } if ($mixed_async) # explicitly disallowed in protocol spec { die "async/sync responses conflated:\n".join("\n", @$lines) } return ($lines, $all_codes_match) } # helper for sub get_one sub _parse_reply { my $lines = shift; my $all_codes_match = shift; if ($all_codes_match) { # decode general response # # In general responses, the first line is always parsed as a seri +es of # positional fields followed by an optional series of keyword fie +lds. # Subsequent lines can additionally be parsed as bi-level keyword # fields, if they begin with a single space-delmited token, follo +wed # by keyword fields. This bi-level syntax is used by PROTOCOLINF +O. # my @result = (substr $lines->[0],0,3); my %attrs = (); my $target = undef; my $state = ST_IDLE; my $is_error = ($result[0] =~ m/^[45]/); foreach (@$lines) { if ($state == ST_CONT || $state == ST_IDLE) { substr $_,0,3,''; # remove status code my $flag = substr $_,0,1,''; # extract continuation flag if ($is_error) { push @result, $_; # copy message for errors } elsif ($flag ne '+' && m/^([^"=\s]+)=(.+)$/) { # lines beginning with a keyword carry one field to end-of-line $attrs{$1} = $2; } elsif ($state == ST_CONT && m/^([^"=\s]+)(?=\s[^"=\s]+=)/g) { # lines beginning with a space-delmited keyword carry bi-level f +ields my $tag = $1; $attrs{$tag}{$1} = $2 while m/\G\s*([^"=\s]+)=([^"\s]+|"(?:[^"\\]+|\\"?)+")/g; } else { # other lines may contain keyword fields after positional fields push @result, m/\G\s*([^"=\s]+|"(?:[^"\\]+|\\"?)+")(?=\s|$)/gc; $attrs{$1} = $2 while m/\G\s*([^"=\s]+)=([^"\s]+|"(?:[^"\\]+|\\"?)+")/g; } if ($flag eq '+') { $state = ST_DATA; if (m/\G\s*([^"=\s]+)=$/) { $attrs{$1} = ''; $target = \$attrs{$1} } else { push @result, ''; $target = \$result[-1] } } $state = ST_CONT if $state == ST_IDLE; } else { # ($state == ST_DATA) # collect data line if (m/^[.]$/) { $state = ST_CONT; $target = undef; next } $$target .= $_."\n"; } } # process backslash escapes in double-quoted values s/^"(.*)"$/$1/ && s/\G([^\\]*)\\(.)/$1$2/g for @result, values %attrs; foreach (grep ref, values %attrs) { s/^"(.*)"$/$1/ && s/\G([^\\]*)\\(.)/$1$2/g for %$_ } push @result, \%attrs if scalar keys %attrs; return \@result } else { # return special result structure indicating varying response code +s my @result = (undef); my $state = ST_CONT; my $target = undef; foreach (@$lines) { if ($state == ST_CONT) { my @row = (substr $_,0,3,''); # extract status code my $flag = substr $_,0,1,''; # extract continuation flag push @row, $_; # omit line-splitting in this mode if ($flag eq '+') { $state = ST_DATA; $target = \$row[-1]; } push @result, \@row; } else { # ($state == ST_DATA) # collect data line if (m/^[.]$/) { $state = ST_CONT; $target = undef; next } $$target .= $_."\n"; } } return \@result; } } # sub put inherited from POE::Filter::Line for now 1; __END__ =head1 NAME POE::Filter::Tor::TC1 - Tor Control Protocol 1 filter for POE =head1 SYNOPSIS use Data::Dumper; use POE qw(Filter::Tor::TC1 Component::Client::TCP); POE::Component::Client::TCP->new( RemoteAddress => 'localhost', RemotePort => 9051, Filter => 'POE::Filter::Tor::TC1', Connected => sub { $_[HEAP]{server}->put("protocolinfo") }, ServerInput => sub { my $input = $_[ARG0]; print Data::Dumper->Dump([$input],[qw(ProtocolInfo)]); $_[HEAP]{server}->put("quit"); $_[KERNEL]->yield("shutdown"); }, ); POE::Kernel->run(); =head1 DESCRIPTION POE::Filter::Tor::TC1 is a L<POE::Filter> for sending commands to and parsing replies from a Tor node on its control interface. =head1 METHODS POE::Filter::Tor::TC1 implements the interface defined in L<POE::Filter/PUBLIC INTERFACE>. =head1 AUTHOR Jacob Bachmeyer, E<lt>jcb@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 SEE ALSO L<POE::Filter> L<> L<> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2021 by Jacob Bachmeyer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut

I note with some amusement that the test file is longer than the module itself. :-)


# Unit tests for POE::Filter::Tor::TC1 module # -*- CPerl - +*- use strict; use warnings; use if $ENV{AUTOMATED_TESTING}, Carp => 'verbose'; use Storable qw(dclone); use Test::More tests => 2 # loading tests + 9 # reply validation helper tests + 18*2# reply parser helper tests (later repeated with full filter) + 1 # bogus input test + 8 # pending buffer tests + 2; # exception test with invalid state BEGIN { use_ok('POE::Filter::Tor::TC1') or BAIL_OUT("POE::Filter::Tor::TC1 failed to load") } BEGIN { my $fail = 0; eval q{use POE::Filter::Tor::TC1 9999.999; $fail = 1}; ok($fail == 0 && $@ =~ m/POE::Filter::Tor::TC1.* version 9999.*required--this is + only/, 'POE::Filter::Tor::TC1 version check') } # ---------------------------------------- BEGIN { *_check_reply = \&POE::Filter::Tor::TC1::_check_reply } sub test_check_reply { my @result = _check_reply(shift); my $expected_flags = shift; shift @result; # discard input array reference is_deeply(\@result, $expected_flags, shift) or explain \@result } test_check_reply ['250 OK'], [1], 'validate simple response'; test_check_reply ['250+data follows:', 'blob blob blob', '.', '250 OK'], [1], 'validate simple data block response'; test_check_reply ['250-line 1', '250-line 2', '250 line 3'], [1], 'validate multi-line response with common status code'; test_check_reply ['250-item 1 ok', '550-item 2 not ok', '250-item 3 ok', '550 item 4 not ok'], [0], 'validate multi-line response with mixed status codes'; subtest 'reject response without initial status code' => sub { plan tests => 2; my $fail = 0; eval {test_check_reply ['bogus bogus bogus', '.', '250 OK'], [], ''; $fail = 1}; ok(!$fail, 'validating bogus record throws exception'); like($@, qr/invalid first line:/, 'validating record without initial status throws expected excep +tion'); }; subtest 'reject incomplete response' => sub { plan tests => 2; my $fail = 0; eval {test_check_reply ['250-BEGIN', '250-MORE'], [], ''; $fail = 1}; ok(!$fail, 'validating bogus record throws exception'); like($@, qr/incomplete response/, 'validating record with incomplete response throws expected exc +eption'); }; subtest 'reject multiple responses in same call' => sub { plan tests => 2; my $fail = 0; eval {test_check_reply ['250-OK', '250 OK', '250-OK', '250 OK'], [], ''; $fail = 1}; ok(!$fail, 'validating bogus record throws exception'); like($@, qr/returned to idle state/, 'validating record with multiple responses throws expected exce +ption'); }; subtest 'reject mixed async/sync response' => sub { plan tests => 2; my $fail = 0; eval {test_check_reply ['650-OK', '250-OK', '650-OK', '250 OK'], [], ''; $fail = 1}; ok(!$fail, 'validating bogus record throws exception'); like($@, qr/async\/sync responses conflated:/, 'validating record with async/sync mix throws expected exceptio +n'); }; subtest 'reject mixed sync/async response' => sub { plan tests => 2; my $fail = 0; eval {test_check_reply ['250-OK', '650-OK', '250-OK', '650 OK'], [], ''; $fail = 1}; ok(!$fail, 'validating bogus record throws exception'); like($@, qr/async\/sync responses conflated:/, 'validating record with sync/async mix throws expected exceptio +n'); }; # ---------------------------------------- BEGIN { *_parse_reply = \&POE::Filter::Tor::TC1::_parse_reply } # some sample responses taken from the Tor control protocol spec my @REPLY_PARSE_TESTS = ([['250 OK'] => [250, 'OK'], 'simple response'], [['451 Resource exhausted'] => [451, 'Resource exhausted'], 'simple error response'], [['650 CIRC 1000 EXTENDED moria1,moria2'] => [650, CIRC => 1000, EXTENDED => 'moria1,moria2'], 'sample circuit extension event'], [['650-CIRC 1000 EXTENDED moria1,moria2 0xBEEF', '650-EXTRAMAGIC=99', '650 ANONYMITY=high'] => [650, CIRC => 1000, EXTENDED => 'moria1,moria2', '0xBEEF', {EXTRAMAGIC => 99, ANONYMITY => 'high'}], 'sample extended circuit extension event'], [['650 ADDRMAP "2021-02-11 20:34:04"' .' EXPIRES="2021-02-12 02:34:04" CACHED="NO"'] => [650, ADDRMAP => '', '', '2021-02-11 20:34:0 +4', {EXPIRES => '2021-02-12 02:34:04', CACHED => 'NO'}], 'sample ADDRMAP event with quoted strings'], [['650 ADDRMAP "2021-02\\\\-11\\" \\"20\\\\:34 +:04"' .' EXPIRES="2021\\\\-02-\\"12 02\\":34\\\\\\:04" CACHED="NO"'] => [650, ADDRMAP => '', '', '2021-02\\-11" "20\ +\:34:04', {EXPIRES => '2021\\-02-"12 02":34\\:04', CACHED => 'NO'}], 'sample ADDRMAP event with quoted strings and escape handling'], [['250 SafeLogging=0'] => [250, {SafeLogging => 0}], 'sample GETCONF response (one item)'], [['250 SocksPort'] => [250, 'SocksPort'], 'sample GETCONF response (one item; default)'], [['250-Log=notice stdout', '250 SafeLogging=0'] => [250, {Log => 'notice stdout', SafeLogging => 0}], 'sample GETCONF response (two items)'], [['250-Log=notice stdout', '250-SocksPort', '250-NATDPort', '250 SafeLogging=0'] => [250, 'SocksPort', 'NATDPort', {Log => 'notice stdout', SafeLogging => 0}], 'sample GETCONF response (four items; two default)'], [['250-OldAddress1=NewAddress1', '250 OldAddress2=NewAddress2'] => [250, {OldAddress1 => 'NewAddress1', OldAddress2 => 'NewAddress +2'}], 'sample MAPADDRESS response with common reply code'], [['512-syntax error: invalid address \'@@@\'', '250'] => [undef, [512, 'syntax error: invalid address \'@@@\''], [250, '']], 'sample MAPADDRESS response with varying reply code'], [['250-PROTOCOLINFO 1', '250-AUTH METHODS=NULL', '250-VERSION Tor=""', '250 OK'], => [250, PROTOCOLINFO => 1, 'OK', {AUTH => { METHODS => 'NULL' }, VERSION => { Tor => ''}}], 'sample PROTOCOLINFO response'], [['250-PROTOCOLINFO 1', '250-AUTH METHODS=NULL', '250-VERSION Tor="0.\\\\2\\".0\\\\\\\\.\\"5-alpha\\\\"', '250 OK'], => [250, PROTOCOLINFO => 1, 'OK', {AUTH => { METHODS => 'NULL' }, VERSION => { Tor => '0.\\2".0\\\\."5-alpha\\'}}], 'sample PROTOCOLINFO response with escape handling'], [['250-ServiceID=testboguskeydata', '250-PrivateKey=RSA1024:base64/key/data/bits=', '250 OK'] => [250, 'OK', {ServiceID => 'testboguskeydata', PrivateKey => 'RSA1024:base64/key/data/bits='}], 'sample ADD_ONION response'], [['650+NS', 'blob blob blob', 'blob of blob', 'blob blob blob', '.', '650 OK'] => [650, 'NS', <<__BLOB__, 'OK'], blob blob blob blob of blob blob blob blob __BLOB__ 'async blob response'], [['250+desc/name/moria=', 'moria descriptor line 1', 'moria descriptor line 2', '.', '250-version=Tor', '250 OK'], => [250, 'OK', {version => 'Tor', 'desc/name/moria' => <<__BLOB__}], moria descriptor line 1 moria descriptor line 2 __BLOB__ 'sample GETINFO response with blob'], [['512-invalid name \'@@@\'', '250+desc/name/moria=', 'moria descriptor line 1', 'moria descriptor line 2', '.', '250-info/item/1=info item 1', '250 OK'] => [undef, [512, 'invalid name \'@@@\''], [250, 'desc/name/moria='.<<__BLOB__], moria descriptor line 1 moria descriptor line 2 __BLOB__ [250, 'info/item/1=info item 1'], [250, 'OK']], 'sample mixed status code response with blob'], ); foreach my $test (@REPLY_PARSE_TESTS) { my $parsed = _parse_reply(_check_reply(dclone($test->[0]))); is_deeply($parsed, $test->[1], $test->[2]) or diag explain $parsed; } # ---------------------------------------- subtest 'bogus input' => sub { plan tests => 3; my $fail = 0; my $filter = POE::Filter::Tor::TC1->new; $filter->get_one_start(["bogus bogus", " bogus\015\012", "250 OK\015\012"]); my $result; eval {$result = $filter->get_one; $fail = 1}; ok(!defined $result, 'no result from reading bogus record') or diag explain $result; ok(!$fail, 'reading bogus record throws exception'); like($@, qr/invalid response received:/, 'reading bogus record at idle throws expected exception'); }; # ---------------------------------------- { my $filter = POE::Filter::Tor::TC1->new; my $result = $filter->get_pending; is($result, undef, 'buffer is initially empty') or diag explain $result; $filter->get_one_start(["250 OK\015\012"]); $result = $filter->get_one; is_deeply($result, [[250, 'OK']], 'simple response through filter') or diag explain $result; $filter->get_one_start(["250-line 1\015\012"]); $result = $filter->get_one; is_deeply($result, [], 'empty result with partial response buffered (1)') or diag explain $result; $result = $filter->get_pending; is_deeply($result, ["250-line 1\015\012"], 'buffer contains initial line') or diag explain $result; $filter->get_one_start(["250"]); $result = $filter->get_one; is_deeply($result, [], 'empty result with partial response buffered (2)') or diag explain $result; $result = $filter->get_pending; is_deeply($result, ["250-line 1\015\012", "250"], 'buffer contains partial response') or diag explain $result; $filter->get_one_start([" OK\015\012"]); $result = $filter->get_one; is_deeply($result, [[250, 'line', '1', 'OK']], 'sample response parsed when complete') or diag explain $result; $result = $filter->get_pending; is($result, undef, 'buffer empty after reading complete response' +) or diag explain $result; } # ---------------------------------------- { my $filter = POE::Filter::Tor::TC1->new; foreach my $test (@REPLY_PARSE_TESTS) { my $parsed = $filter->get([map {$_."\015\012"} @{$test->[0]}]); is_deeply($parsed, [$test->[1]], 'filtered '.$test->[2]) or diag explain $parsed; } # intentionally corrupt the filter state to test last edge case $filter->[POE::Filter::Tor::TC1::LINE_STATE] = 42; my $fail = 0; my $result; eval {$result = $filter->get(["bogus bogus bogus\015\012 +"]); $fail = 1}; ok(!$fail, 'exception thrown due to invalid state'); like($@, qr/invalid internal state 42/, 'expected exception thrown due to invalid state'); }

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