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Re: More Fun with Zero!

by hsmyers (Canon)
on Jul 24, 2001 at 18:12 UTC ( [id://99336]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to More Fun with Zero!

Speaking only from the confines of my own narrow little mind, I really really don't like over loading undefined. It is far more useful at least for me, to deal with things like +/- infinity, NAN and other similar such. One of the first things I did when first using a math chip (AMD 9511 or AMD 9512) was to write the C to ASSM interface to handle errors and exceptions in general-- typically preserve and return the status word. More to the point, since there are a lot of ways to mess the math, I'd rather have more information than less! just my 0.02$ worth hsm

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