Freezer has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi. Help seems to be required. I am having problems passing variables from one subroutine to another. Are there any obvious problems with the code?
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use DBD::mysql; my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:e:XXX.XXX.XXX.XX', 'x.xxxxxxx', 'xxx +xxx') or die "Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr; sub retrieve_ESLIM_codes { my $Multiple_lines = "Lines_string.txt"; my $lines_one_col = "List_of_lines_relating_to_particular_gene_kno +ckouts.txt"; my $sql_A = "SELECT DISTINCT parameter_id FROM e.measurement WHERE + parameter_id LIKE 'M%' OR parameter_id LIKE 'G%' OR parameter_id LIK +E 'E%' AND parameter_id NOT LIKE '%_________8__' ORDER BY parameter_i +d;"; my $Output_A = "List_parameters_common_to_centers.txt"; open (OUTFILE_A, ">>$Output_A") || die "Error opening outfile.$!,s +topped"; my $sth_A = $dbh->prepare($sql_A) or die "Cannot prepare: " . $dbh +->errstr(); $sth_A->execute() or die "$sth_A->errstr\n"; my @row_A; my @parameters_A; my @record_A; while(@row_A = $sth_A->fetchrow_array()) { @record_A = @row_A; push(@parameters_A, @record_A); print OUTFILE_A "@record_A\n"; } $sth_A->finish(); my @sorted_parameters_A = sort { $a cmp $b } @parameters_A ; return (@sorted_parameters_A); } sub look_through_file ($$) { my ($start_point, $continue_tag) = @_; my $entry_no_new = $start_point; # entry number new my @array_of_lines; my $Line_input = "List_of_lines_relating_to_particular_gene_knocko +uts.txt"; open (LINE_INPUT, "<$Line_input") || die "Error opening outfile.$! +,stopped"; print "I am here A\n"; LINE: while (<LINE_INPUT>){ print "I am here B\n"; chomp; my $entry_no_old = $entry_no_new; if ($_ =~ /^(\d{1,3})\t(\d{3,5})/){ next LINE if $1 < $start_point; print "I am here C\n"; $entry_no_new = $1; print "Entry no new: ".$entry_no_new."\n"; my $line = $2; push (@array_of_lines, $entry_no_new); last LINE if ($entry_no_new > $entry_no_old); } else { $continue_tag = "FALSE"; } } print @array_of_lines; print "\n"; close (LINE_INPUT); return (@array_of_lines, $start_point, $entry_no_new, $continue_ta +g); } sub create_output (\@$) { my (@array_of_lines, $entry_no_new) = @_; print "\n\n$entry_no_new"; mkdir "Output"; my $Line_set_Output_A = 'Output/Line_set_Output_A_'.$entry_no_new. +'.txt'; open (LINE_SET_OUTPUT_A, ">>$Line_set_Output_A") || die "Error ope +ning outfile.$!,stopped"; my $sql_command_A = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE Temp_Table ( Key_m INT + NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Value INT NOT NULL)"; my @insert_statements; print LINE_SET_OUTPUT_A @array_of_lines; print LINE_SET_OUTPUT_A "\n"; foreach (@array_of_lines){ my $element_line = $_; my $sql_command_B = 'INSERT INTO Temp_table (Line) VALUES ('.$elem +ent_line.');'; # uninitialized value $element_line ???????? print LINE_SET_OUTPUT_A "$sql_command_B\n"; } my $sql_command_C = "DROP TABLE Temp_table\n"; my $sql_command_D = "SELECT * from eur.annotation WHERE Line IN (S +ELECT Line FROM #Temporary_table) AND entity_name LIKE '_%' ORDER BY +evidence_code;"; print LINE_SET_OUTPUT_A "$sql_command_D\n"; my $dbh; my $sth_A = $dbh->prepare($sql_command_D) or die "Cannot prepare: +" . $dbh->errstr(); $sth_A->execute() or die "$sth_A->errstr\n"; while(my @row_A = $sth_A->fetchrow_array()) { print LINE_SET_OUTPUT_A @row_A; print LINE_SET_OUTPUT_A "\n"; my @record_A = @row_A; push(my @fields_A, @record_A); } $sth_A->finish(); } retrieve_ESLIM_codes(); my $starting_point = 0; my $continue_tag = "TRUE"; my @array_of_lines; my $entry_no_new; while ($continue_tag eq "TRUE"){ look_through_file ($starting_point, $continue_tag); create_output (@array_of_lines, $entry_no_new); }