Freezer has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

This post takes code that was given to me from a previous post.

Within a loop the following is run:
my $timer_go:shared = 0; my $worker = threads->create(\&worker, $call); my $timer = threads->create(\&timer,$worker); $timer_go=1; $timer->join(); $worker->join();
The subroutines used are:
sub timer { my $worker = shift; my $timer_go; while(1){ if($timer_go){ my $count = 0; while(1){ $count++; if($count > 20){ print "timed out\nHit enter to finish\n"; # Send a signal to a thread $worker->kill('INT'); return; } sleep 1; print "timing $count\n"; } }else{sleep 1} } } sub worker { my $call = shift; $|++; $SIG{INT} = sub{ warn "Caught Zap!\n"; sleep 1; exit; }; # do your timed program here. #print "I am here \n\n"; print $call; #exit; system ($call); # This is where my system call is my $worker_pid = open( READ, "top -d 1 -b |" ); print "\t$worker_pid\n"; while(<READ>){ } return; }
For some reason unkown to me the system call works within the subroutine only once. Are all the processes killed and not just the one? I want to do the equivalent of me entering control-C in my Linux command line prompt. Presumably that is not happening with my Perl script.