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Determine canvas object under click (Tk)

by perldough (Sexton)
on Aug 14, 2012 at 14:09 UTC ( [id://987363]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

perldough has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I want to be able to click anywhere in a Canvas and have the callback subroutine know the ID of the Canvas object (i.e., polygon, text, line) that was immediately under that click. I am currently binding to all canvas objects using the line below.

$canvas->bind('all', '<ButtonPress-3>', [\&callback, $Tk, "menu", Ev(' +x'), Ev('y')]);

Desperately, I tried using Ev('W'), but that returned a reference to the canvas, as I expected. :(

As usual, your wisdom is much appreciated.


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Re: Determine canvas object under click (Tk)
by thundergnat (Deacon) on Aug 14, 2012 at 15:34 UTC

    I can think of a few possible ways to do that... though they all require a few contortions. Easiest is probably to use addtag. The canvas addtag method has a few nice search options; (nearest, overlapping. enclosed) that should be useful. Add a tag 'current' (or whatever) to the item, use that tag to process it, then delete the 'current' tag.

    Like so:

    #!/usr/bin/perl use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new; my $c = $mw->Canvas( qw/-width 20c -height 15c -relief sunken -borderwidth 2/ ); $c->pack(qw/-expand yes -fill both/); $c->createPolygon( qw/5c 4c 5c 7c 5c 1c 6c 1c 7c 4c 8c 1c 9c 1c 9c 4c 5c 4c -smooth on -tags item1/, -fill => 'red' ); $c->createRectangle( qw/1c 9.5c 4c 12.5c/, -outline => 'red', qw/-width 3m -tags item2/ ); $c->createLine( qw/1c 1c 3c 1c 1c 4c 3c 4c -width 2m/, -fill => 'blue', qw/-cap butt -join miter -tags item3/ ); $c->createLine( qw/1c 7c 1.75c 5.8c 2.5c 7c 3.25c 5.8c 4c 7c -width .5c -cap round -join round -tags item4/ ); $c->createLine( qw/1c 4c 1.5c 1c 3.5c 1c 4c 4c -smooth on/, -fill => $blue, qw/-tags item5/ ); $c->createLine( qw/11.5c 1c 15.5c 1.5c 11.5c 4.5c 15.5c 4c -smooth on -arrow both -width 3 -tags item6/ ); $c->createPolygon( qw/8c 8.0c 9.5c 8.75c 11c 8.0c 10.25c 9.5c 11c 11.0c 9.5c 10.25c 8c 11.0c 8.75c 9.5c -tags item7/, -fill => 'green' ); $c->createOval( qw/5.5c 8.5c 4.5c 6.5c/, -fill => 'green', qw/-tags item8/ ); $c->CanvasBind( '<1>' => sub { my ($c) = @_; print get_current( $c, $Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y ), "\n"; } ); MainLoop; sub get_current { my ( $c, $x, $y ) = @_; $c->addtag( qw/current closest/, $x, $y ); my @tags = grep {$_ ne 'current'} $c->gettags(qw/current/); $c->dtag(qw/current current/); return @tags; }
Re: Determine canvas object under click (Tk)
by zentara (Archbishop) on Aug 14, 2012 at 16:40 UTC
    Tags are the most beautiful aspect of the Canvas. This should show you how it's done. :-)
    #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; my $top = new MainWindow; my $c=$top->Canvas->pack; my $circle = $c->createOval(30,30,100,100, -fill => 'blue', -tags =>['circle'], -stipple => 'gray12', ); my $rect1 = $c->createRectangle(10,10,44,44, -fill => 'green', -stipple => 'gray12', -tags =>['rect1'], ); my $rect2 = $c->createRectangle(93,93,200,200, -fill => 'yellow', -tags =>['rect2'], -stipple => 'gray12', ); my $poly1 = $c->createPolygon(0,0, 44,44, 55,55, 90,90, 200,200, 10,10 +0,0,0, -fill => 'red', -smooth => 1, -splinesteps => 100, -stipple => 'gray12', -tags =>['poly1'], ); $c->Tk::bind("<Motion>", [ \&print_xy, Ev('x'), Ev('y') ]); $c->CanvasBind('<B1-ButtonRelease>', [ \&add_something, Ev('x'), Ev('y +') ]); &print_xy($c, 42,42); MainLoop; sub print_xy { my ($canv, $x, $y) = @_; print "(x,y) = ", $canv->canvasx($x), ", ", $canv->canvasy($y), "\n"; #my $x1 = $x+1; #my $y1 = $y+1; #it will actually use a zero size rectangle my (@current) = $canv->find('overlapping', $x, $y, $x, $y); foreach my $id(@current){ print $canv->gettags($id),' '; } print "\n"; } sub add_something { my ($canv, $x, $y) = @_; print "(x,y) = ", $canv->canvasx($x), ", ", $canv->canvasy($y), "\n"; my $current = $canv->find(qw/withtag current/); $canv->addtag('aTimeTag'.time, 'withtag', $current); print join ' ', $canv->gettags($current); print "\n"; }

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      This worked for me!

      All of my canvas objects have an inherant unique ID because they are the physical representation of a whole bunch of stuff in a database. As a result, they all have a tag that contains their ID prefixed with "C_" (e.g., "C_38472").

      As a result, the code below does it all for me. I can see what is directly under the cursor when this code runs.

      my $mainitemid my @CurTags = canvas->gettags('current'); for my $tag (@CurTags) { my $itag = ($tag =~ "C_"); print "$tag, $itag\n"; if ($tag =~ "C_") { $mainitemid = substr($tag, 2); } }

      By reassembling C_$ID I can get a tag that I can use to act upon that object.

      Thanks for your help,

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