@rem = '--*-Perl-*-- @echo off perl "%~dpnx0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 goto endofperl @rem '; #!perl #line 8 use strict; use warnings; use Win32::Clipboard; my $CLIP = Win32::Clipboard(); my $userpath = $ENV{"HOMEDRIVE"}.$ENV{"HOMEPATH"}; mkdir "$userpath\\sqlcmd"; my @date = localtime(); my $date = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$date[5]+1900,$date[4]+1,$date[3]); my $time = sprintf("%02d-%02d-%02d",$date[2],$date[1],$date[0]); my $ts = "${date}_${time}"; my $input = shift; open IN, "<$input" or die "Can't open input $input\n"; my $output = "sqlout_${input}_$ts.txt"; my $outerr = "plinkerr_${input}_$ts.txt"; my $output1 = "psqlout.txt"; my $shell = "$userpath\\sqlcmd\\shell_$ts.txt"; open SQL, ">$shell" or die "Can't open output $shell\n"; binmode(SQL); my $sh = "$userpath\\sqlcmd\\sh_$ts.txt"; open SH, ">$sh" or die "Can't open output $sh\n"; my @cmd = (); print SQL ". `cat /.dshome`/dsenv\n"; # Special vars my %svar = (); $svar{"ts"}=$ts; $svar{"output"}=$output; # Shell vars my %shellvar = (); my $sqlline = ""; my $server; my $user; my $passwd; my $dbconn; my $dbuser; my $dbpasswd; my $commit = "-c"; my $fail = 0; my $echo = 1; while () { next if /^#/; s/\s+$//; if ($. == 1) { my $ufile; if (/^\@(.+)/) { $ufile = $1; } else { $ufile = "user.txt"; } print "Using $ufile\n"; open USR, "<$userpath/$ufile" or die "Can't open user file $userpath/$ufile"; my $server = ; my $user = ; my $passwd = ; my $dbconn = ; my $dbuser = ; my $dbpasswd = ; my $shpath = ; $server =~ s/\s+.*//; $user =~ s/\s+.*//; $passwd =~ s/\s+.*//; $dbconn =~ s/\s+.*//; $dbuser =~ s/\s+.*//; $dbpasswd =~ s/\s+.*//; $shpath =~ s/\s+.*// if $shpath; $svar{"server"}=$server; $svar{"user"}=$user; $svar{"passwd"}=$passwd; $svar{"shpath"}=$shpath if $shpath; print "Unix box = $server\n"; print "Unix user = $user\n"; print "DB conn = $dbconn\n"; print "DB user = $dbuser\n"; print "Shell path = $shpath\n" if $shpath; if ($shpath) { print SH "chmod 700 $shpath/shell_$ts.sh\n"; print SH "$shpath/shell_$ts.sh\n"; print SH "rm $shpath/shell_$ts.sh\n"; push @cmd, "pscp -pw \"${passwd}\" \"${shell}\" ${user}\@${server}:${shpath}/shell_$ts.sh\n"; push @cmd, "plink -batch -pw \"${passwd}\" ${user}\@${server} -m \"${sh}\" >> \"${output}\" 2>${outerr}\n"; } else { push @cmd, "plink -batch -pw \"${passwd}\" ${user}\@${server} -m \"${shell}\" >> \"${output}\" 2>${outerr}\n"; } print SQL "db2 connect to $dbconn USER $dbuser USING $dbpasswd\n"; } next if /^\@/; # Interpolate special vars into all commands foreach my $key (keys %svar) { s/\$\{$key\}/${svar{$key}}/g; } s/ +$//; # s/[^\x20-\x7f£]//; # remove any non-ASCII characters if (/^\*/) { # If it begins with a *... s/^\*//; # trim off the * print SQL "$_\n"; # ...and add it to the shell script if (/^(\w+)=(.+)/) { # If it's a shell variable... $shellvar{$1}=$2; # ...add it to a hash } next; } elsif (/^!/) { s/^!//; # Interpolate Unix shell vars into Command Prompt commands while (/\$\{(\w+)\}/ and defined $shellvar{$1}) { my $sv = $1; s/\$\{$sv\}/${shellvar{$sv}}/g; } s/\$\{output\}/${output}/g; if (/>/) { push @cmd, "$_\n"; } else { push @cmd, "$_ >> ${output}\n"; } next; } elsif (/^%/) { if (/%COMMIT ON/i) { $commit = "-c"; } elsif (/%COMMIT OFF/i) { $commit = "+c"; } elsif (/%FAIL ON/i) { $fail = 1; } elsif (/%ECHO ON/i) { $echo = 1; } elsif (/%ECHO OFF/i) { $echo = 0; } next; } $sqlline .= " " . $_; if (substr($sqlline,-1) eq ";") { unless ($sqlline =~ /^\s*--/) { chop $sqlline; $sqlline =~ s/^\s+//; $sqlline =~ s/\s+/ /g; my $rsql = 0; if ($sqlline =~ /^=/) { # Convert the output to record view if prefixed by = $sqlline =~ s/^=//; # trim off the = $rsql = 1; } my $ssql = 0; if ($sqlline =~ /^\+/) { # Store the result in ${result} if prefixed by + $sqlline =~ s/^\+//; # trim off the + $ssql = 1; } my $csql = 0; if ($sqlline =~ /^\,/) { # Store the result comma-separated in ${result} if prefixed by , $sqlline =~ s/^\,//; # trim off the , $ssql = 1; $csql = 1; } if ($rsql) { print SQL "db2 $commit -v \"$sqlline\"|perl -e 'while (\<\>) { if (\$colseps eq \"\" and \/\^\-\/) { \$colseps = \$_; \$colnames = \$prev; my \$col; my \$off = 0; foreach (split \/ \/,\$colseps) { my \$len = length; push \@col_offs, \$off; push \@col_lens, \$len; my \$colname = substr(\$colnames, \$off, \$len); \$colname =\~ s\/ +\$\/\/; \$longname = length(\$colname) if length(\$colname) \> \$longname; \$off += \$len + 1; } print; next; } if (\/\^\$\/) { \$colseps = \"\"; } if (\$colseps ne \"\") { chomp; ++\$rec; print \"Record \$rec\\n\"; for (my \$i=0; \$i\<\@col_offs; ++\$i) { \$val=substr(\$_, \$col_offs[\$i], \$col_lens[\$i]); \$val=substr((\" \"x20).\$val,-20) if length(\$val)\<20 and \$val=~/\^ /; printf \"\%\-\${longname}.\${longname}s = \%s\\n\", substr(\$colnames, \$col_offs[\$i], \$col_lens[\$i]), \$val; } print \"\\n\"; } else { print; } } continue { chomp; \$prev = \$_; }'\n"; } elsif ($ssql) { print SQL "result=`db2 $commit -x \"$sqlline\"`\n"; if ($csql) { print SQL "result=`echo \${result}|sed 's/ /,/g'`\n"; } } else { print SQL "psqlout=`db2 $commit -v \"$sqlline\"`\n"; if ($echo) { print SQL "echo \"\${psqlout}\"\n"; } # if ($fail) { # print SQL "psqlcheck=\${psqlout}\n"; # print SQL "if [ \"`expr match \\\"\${psqlcheck}\\\" '.*\\( selected\\).*'`\" -ne \" selected\"]; then echo ERROR; exit 1; fi\n"; # } } } $sqlline = ""; } } print SQL "db2 connect reset\n"; close SQL; close SH; push @cmd, "cp -m \"${output}\" \"${output1}\"\n"; my $die; foreach (@cmd) { #print "Executing $_\n"; print "Executing $1\n" if /^(\S+)/; $die = 0; last if /^exit$/i; system($_); if (-e ${outerr}) { open ERR, "<${outerr}"; while () { print; if (/^Access denied$/) { $die = 1; } } die if $die; } } unlink $outerr; __END__ :endofperl #### @uatuser.txt set schema da03; *data_src_id=40 SELECT * FROM BATCH_AUDIT WHERE data_src_id = ${data_src_id} order by BATCH_ID with ur; *regions=1,2,3 ,select region_name from regions where region_id in ( ${regions} ); *echo ${result} #### cs-uat-etl02 <= Unix server name username <= put your user name here password <= put your password here ZP_D2TB <= DB2 connection name DSXMUAT <= put the database user name here dbpassword <= put the database password here /data/scratch/phil <= this is where the temporary shell script is written