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Random Sequence generation and Filtering

by bikeNomad (Priest)
on Jul 19, 2001 at 05:43 UTC ( [id://97963]=perlcraft: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

   1: use strict;
   2: # This module provides a random numeric sequence generator and a simple
   3: # smoothing filter for use in simulation. You can specify ranges and periods.
   4: # I use it to simulate the output of
   5: # physical sensors for data acquisition testing.
   6: #
   7: # As HyperZonk said, don't use this for crypto (you know
   8: # better than that, right?)
   9: #
  10: package RandomSequence;
  11: require Exporter;
  12: @RandomSequence::ISA = 'Exporter';
  13: @RandomSequence::EXPORT_OK = qw(randomSequenceGenerator filterGenerator);
  14: %RandomSequence::EXPORT_TAGS = (
  15: 	'ALL' => [ qw(randomSequenceGenerator filterGenerator) ]
  16: );
  18: # Generate a closure that will generate a value that will vary
  19: # randomly per the specifications you give it while staying within
  20: # a given range.
  21: #
  22: # my $sub = randomSequenceGenerator( $min, $max, $maxSamples, $maxSlope, $minSamples );
  23: # my $sample = &$sub; # repeat
  24: #
  25: # $min and $max are the range of the output values.
  26: # $maxSamples is how many samples a continuous run of the same slope will go
  27: # $maxSlope is how much (absolute) the value can change sample to sample
  28: # $minSamples (optional, default=1) is how short the shortest run will be
  29: #
  30: sub randomSequenceGenerator
  31: {
  32:  my ($min, $max, $maxSamples, $maxSlope, $minSamples) = @_;
  33:  $minSamples ||= 1;
  34:  my ($lastOutput, $samplesLeft, $slope) = (($max+$min)/2, 0, 0);
  35:  return sub
  36:  {
  37:   if ($samplesLeft-- <= 0) # re-calculate slope and samplesLeft
  38:   {
  39:    $samplesLeft = int( rand( $maxSamples - $minSamples ) + $minSamples );
  40:    $slope = rand( $maxSlope * 2 ) - $maxSlope;
  41:   }
  42:   $slope = -$slope if ($lastOutput + $slope > $max)
  43:    or ($lastOutput + $slope < $min);
  44:   return $lastOutput += $slope;
  45:  }
  46: }
  48: # generate a simple exponential filter as a closure
  49: # my $sub = filterGenerator( $coefficient, $firstSample );
  50: # my $filtered = &$sub( $value );  # repeat
  51: # $coefficient is how many samples to average over
  52: # $firstSample (optional, default=first sample) is the preset output
  53: sub filterGenerator
  54: {
  55:  my $coefficient = shift; # time period in samples, larger=slower
  56:  my $firstSample = shift;
  57:  my $lastValue = $firstSample;
  58:  return sub
  59:  {
  60:   my $newSample = shift;
  61:   return $lastValue = $newSample if !defined($lastValue);
  62:   $lastValue += $newSample/$coefficient;
  63:   $lastValue *= $coefficient/($coefficient+1);
  64:   return $lastValue;
  65:  }
  66: }
  68: 1;
  69: __END__
  70: # test program:
  71: use RandomSequence ':ALL';
  72: my $sequenceGenerator = randomSequenceGenerator(0, 360.0, 30, 1.0);
  73: my $filter = filterGenerator(8);
  74: for my $i (1..10000)
  75: {
  76:  my $sample = &$sequenceGenerator;
  77:  my $filtered = $filter->($sample);
  78:  print "$sample,$filtered\n";
  79: }

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Random Sequence generation and Filtering
by Anonymous Monk on Jul 19, 2001 at 16:22 UTC
    I'm sorry, but that is not a module ;-)
      Are you a stranger around here, or are you just hiding behind anonymity to make a silly remark?

      Why is this not a module? It's self contained. Nice clean interface. Oh right, it's not object-oriented. Wait a minute, it uses closures... you can spawn different generators in the same program to your heart's desire.

      Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but if you can tell me why this is not a module I'd sure like to learn why.

      update: ok, in light of you subsequent comment it makes more sense, but why couldn't you have said so in the first place, instead of making a useless content-free remark?

      g r i n d e r
        At the time of posting, I didn't see aany of the lines below. Who knows, maybe the author was updating the node at the time. (the remark was genuine)
        10: package RandomSequence; 11: require Exporter; 12: @RandomSequence::ISA = 'Exporter'; 13: @RandomSequence::EXPORT_OK = qw(randomSequenceGenerator filterGe +nerator); 14: %RandomSequence::EXPORT_TAGS = ( 15: 'ALL' => [ qw(randomSequenceGenerator filterGenerator) ] 16: );

        Hmm, what's going on here?
        Random Sequence generation and Filteringby bikeNomad on Jul 19, 2001 at 01:43
        Re: Random Sequence generation and Filteringby Anonymous Monk on Jul 19, 2001 at 12:22

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