Order Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web

Item Description: Introduction into using Perl for CGI scripting

Review Synopsis: A beginner's guide to CGI that shows the Perl basics and does a great job.

I know. I know. Its a Peach Pit Press book, and is regarded by most as fodder. To boot, its barely 200 pages of actual information and even then, its not in paragraph form.

Elizabeth Castro however does a very good job at getting to the point, and fast. The book does a really good job of bringing up to speed the person that doesnt have a strong background in programming but isnt intimidated by getting into very pragmatic examples. I've followed up reading this book with other much thicker and more in depth volumes, but I've found that reading them goes much quicker with the base that I got from Castro's book. So, I don't find myself getting mired in very basic concepts and frustrated over the fact that I still have 300 more pages to read.

In short, Castro's book is for beginners, but for that group, it really is a very, Quick Start.