marcoss has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi, I need to extract certain pieces of information from a website. There's a <p> tag with 5 <span> tags inside it. One of the spans has a class, so no problem, but the other 4 are just <span>info</span>. This is how the code looks in the website. I'm using Firebug.

<p class="itinerari-info"> <span> <b> Itinerario </b> Danimarca, fiordi norvegesi, Germania </span> <span class="DepartureDateTitle"> <b>Data partenza</b> 17&nbsp;giugno&nbsp;2012 </span> <span> <b> Nave </b> Costa Fortuna </span> <span> <b> giorni crociera &nbsp; </b> 7 </span> <span> <b> Porto di partenza </b> Copenhagen </span> </p>

My perl knowledge is limited to the first nine chapters of "Learning Perl" (and that doesn't mean I understand everything, especially sub routines) I don't have any other programming skills.

This is the code I have so far:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use LWP::Simple; use HTML::TreeBuilder; use strict; my $base=''; my $url='/it/lista_crociere/capitali_nord_europa-201206.html'; my $page = get($base.$url) or die $!; my $p = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content( $page ); my @trips= $p->look_down(_tag=>'p',class=>'itinerari-info')->as_text; foreach my $trip (@trips){ print $trip; }

And this is the output:

Itinerario  Danimarca, fiordi norvegesi, Germania  Data partenza 17&#65533;giugno&#65533;2012   Nave  Costa Fortuna giorni crociera &#65533;  7  Porto di partenza  Copenhagen Documenti di viaggio  Passaporto&#65533;o&#65533;Carta d'identit&#65533; valida per l'espatrio Possono essere disponibili le seguenti tariffe

So, this outputs all the information in one string and also with some strange characters, but I can use a regex to fix that. The main issue is that I need every string to be independent from each other (As if I wanted to add a title prior to each information itself). I see that the spans have <b>whatever</b> tags, but I just can't seem to understand how I could use those to do what I want. Like I said, my experience is close to zero. I've been trying different stuff with arrays and hashes and right now I just want to burn the computer. If the Monks could help me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much!